Sundae and Ling were tense for a while because they both encountered powerful opponents, and their match was the first match on the first day, while Long was the second match on the third day.The sundae even asked Sirona to help her with temporary pre-match special training.

The results of the Elf Academy were still as poor as in previous years, and Sundae was the only one who made it to the top [-].So for the honor of the academy, Sundae stopped staring at the dragon.Lan went to catch up with her former colleagues, while the other daughters did not hold on to Long as Sundae and Lan did, and joined the tourist team together, so that Long was able to find time to meet his old lover Xue.

"Long, this is the information I found for you on your opponents in the top sixteen. Although you may not need these things, there is only so much I can help you with."

Xue put a stack of information about Ah Zhen in Long's backyard.

"Xue, thank you for being so busy and preparing these for me."

Long took the information in Xue's hand and was very moved, and hugged Xue gently.

Dragon is already preparing to send Suicune to the field in this match, with the confidence that he will win, the first knockout match must be played with vigor.However, he couldn't refuse Xue's wishes.


Dragon suddenly slapped his head and pulled Xue hurriedly through the dense crowd to a secluded place, took out the Poké Ball and released Suicune.


Xue didn't resist being dragged here by the dragon all the way, seeing Suicune asked curiously, "Dragon, what are you going to do?"

The dragon turned over and rode on Suicune's body, then stretched out his hand and pulled Xue up to sit in front of him, patted Suicune's head lightly. Suicun immediately understood, and leaped forward. The arena was suddenly thrown out of sight behind him.

"Xue, let me take you to a good place."

Long put his hands on Xue's slender waist without a trace of meat, and softly blew into Xue's ear.

Snow's ears felt the heat of the dragon's exhalation, and she blushed all of a sudden, she leaned back against the dragon's chest, so that she could feel the dragon's existence personally. "Ouch" Shui Jun let out an angry roar, lightly tapped his limbs to linger and take small steps, and ran quickly on the river.

A waterfall flew down from the quartz plateau like a horse, and Long hugged Xue tightly and shouted softly, "Hold tight."

Suicune jumped down from the [-]-meter-high waterfall, and Yuki screamed in fright.The crystal on Suicune's forehead shone with crystal light. When he was about to fall to the ground, Suicune opened his mouth and sprayed a powerful water cannon. With the help of strong recoil, he restrained his body and landed gently on the water surface at the bottom of the waterfall.

Under the waterfall is a very beautiful lake, surrounded by dense forests, full of all kinds of fruits, and a beautiful rainbow bridge is built where the waterfall falls.

However, these are not the main points. The important thing is that there is a group of Koda ducks living here. This yellow-colored water-type Pokemon often holds its head with both hands and looks stupid.The sudden visit of the dragons just made them curious, and then they began to play happily again, as if they didn't care about the unexpected visitor at all.

"This--this is?"

Xue looked at the flocks of Kodak ducks that were making cheerful calls from time to time, covering her mouth with her hands in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

"Because Suicune has always been looking for berries for food by himself. You know that there are no trees that grow berries naturally on the Quartz Plateau, so he found this place by accident along the river."

Long looked at Xue and said with a smile on his face, "Just this morning, I rode Suicune to relax and relieve the pressure before the competition, and I discovered that this is the place where wild Kodak ducks live."

Speaking here, Long paused for a moment and winked mischievously at Xue, "I remember that you like Koda Duck very much, right? You have Koda Duck pattern on your panties."

Xue's face blushed all of a sudden, but she was moved after a while.She really felt that she was always remembered by the dragon. Women are emotional animals, so they are the easiest to be moved.When the dragon opened his arms, she jumped over Suicune without hesitation... [-]. .

Chapter 075: Top Eight, Trainers from Yixiu

"Suicune, the last blow, the aurora beam∥'hoo" Suicune let out a roar, and the aurora beam hit the Thunder Spirit who was already standing still.

"Thunder Spirit loses his ability to fight, and Suicune wins, so the winner is the dragon of Zhenxin Town!"

"Oh, it's really shocking."

The game commentator shouted loudly, "The dragon contestant in the knockout round of the top sixteen actually knocked down all six elves of contestant Ah Zhen with only one Suicune. From the preliminaries to the knockout round, the dragon contestant has used his strong strength Adapting to the league's championship, he launched a charge and was unstoppable. Will he win the championship again in the next game with such a strong force? Let us all keep our eyes open and wait and see!"

Shaking hands with Ah Zhen friendly and saying goodbye, Long and the girls who came to cheer were immediately surrounded by a large group of reporters carrying long guns and short cannons as soon as they left the arena.

"Dragon player, I am a reporter from Rainbow City TV Station. You are the only trainer in the top sixteen who has defeated your opponent and advanced to the next level with only one elf. What do you think about this game? Do you think the opponent is too strong? Weakness or your overwhelming strength?"

"Dragon contestant, I'm a reporter from Tokiwa City TV Station. Your Pokemon Suicune shined in this game, and let us appreciate the infinite charm of the legendary Pokemon. As the incarnation of the legendary North Wind, Isui-kun What method did your trainer use to subdue him?"

"Contestant Long, I am a reporter from Kanto TV Station. According to the rules of the knockout round, your opponent in the quarter-finals will be Xiaoxi from Dongbangxiu who was promoted yesterday. I heard that he was the runner-up of the last Yixiu League. Players. Then, as a rookie participating in the league competition for the first time, will he feel more pressure facing such a powerful opponent?"

Then there were reporters who were holding their notebooks and preparing to ask questions. They kept yelling "Dragon player, Dragon player... one", which made Long feel a headache and had to make a quiet gesture.After all the reporters stopped, Long cleared his throat and said loudly, "Okay everyone, I just finished the game, and my Pokemon need to rest."

When the reporters saw what Long said, they thought he was going to go wherever he wanted to do something, and immediately surrounded him and kept yelling, even Sundae and the girls of Sirona were squeezed out by them.Long was almost out of breath and had to raise his arms again to signal, "Everyone be quiet. I really don't have the energy to accept interviews with all of you, but I can answer the first three reporter friends."

Although many reporters were unwilling, Long was finally willing to answer three questions. Without them, the trip would be satisfied. If they continue to refuse, they will be asked to leave by the nearby Miss Junsha, so the camera is ready immediately, and the microphone is aimed. .

"First, I want to say that none of the players who have the strength to get eight badges to participate in this conference are weak, and the players who made it all the way to the knockout round are even more difficult. They are definitely well-deserved elite trainers."

"Second, I think that as an elf trainer, it is important to subdue wild Pokemon through battle, but the important element of using personal charm to subdue them cannot be ignored."

"Third, Dong Yixiu's Xiaoxi player is very strong."

Long paused at this point, and when everyone held their breath, he put on a flirtatious expression and said, "But it's not a problem for me, I am the only one who is invincible in the East of the Sunrise."

But, this guy really dares to say that he really thinks he is Dongfang Invincible?Overthrowing everyone's modest views on his modesty in the first two questions at once, the guy with feelings is playing tricks on them.If it weren't for the consideration that this was a live TV broadcast, all the reporters would have raised their middle fingers in unison.

"This guy, Long, knew that he was not serious, and he was able to behave like this in front of a reporter."

Lan shook her head and was completely at a loss for him.

"How about it?"

Long waved goodbye to the reporter comrades with a mean smile on his face, walked up to the girls and said proudly, "The match just now and my answer just now are very cool."

All the girls rolled their eyes together, this is too bad, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, even Xiaoxue can throw hygienic eyes.But Hua didn't care at all, she was still laughing and joking, her head was thinking of Xue Tian's coquettish moans from time to time, and her body immediately felt as excited as if she had been pumped with chicken blood, it was even happier than taking stimulants. It seems In the future, scientists can study whether stimulating hormones or taking stimulants makes people more excited.

After several more intense matches, the first round of the knockout round finally came to an end.Ling defeated the sundae and successfully advanced. Although the three-headed dragon in the sundae is very fierce, the little earth dragon is very powerful, and even the Hack dragon is doing well, but she only has these three pokemon.And Ling is absolutely good as an elf trainer who can successfully pass through the big storm created by Chaomeng, so it is reasonable to regret the defeat of the three-on-six sundae.

And the other one who surprised Long was Xiaozhi, who actually defeated Ahong and entered the quarterfinals, and it can be said that it was Long who caused the result that was completely different from the original book.Because it was because of Froggrass's power that he won three consecutive rounds, Xiao Zhi, who was in trouble because of the disobedience of the fire-breathing dragon, achieved a major reversal.To be honest, there is also an element of luck in this. After all, Ah Hong's strength is only half a catty with Xiao Zhi's. If Xiao Zhi is replaced by any other player in the top [-], it will be very dangerous.

And Dr. Oki said Fangyuan's top coordinator Long finally saw his true face in Lushan, and he was the champion who had Menus in the Fangyuan area Xiaoyao participated in the gorgeous ceremony for the first time in the original book.

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