After a long period of time, the scene slowly returned to calm. The black crack empty seat and the flame white Kyurem who were close at hand were the first to bear the brunt of the violent explosion just now, and both Pokemon were affected by the powerful impact wave.However, relying on the strong physical fitness of the super beasts, Hei Crack Kongzuo and Yanbai Kyurem didn't seem to be affected much, and the murderous aura appeared where their eyes met.

"Roar^" At this moment, a huge dragon chant sounded suddenly, and Kigard, a complete body, suddenly rushed to the front of the empty seat of the black crack.Like a giant in Norse mythology, Kigard swung his arms and grabbed Hei Chuang Kongzao. With a roar, Zygard grabbed Hei Crack Kongza's tail and jumped down from the sky. strong

Li's arm was swung high like a whip, smashing the black cracked empty seat to the ground heavily.

There was a crisp sound, the ground was split open by this powerful blow, and a huge crack continued to spread and extend all the way.The dust flew up and the dust dispersed, and Kigard, who succeeded in one blow, jumped up, and a powerful shock wave blasted out from the huge open mouth on Kigard's chest and landed on the ground.

A burst of violent explosions suddenly swept away, the flames rolled, and the powerful shock waves spread layer by layer toward the surroundings.

Kigard looked down at the ground, a black lightning broke through the dust and pierced the God of Order with lightning speed.The red eyes shot away, and the black cracked empty seat showed its terrifying dragon claws, the blood-red light suddenly condensed into shape, and the bloodthirsty breath diffused again...

Chapter 313 Super Divine Strike, Divine Creation War

"Roar^" Kigard waved his powerful arms, and the full-body God of Order's limbs were no less developed than Regichkas and Guladon.The emerald green light was shining brightly, and the powerful dragon's claws glowed with layers of light. Following Kigard's roar, the emerald green dragon's claws directly greeted him with a sharp sound of tearing the air.

With a bang, the blood-red light burst into beautiful shapes like gorgeous fireworks in the sky, and the dragon's claws of green light were torn into two pieces like a piece of cloth by a black crack.A sharp light burst out from the eyes of the bloodthirsty Hei Likongzao, his body pierced the sky like a black sharp arrow, and the blood-red dragon claw's light that had just diminished burst into intense bloom again.

"Aww^" A huge dragon chant resounded through the sky, the blood-red light shrank suddenly, and the two black shoulder straps were cut by the dragon's claws and slowly fell from the air.After evolving into a full body form, four of the five black daggers that were originally arranged behind Ziggard's back evolved into shoulder straps as long as Ziggard's body, and a long tail that shook off in the wind .In the face-to-face confrontation just now, Kigard, who lost to the black crack empty seat, barely moved his body to the side at the last moment. Although he avoided the fate of being disemboweled, the two long shoulders on his right shoulder The belt was cut directly.

"Roar^" Kigard, who was on his back, turned his head to look at the black cracked empty seat, a green light flashed for a while, and the two severed shoulder straps of the God of Order grew and healed again.Ziggard is originally a Cell Pokemon, and it is a powerful ability to heal wounds and continuously regenerate by splitting cells.

The black cracked empty seat shuttled back and forth in the sky for a while, and the Yanbai Kyurem flapped a pair of huge wings and sprayed out blue flames, chasing behind the bloodthirsty killing god.But that black figure appeared and disappeared in the sky like lightning, and the speed made Yanbai Kyurem slow down by more than three beats. No matter whether it was faster than the limit speed or the instantaneous burst of speed, no one could compete with the sky. On par with the Dragon!

Just as Hei Likongzao was playing with Yanbai Kyurem at an extreme speed, there was a burst of clouds in the sky, and a huge dragon chant resounded through the nine layers of clouds.The sun, the moon, and the stars are changing. A black 220-color giant dragon with a huge mouth opened flew out from the clouds to reveal a corner of itself. The two huge eyes are like the sun and the moon hanging in the sky. A black dragon The claw pierced through the clouds and showed its sharp claws.

"The finishing touch!" Everyone in the alien space lost their colors. Everyone remembers clearly what happened after Hei Likongzuo used this ultimate move before. Seeing that this bloodthirsty killing god is an old trick Do it again, how can this not make people frightened!

"Roar^" Yanbai Kyurem and Perfect Kigard stood side by side. The two super beasts looked up at the black dragon covering the entire sky. Under the oppression of the powerful dragon power, they even advanced Afterwards, the super dragon Yanbai Kyurem and Kigard both felt a burst of inexplicable pressure, and the opponent's strength was unexpectedly strong!

A bright red light burst out from the black dragon's bright eyes. The stars changed, and countless stars turned into meteor showers and fell to the ground.In the countless meteor showers, a red comet flew down rapidly and came straight to Yanbai Kyurem and Kigard. The seemingly slow red comet carried the power of shattering the void, which made people completely I can't even think of dodging, this is a divine strike that exceeds the speed of light!

"Aww^" Kigard and Yanbai Chief Remqiqi roared angrily for a while, and the two super mythical beasts respectively opened a layer of black-red and blue-white protective shields, obviously putting on a posture to resist to the end.

The rapidly falling red comet slammed into the black-red protective cover of the complete body Ziggalde with a bang, and the dust flew up, revealing an extremely huge deep pit on the collapsed ground.The black cracked empty seat hovered in the mid-air, and his fierce eyes swept across Kigard's broken body coldly. The murderous look in his eyes was not concealed at all, cold, bloodthirsty and cruel!

"Roar^" Yanbai Kyurem flapped a pair of huge wings and flew up from the ground. Although the attack target of the black cracked empty seat just now was not it, Yanbai Kyurem was affected by the powerful blow .A ray of icy blue freezing light shot towards the black empty seat in the sky, and a layer of white ice fog spread in the sky.

The figure of the black cracked empty seat turned into a phantom, and after the figure continued to elongate, it completely dissipated into the sky.The only remaining eye of the giant black dragon piercing the clouds brightened up again after dimming, and the meteor shower appeared in this piece of sky again!

The red comet fell rapidly towards the ground along with the meteor shower, and this time the target it aimed at was Yanbai Kyurem!

There was a bang, and a red light exploded in the sky, and the huge impact caused the space to vibrate.A burst of dazzling golden light spread in the sky, and the entire sky was filled with dazzling golden light.

"Aww^" Hei Likong Zuo roared, and his body was sent hundreds of meters away by the huge rebounding force.Standing in front of Yanbai Kyurem was the little Arceus, and Xiaochuang couldn't bear to sit still and stood up resolutely at the moment of his attack.

Huba, Yanbai Kyurem, and the complete body Zygurd are indeed powerful, but they are still no match for the God of Creation standing behind Hei Likongzao. Sword Dance Shifang is really terrifying. By weakening the strength of the opponent To strengthen itself, the more enemies there are, the greater the strengthening it will get.In the words of the dragon, this is simply a super cheat, the unrivaled magic skill in group battles, with the God of Creation, how can Hei Likongzuo not be invincible!

Arceus Jr. blocked the fatal blow from the black crack empty seat for Yanbai Kyurem, which has already broken the previous agreement with the Creator God.Arceus, who was watching from the sidelines, walked forward with light steps, and the black cracked empty seat consciously retreated to the side, and under the signal of Xiaochuang's eyes, Yanbai Kyurem flapped his wings gently and slowly landed on the ground.

"Dad, stop!" Little Arceus was still making his last effort, but his words obviously couldn't change the mind of the Creator God, and Arceus' expression revealed his extremely firm will.

The golden light of the sacred body protection flowed continuously layer by layer. After the light gradually dimmed, the momentum of Xiaochuang's body also changed accordingly. Six life-origin stone plates with different attributes ejected from Arceus' body and surrounded the little guy. Flowing slowly.

Seeing Xiaochuang already in a fighting stance, Arceus' eyes showed a complex expression. The 11-yuan life-origin slabs of different attributes were shot out from the body of the Chuangshi God and circulated incessantly. The God of Creation, who has almost twice the life-origin slate of little Arceus, undoubtedly has an absolute advantage!

"Drink!" The purple-red Tianlong slate submerged into the body of little Arceus, and the little guy who instantly switched to the Tianlong form shouted angrily, and the raging dragon's breath and murderous aura exploded, and finally formed a huge golden angry dragon. Exuding a sacred aura, the giant dragon rushed towards Arceus in an indomitable posture.

Chuangshi Shen's eyes flickered suddenly, and the gray-white steel slab quickly sank into his body, and Arceus switched to the steel form in an instant.Under the reflection of the golden dragon, Arceus' body continuously reflected a metallic luster.

There was a dull sound of thud, and the dazzling golden light burst out, like the sound of an ancient bell, and with the murderous aura of the dragon's breath, the whole sky was completely submerged in a layer of golden light.The huge impact wave violently swept towards the surroundings like a storm. Just looking at the power of the unique move, even the black crack empty seat can't compare!

Sirona and the others, who felt the tremendous power contained in this strong blow through the violent space shock in the alien space, held their breath and watched the changes in the scene quietly.Little Arceus vs. Arceus is the first battle since the birth of the universe, Genesis War!

"Drink!" Arceus yelled majesticly in the dazzling golden light, and the white light beams scattered in all directions, and the raging dragon's murderous aura was directly defeated and dispersed by the grating cannon.The figure of Chuang Shi Shen and little Arceus appeared in everyone's field of vision again. Arceus let out a low cry, and the little Arceus, who was caught off guard, was suddenly bounced thousands of meters away by an invisible force.

"Time roars!" Little Arceus yelled, a burst of purple light burst out from his eyes, the space stagnated, and a dark blue shock wave blasted out of the shattered void and came straight to Arceus, this is Dia Luka's Ultimate Time Mystery!

Chuangshi Shen's eyes flickered, and the steel slate directly popped out of his body, and the pink spiritual slate instantly sank into his body, and Arceus switched to a super power form in a blink of an eye.

"Dimensional wormhole!" Arceus yelled, a sharp glare shot out from his eyes, and the dark blue time shock wave directly merged into a black hole when it pierced through to the God of Creation. It is the wormhole in another dimension opened by the demon god Huba with a ring!

Arceus nodded lightly, "Give back the same way!"

The creation myth was just finished, and a black wormhole suddenly appeared in front of the gods and beasts who had been completely reduced to spectators, led by Chaomeng and Huba.Dozens of dark blue time shock waves pierced through the wormhole and hit the target with a bang. Except for the empty seat of the black crack, all members of the God Beast Alliance suffered a powerful bombardment!

The continuous explosions made the entire world tremble, and everyone in the alien space turned pale with shock. Arceus, who was the instigator, did not expect this to happen.Jiang is still old and hot, and the little guy's battle experience is far more than that of Chuangshi Shen, who was dumped by ten blocks!

"That's right, Huba's extra-dimensional wormhole is essentially a unique move of the superpower attribute, so Dad will use the power of the superpower attribute's original slate." After the little guy figured out the key to it, his expression became extremely dignified.

Arceus, who can restrain the super power form, can only change into ghost form, evil form or insect form, but the spirit world slate, fear slate and jade worm slate are all in the hands of the Creator God. Judging from the current situation of the little guy, he wants to It is almost impossible to defeat Arceus in super form!

"Thunder and lightning!" The purple-red Tianlong slab popped out of Arceus' body, and the yellow lightning slab quickly sank into Xiaochuang's body.

Little Arceus, who had switched to the form of thunder and lightning, let out a yell, layers of golden electric light flowed around his body, and the dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered into a huge vortex like a waterfall.The blue lightning flashed and disappeared, and the negative lightning and the golden lightning that erupted from Xiaochuang's body collided with each other to form fierce sparks.

"Destroying Lightning Strike!" Little Arceus yelled loudly, and suddenly saw the blue lightning in the clouds flying towards the Creator God as if pulled by an invisible force.Little Arceus was completely enveloped by the golden lightning, and the bursting lightning finally condensed into a golden arrow that was full of lightning and shot towards the God of Creation.

Blue thunderbolts struck Arceus one after another with a huge power that would destroy the world, and the golden light of the sacred body automatically emerged to protect the lord.The God of Creation stood majestically and unwaveringly in the thunder, and the spiritual slate was ejected from Arceus' body, followed by Arceus directly using the boxing slate to switch to a fighting form.

"Holy sword!" Arceus yelled angrily, and the God of Creation immediately transformed into a golden giant sword, the sword light flashed, and the blue lightning was directly separated by the holy sword.


The golden long sword collided with the golden arrow that exploded with electric light, and the golden holy light and golden electric light scattered in all directions. The entire space was covered by this layer of golden light, and the sky and the earth were full of golden light. Can't hear clearly either.

After a long time, when the light was no longer dazzling, the accumulated dark clouds gradually receded, and everything in the world returned to normal, when everyone looked up again, they saw Arceus and Arceus confronting each other in mid-air. Comparable.

The Chuangshi God looked at the little Arceus who was panting slightly and said, "You haven't learned much from being with humans. Do you dare to challenge me at this level?"

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