Tuomu didn't answer Saori's question directly, but led a group of people to trek all the way to a coastal area of ​​the island.In the middle of a pile of towering rocks, there is an oval jade stone as transparent as jade and the size of a rugby ball quietly resting among the rocks.A rainbow appeared in the sky after the rain, and this crystal jade stone emitted a burst of dazzling brilliance under the sunshine.

Xiao Guang, who was dazzled for a while, couldn't help exclaiming immediately: "It's so beautiful, is this a gemstone?"

"Hehehe..." Tuomu chuckled for a while, stared at the crystal jade and said, "It's really beautiful, but it's not a gemstone."

Tuomu continued on his own: "You should know why this sea area has become a devil's sea area that few people touch. The extraterrestrial meteorites near this small island have mysterious radioactivity, so the instruments and electronic equipment entering this sea area The device will fail accordingly, even the elf ball cannot be opened. And it landed on this island together with these extraterrestrial meteorites, a mysterious visitor from outer space, Deoxys!"

"What!" It was as if a heavy bomb had been dropped suddenly in the calm lake water, and everyone was shocked by Tuomu's words.Even Sirona's expression changed slightly, "Deoxys?"

"Oh?" Tuomu looked at Long and the others with a little surprise and said, "Do you know about it too? I've already seen that you are not simple people, but even Deoxys knows it, it really is not simple. "

"Haha, it's okay..." Long and Xiaomeiyan smiled awkwardly, and Xiaoguang couldn't help complaining in his heart: "I didn't even recognize the champion Sirona, what is it?" Is Miss Sirona's disguise too good or is Mr. Tuomu's eyes not so good?"

Saori carefully looked at the bright jade in front of her eyes and said in shock: "This, this is the mysterious alien Pokemon who can fight against the Rift Seat and one of the culprits who destroyed the city of Larousse." Deoxys?"

"That's right!" Tuomu looked at the jade-shaped Deoxys and said

Said: "This Pokemon and its companions came to our world on a meteorite, but because the interstellar journey is too long, every Deoxys will cost a huge price. Therefore, the vast majority Even if the Deoxyses can safely land in the Pokemon world, they cannot resume their actions immediately, and must gradually recover their vitality and energy after a long sleep."

"Oh?" Long looked at the man in front of him with some surprise this time and said, "I didn't expect you to study Deoxys so thoroughly, and...how did you find this place? The sleeping Deoxys is really admirable!"

Tuomu nodded slightly, then couldn't help but clenched his fists with a smile and said: "The reason why I have been waiting here is to hope that I can fight this Deoxys after it wakes up. That's right, I The purpose of coming here is to subdue this Deoxys!"

Chapter 281 Awakening, Million Form

"Conquer Deoxys?" Tuomu's rhetoric really shocked everyone like Long, but after thinking about it, this is a strong man who can subdue Darkrai and Latios .In addition, from the few words of Tuomu just now, it is known that he has indeed done enough investigation and research on Deoxys, so what he said just now should be said to be a declaration of Tuomu's confidence!

This oval-shaped piece of jade is the core of the sleeping Deoxyses. This alien visitor from an unknown planet finally landed on the earth after a long interstellar journey and went through a lot of hardships. Accumulate your own energy.

Xiaoguang took out his pink illustration book to check the information of Deoxys, but he didn't expect that it couldn't give any relevant information at all.Seeing this situation, the dragon couldn't help but smiled and took out his illustrated book and handed it to the girl, saying: "The ordinary illustrated book does not have information on this Pokemon, but in terms of familiarity, this Deoxys is the one I met. The fourth alien has arrived, look!"

"Deoxys, a DNA Pokemon, has a super power type. The DNA of the cosmic virus exposed to laser radiation underwent a sudden mutation, creating Deoxys. The crystal on the chest seems to be this one The brain of Pokemon is highly intelligent, and can use thoughts flexibly. It can release powerful energy from the crystal in the chest, and use incredible cosmic power to change its shape."

Xiaoguang, who was looking at the information in the illustrated book, looked at the elliptical jade in front of him and said, "Could it be that the crystal in the illustrated book is this gemstone? It's incredible. I didn't expect it to be Deoxy Stu's brain!"

As the girl said, she couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to reach out to touch it, but at this moment, the oval jade suddenly circulated and emitted a burst of red-purple light.The rainbow sky suddenly opened a curtain, and a red-purple aurora shook gently like a ribbon in the sky, and the beautiful swaying posture was very eye-catching.

Just when everyone was completely attracted by the beautiful aurora in the sky, the piece of jade that reflected the bright light under the sun suddenly lifted into the sky slowly. The jade stone suddenly emitted a burst of incomparably beautiful light.Under the dazzling brilliance, the people on the ground couldn't help but be so stimulated that they couldn't open their eyes.

After everyone opened their eyes again, they found a pokemon in the form of an alien who was curled up in his arms, as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep, stretching his body gently.Such a scene really surprised all the people on the ground. No one would have thought that Deoxys, who had been in a deep sleep, would suddenly wake up at this time. Not only Tuomu, but also Long and the others were also surprised. endlessly.

Deoxys in the sky seemed to have just woken up from a deep sleep, so he was very curious about this world and everything around him at the moment.And Tuomu, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, immediately stepped forward and looked up at the sky and shouted: "Deoxys, I have been waiting here for a month, and the purpose is to wait for today. Although these days you I have been in a deep sleep, but I believe you should be able to perceive my existence, and now I only hope that you can give me a chance to challenge!"

After Tuomu said this, Deoxys in the sky seemed confused, and his four arms that seemed to be pulling noodles kept shaking.Deoxys leaned over and rushed down towards the ground, and then his body stopped in front of Tuomu, staring at Tuomu with puzzled eyes.

"Hello?" Xiao Meiyan quietly tugged on Lalong's clothes and said, "Do you think Deoxys will accept his challenge?"

"Your question is really too difficult to answer. I am neither Deoxyses nor the roundworm in its stomach. How would I know such a thing?" Long shrugged heartlessly and continued: "I think, you might as well ask Tuomu if he can defeat Deoxys!"

Hearing what Long said, Miss Qianhe immediately asked, "Then tell me, can he defeat Deoxys?"

"Hmm..." Long groped his chin and pondered for a while, then said something that made Xiao Meiyan almost fall to the ground, "I don't know either!"

Miss Qianhe resisted the urge to crush her teeth, looking at her expression, she seemed to want to bite the dragon to death.And at this time, after Tuomu and Deoxyses looked into each other's eyes for a while, the mysterious man showed a smile on his face, and then took off the red jacket on his body and left it aside. .

Tuomu turned his head and said to Lan Shuidu beside him: "Latios, I'm counting on you!" Looking at Deoxyses, the body of the blue water flew up slightly.And here Deoxys, after seeing the posture posed by Latios, immediately rose slowly, his body and the blue water faintly confronted each other in mid-air.

Saori looked at the sky in surprise and said, "It's really surprising. I didn't expect Deoxys to accept the challenge. Will Tuomu use Latios to fight?"

Akiba nodded and then continued: "The mysterious electromagnetism in this place has disabled all electronic equipment including the elf ball, so the only elf that Tuomu can send to fight is Latios. In this one Can the legendary Pokémon of the Infinite Dragon defeat the alien Deoxys in a one-on-one battle?"

Just when the beauty breeder was thinking this way, Tuomu here was the first to instruct Latios to attack with one stroke of his arm, "Dragon wave!" "Oh ^" Latios roared, mouth Huo Ran opened and quickly condensed into a green energy ball, blasting towards Deoxys.

Deoxys turned slightly to one side, barely avoiding Lan Shuidu's extremely fast attack, and then his arms suddenly straightened, and his appearance changed in a blink of an eye.And the dragon also introduced to the unknown student Xiaoguang at the first time: "Deoxys can be very smart, it can constantly change the fighting form according to the fighting situation in order to strengthen itself, and what it changes now is Very aggressive attack form!"

Just after the dragon's words were finished, Deoxyses had quickly condensed into an electromagnetic cannon and shot towards Latios with his hand.It's just that the blue water is extremely fast, and immediately swiped across the air at a speed not inferior to that of a fighter jet. Deoxyses' electromagnetic cannon trick was unable to catch up with Latios and was left far behind!

Seeing Latios rushing through the sky at a speed so hard to catch, Deoxyses immediately shrank, and then quickly changed into a speed to catch up with the blue water.The alien elf, who came late and came first, was like a rocket that was propelling with all its strength. It actually caught up with Latios after starting late. The noodle-like arms were tightly wrapped around it, directly locking Latios firmly.

Deoxys, who quickly entangled his opponent, twisted his body slightly, and unexpectedly fell from the sky with Latios in his arms.In the end, a loud bang was heard, and Latios was thrown heavily on the ground, and Deoxyses also loosened his tightly wrapped arms, and slowly flew up to look at the blue sky from a distance. Water capital.

"Good... so amazing!" Xiaoguang stared blankly at the alien elf floating in mid-air. Although he knew from the few words of everyone's conversation that this non-legendary elf is completely comparable to the legendary elf's strength. How powerful the alien elves are, but the girl still didn't expect that Deoxys was so powerful that even the legendary elf Latios was suppressed by it!

Tuomu, who was engrossed in the battle, suddenly narrowed his eyes slightly, and then suddenly raised his arms high and shouted: "Latios, use clean luster!" The brightness released at this moment is almost comparable to that of a flash bomb.Deoxys, who was close at hand, was directly blinded, and then saw a dazzling beam of light blasting out, directly piercing the unprepared alien elf, and a violent explosion directly stirred in midair .

When the dazzling light finally ceased to blind people's eyes, the crowd of people rubbing their eyes saw that Deoxys' body was directly pierced through a hole the size of an arm. How powerful is the move!

"This is Lattios's exclusive nirvana, clean and shiny." Sirona said with a serious face: "Now the outcome is not decided, and it is still unknown who will win the battle!"

Miss Champion's words made everyone turn their attention to the battlefield again, and after being pierced by Latios's ultimate move, Deoxys is now constantly looking at the big hole in his body.Then he twisted his arms suddenly, and his body changed into a defensive form in a blink of an eye. Not only that, the pierced body of the alien elf was also repairing itself bit by bit, and after a while, the pierced body turned into a Into an intact appearance!

Xiaoguang couldn't help exclaiming, "Yeah, Deoxys is so powerful?"

"Lattios!" Tuo Mugao, who commanded the Blue Water City, raised his arms and shouted loudly: "Billions of shock waves!" Constantly accelerating towards Deoxys.

Facing the menacing blue water, the alien elves immediately stretched out their arms to hug their bodies, turning into a defensive roll and facing the menacing Latios!

I saw a group of shining golden light quickly across the sky like a meteor, and billions of shock waves containing a powerful impact force slammed into Deoxys' body, and a huge rock was shattered into countless stones, flying all around. Lasing.The loud noise caused by this powerful blow is simply trembling, and the bursting Wansheng golden light is very dazzling, and the beautiful light makes people dazzled.

"What a powerful blow!" Xiao Meiyan couldn't help exclaiming secretly: "As expected of the legendary Pokemon, the power of this blow is quite strong!"

However, it wasn't long before Miss Qianhe praised Lattios when she saw a golden flash of lightning burst out of the flying dust, and then heard a pop, and Lattios was blown into the air with a howl. middle.Immediately, a black shadow that rushed up quickly blew away the dust and crashed into Lanshuidu. Even a simple collision made Latios seem to be hit by a high-speed train. Involuntarily, his body was thrown tens of meters into the sky.

Deoxys, who had transformed into an attacking form, looked up at the sky, and then a red-purple beam shot out from the crystal on his chest directly pierced the sky. With a bang, Latios ate it without avoiding it. This is a powerful attack.Lan Shuidu, who had suffered a severe mental shock, was finally unable to maintain his flying posture this time, and his body fell directly from the sky and fell heavily on the ground.

"Latios..." Tuomu couldn't help but exclaimed, and then he looked at Deoxyses who was slowly descending and said, "Although I have made psychological preparations in advance, I didn't expect it." This battle turned out to be more difficult than imagined."


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