"This is..." Damos stared blankly at the Life Gem flying out of his hand. Long held the Red Chain in one hand, and then saw the Life Gem automatically fall into his other palm.Damos, who stared blankly at the scene in front of him, couldn't help asking, "Who are you?"

"I can only tell you that I traveled from the future 1000 years later, and other questions will be answered slowly after we complete our mission." Holding the treasure of life in his hand, the dragon said immediately: "Time is running out, we Hurry back to the temple to meet Arceus!"

Knowing the urgency of the matter, Sirona and the others naturally had no objection. Even Hina, who had seen her ancestors, suppressed her inner excitement. Now is not the time to recognize her ancestors and return to her relatives.Damos followed without anyone saying anything. As for the red-haired priest Kissin who committed a crime against humanity, he was thrown into a dungeon to await disposal.

A group of Pokemon headed by Bangira were still suppressing the remaining resistance forces at the foot of the mountain. At this moment, the sky suddenly became dark, and the sun was swallowed up bit by bit.Seeing this situation, Xina turned to Damos and said, "The solar eclipse is the time you agreed with Arceus to return the Life Jewel, right?"

Before Damos could answer, a burst of holy golden light suddenly shone in the dark sky, and then Arceus was seen emerging from the broken void in the sky.Benjila and Nine Tails on the ground stopped fighting one after another, and Arceus walked straight towards the Creation Temple without stopping.

"Damos, I'm here to retrieve the gem of life as agreed!" The man hadn't arrived yet, but Arceus' majestic voice resounded throughout the Temple of Creation.

The dragon stepped forward and handed the gem of life to Damos, saying: "Go, return the gem of life to the creator god, and complete the mission of mankind."

"Thank you!" Damos, who took the Life Gem, glanced at Long in a daze, then walked towards the central temple with the Life Gem in both hands.Suddenly, the dragon and Sirona became extremely nervous. Didn't they travel through time and space to change history just for this moment?

Looking at Damos who was walking firmly, Xiao Meiyan suddenly said sadly: "Do you think we will disappear after Arceus takes back the gem of life? History will be changed and the fate of the world will also be rewritten, and we will be destroyed." Is it buried in the torrent of history?"

Miss Qianhe's words made everyone feel extremely heavy. No one could answer her question, even if everyone was ready to sacrifice before time travel.However, when this moment really comes, it will inevitably become sad. Once everyone disappears with the change of history, they will be completely erased from this world. After 1000 years, who knows that this world has experienced a catastrophe, and who can know who saved the world, and what awaits the dragons in the end is nothing but disappearing completely in this world in obscurity.

The sacred golden light filled the entire creation temple, and Arceus finally came and appeared in front of everyone.Like a devout believer, Damos walked up to Arceus holding the gem of life in his hand and said: "God of Creation, your kindness has saved this world, thank you for giving this land new life, Mijina is in your favor I am rejuvenated. Now, I will return the life gem to you according to the agreement!"

The Life Gem emits a burst of green light and slowly rises from Damos' hand. Under the gaze of Arceus, the Life Gem slowly floats in mid-air and finally turns into five different-colored stone slabs of the origin of life.The earth, emerald green, water droplets, thunder and lightning, and the Tianlong slate continued to flow and finally all sank into Arceus' body. The Creator God raised his head slightly, and the 16-yuan life-origin slate emerged from his body.

"Damos, you are the only human being who has helped me. I hope you can lead your people to create a better life, use your wisdom to nurture this land, and let your descendants inherit your virtues." Body Flow The image of Arceus with the holy golden light is completely different from the image when the world was destroyed thousands of years later. The benevolent breath shows that this is the essence of the creator god.Create the world and save suffering. Since the birth of this world, no creature can compare with Arceus!

Damos quietly listened to the teachings of the Creator God, and Arceus, who took back the life gem, also took back the 16-yuan stone slab of life origin with different attributes into his body.Immediately, there was a burst of golden light in the Temple of Creation, and Arceus bathed in the sacred golden light was like a sun slowly flying out of the Temple of Creation.The sky once again burst into brilliant light, and the swallowed sun sprinkled sunlight on the earth again.

Dragon and Sirona followed Damos to the top of the mountain, and Arceus' figure had completely disappeared in the glare of the sun.A voice that seemed to come from ancient times came from the sky, "I should thank you, and thank all the creatures in this world who have helped me. Your actions will surely usher in peace for this world."

Arceus' voice completely disappeared, and the wounded or dead soldiers and Pokemon at the foot of the mountain stood up one by one under the sacred golden light.However, in the face of the opponents who fought to the death before, everyone did not turn against each other again. Only those who have experienced death can appreciate the preciousness of life.The sacred golden light not only repaired the wounds on everyone's bodies, but also washed away the hostility in everyone's hearts.

The soldiers at the foot of the mountain cheered spontaneously, which was the voice of joy and excitement from the heart of the survivors after the catastrophe.Damos smiled and waved his hands, then turned around to look at Long and the others and said, "I didn't know who you were before, but this question is not important now, anyway I want to thank you for your help! "

Hearing what Damos said, the dragons and the others couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then Hina stepped forward and said, "Now I can answer your question, we have traveled through time and space from a world that is about to be destroyed 1000 years later. What we said before is true and credible. According to the trajectory of history, you will betray Arceus and want to kill the God of Creation. In the end, Arceus, who did not get the gem of life, had to fall into a deep sleep for thousands of years, and then The Day of Awakening returns to this world to exact revenge on humanity."

Looking at Damos Hina with a surprised expression, she continued, "Facing the angry Arceus, no one in the whole world can resist him. In the end, the God of Creation summoned the stars to fall to the earth, and we are before the world is destroyed." Using Dialuka's power to travel through time and space, the purpose is to change history and prevent fate from repeating the same mistakes!"

Hina's words were undoubtedly too scary, and anyone who heard such words at other times would definitely regard them as nonsense.However, it is an indisputable fact that the dragons and others helped Damos' conspiracy and returned the Life Jewel to Arceus, so Damos had to believe what Hina said.

"It turns out that the truth is like this. Kissin is such an abominable guy. He not only betrayed Arceus, but also had such serious consequences because of his greed." Damos, who was digesting Hina's words carefully, felt lingering fear. He said happily: "Fortunately, your efforts have changed history. You not only helped Arceus but also saved the world. I should thank you very much!"

Damos' expression from the bottom of his heart was even more sincere. After all, he was the one who helped Arceus in times of crisis, so how could he betray such an extremely bad thing.Looking at the ancestor standing in front of her, Hina hesitated to speak, and even more shame appeared on her face.It was such a kind person who suffered unjust injustice and was cast aside for thousands of years. Not only outsiders, but even the people of Damos refused to forgive him because of being deceived.

At this time, Xiaoguang couldn't help but said: "We have changed history and fulfilled our mission, but what kind of fate awaits us next, will we really disappear from this world? "

The girl's words immediately dilute the joy of the crowd just now, and Damos is puzzled. Even if he accepts the fact that the dragons are from the future world, but For a while, he didn't sort out the cause and effect relationship.

"What should come will always come, no matter how much you worry about it, it's useless..." Long looked at his suddenly transparent body and couldn't help but let out a wry smile.

"This, this..." Qiu Ye standing next to the dragon was the first to react, seeing the abnormal situation happening to the dragon, she couldn't help but lose her voice and said, "What's going on here, what's wrong with your body? "

The others finally came to their senses and looked at the gradually transparent body of the dragon with surprise on their faces. Sirona hurried forward, but Miss Champion's stretched fingers passed through the dragon's body, as if standing in front of her. Not a big living being but air.In addition to the dragon, the night black demon who followed the dragon, as well as the bodies of Bangira, Lucario, the flame monkey and the double-axe war dragon at the foot of the mountain also became transparent one by one.

Seeing such a surprising scene, Saori couldn't help but said anxiously: "What's going on?

How did the dragon become like this? "

Long tried his best to keep a smiling expression on his face, but after working hard for a long time, he only squeezed out an interfering smile, "You don't want to be like this, in fact, this is not the scene we expected a long time ago, I changed history, and now I have to Obediently accept the fate that befalls me."

"But, why is it you!" Xiao Meiyan said a little out of control: "You are not the only one here, why is it that you are the only one who has to accept this fate, even if you want to disappear, it should be all of us together... "

Chapter 328 The Final Chapter Brave New World

Looking at his gradually transparent body, Long couldn't help but smiled wryly, why he was the only one who would know this reason.There is no such person as Gongsunlong in this world. His real name is Tang Xing, and he came across from the earth.However, only one person knew this secret, and Long suddenly thought how sad Sundae would be if he knew the news of his disappearance.But this is fate, he can only accept it passively!

"Listen to me, I'm not actually from this planet." Looking at Sirona and the others who were already crying into tears, Long said with a sad smile: "My hometown is on Earth, and it's a monster very similar to Pokemon. It is also located in the solar system and also has a satellite called the moon. I don’t know if it exists in this universe, or maybe the Pokemon planet and the earth are in two parallels that do not intersect In the universe, they will never meet."

Seeing the dazed expressions of the girls, Long continued: "It's not just me, Ye Hei Demon, Flame Monkey, Bangira, Double Ax War Dragon, and even Hei Crack Kongza don't belong to this world either. Originally, this was the biggest secret hidden deep in my heart. I originally wanted to keep this secret forever. However, fate is impermanent, only the future we can never predict. However, I do not regret changing it and being able to save the world , I am very content to be able to exchange peace for the Pokemon planet."

"I'm telling you this now, just to let you not be sad for me." Long tried to maintain a smile and said: "We changed the track of history, which is equivalent to turning the roulette wheel of fate with my own hands. For a For people in this world, my departure is inevitable. I spent a good time in this world with everyone, and now, it is finally time for me to leave."

"Why is this..." Watching the dragon's seemingly colorless body gradually fade out of sight, even as strong as Sirona, she couldn't help but burst into tears.Miss Champion stretched out her hand to grab the dragon's body, and she would definitely bear the blow of her beloved leaving. Unfortunately, fate is ruthless. There are always things in this world that you can't grasp.

"I have never regretted coming to this world, and I have never regretted meeting you." Long's affectionate eyes slowly moved from Sirona's body to Xiao Meiyan's body. His body became more and more transparent. Even tears have become a luxury.Scenes flashed in Long's mind, from the first time he set foot on the land of the Pokemon world, and challenged gyms one after another, met confidante after travel, and kept conquering new ones. Companions, and standing on the winning podium of the Alliance Conference.

The past was like smoke, and it was only at this moment that Long realized that he had experienced so many things in the past few years. He remembered every scene.Until now, Long realized that he deeply loves this world, yes, he loves this planet!

"ILOVEYOU..." After finishing the last word, the dragon's body finally faded out of everyone's sight. One by one, Ou's body turned into light smoke and completely dissipated into the sky along with the dragon.

All the women, including Hina, shed emotional tears. Akatsuki Homura fell to her knees powerlessly, tears rolling down her cheeks unstoppably.The dragon disappeared, he did not belong to this world, he may have returned to the world he should return to.Sirona can't cry anymore, she is the saddest person here, everything she and the dragon have experienced, all the past is vivid.

"Bouyi..." Ibrahimovic raised his ears, the little guy kept sniffing the ground, digging the soil with his little feet, as if he wanted to dig the dragon out of the ground.

"Wow..." The violent salamander flapped violently and let out a high-pitched dragon cry, the blood-winged dragon flew up and circled around the creation temple, and the violent earth dragon and the nine tails neighed sadly one by one .The crowd who were still cheering at the foot of the mountain gradually lost their voices, and there was a feeling of sadness under the sky. Under the contagion of this feeling, even breathing became heavy.

The sun gradually set, and the afterglow cast by the setting sun on the Temple of Creation coated the whole temple with a layer of beautiful gold. After the dragon disappeared, none of the people on the top of the mountain left.Everyone stayed in place with sad tears, Sirona and the others were still looking forward to a miracle in their hearts, just like looking forward to the sudden return of someone who had left.

Damos stood quietly on the top of the mountain. He waved his men back and stood not far away, feeling the rendering of the sad atmosphere.Today is destined to be the most unforgettable day in Damos' life. He first experienced the betrayal of his subordinates, and then met a group of people from the world 1000 years later, and even a person from a parallel time and space, all of which It's like dreaming, and I can't even dream it.

After a long time, when the sun completely set on the hillside and the cold moonlight fell on the ground, everyone still didn't know it.Xiao Guang rubbed his dry eyes and broke Ye's silence, "What should we do now?"

The dragons that do not belong to this world have disappeared, but they who also do not belong to this time and space are still there, but they are people from 1000 years later.Blind sadness is of no avail after all. Sirona wiped away her tears and stood up and said: "Now is not the time for us to shed tears. What we should do is to return to the era that belongs to us. We don't belong here, so we stay longer 1 Every minute is changing history, and it is also adding unpredictable variables to the future."

After Sirona finished speaking, she rubbed the autumn leaves with red eye circles and said: "But, what should we do to be able to go back to our own era?"

"It was Dialuka who sent us back to the past, so if we want to go back to the future, we can only rely on the power of the God of Time." Sirona looked at Hina and said: "When the time and space were turbulent before, you It’s not that Dialuka was summoned, can you see if you can try to communicate with it to help us?”

Hearing Miss Champion's words, Hina couldn't help but nodded, "Please allow me to overcome the principles of time and space..."

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