"Ah, that, you'll find out later."

Jun Sha replied in a panic, and the dragon held his mouth.

Another half hour, "How long will Miss Junsha take?"

Long couldn't help but ask again. "Ah, wait a minute."

Long muttered to himself, "There's something wrong."

After another half hour, the dragon finally broke out, "Get off, I want to get off."

Junsha stopped the car quickly, and Long got out of the car fiercely. "Hey, where are you going?"

Jun Sha couldn't help asking.

"I have to ask you again, what do you mean by dragging me around for a long time without a word in the middle of the night and then leaving me outside this wilderness."

The dragon roared.

Jun Sha looked at Long and asked sadly, "Is the wind speed dog okay? ... Nani? Wind speed dog?"

Long Doubt suddenly realized again, "Are you Junsha of Vibran City?"

Long immediately said with anger and amusement, "You're not going to chase from Vibrant City to Nibi City just to ask me this question, right?"

After a hard struggle in her heart, Jun Sha finally made up her mind and said to Long with a look of anticipation, "Do you really like Shirona?"


Long was stunned, this girl's thinking jumping ability is too strong.

"I said... one... answer my question, okay?"

Junsha held her chest in both hands and said to the dragon in a pleading tone. "Uh."

Long was swallowed, and looking at Junsha's expectant expression, Long understood a little bit. Could it be that this girl has taken a fancy to herself, so she came all the way from Viking City and asked herself such a question.However, Long hesitated. Since he had guessed Junsha's intention, what he just said was equivalent to a disguised confession. This is the first time that Long has been chased back in the past 20 years.

But it's unbelievable, how long I've known that chick and she fell in love with me, is it that I'm so attractive? "

Long secretly guessed, "But why was it dumped before?"

Jun Sha was very disappointed to see Long who had been silent for a long time. She threw out a bunch of tears and jumped on the motorcycle and slammed on the accelerator to spurt a bunch of exhaust gas.

Long was awakened by the rumbling sound of the engine, "Damn, isn't it? In the middle of the night, you left me alone in this place where I don't know what to do, and come back to me."

It's a pity that the motorcycle is already ten meters away, "Damn, wind speed dog, catch up with me."

Long hurriedly called out the wind speed dog and chased after Junsha.

"Stop for me, the wind speed dog jumped in front of Junsha, and the dragon stretched out his hands to stop Junsha's motorcycle and shouted loudly. Junsha, who was in a trance, was woken up by Long's sudden drink, and saw the dragon's big character in front of him. I slammed on the brakes in shock.

It must be said that the braking system of the cars in this world is very good. The high-speed motorcycle tires and the ground stopped after only a few tens of centimeters of friction, but Junsha flew out, and the dragon's open arms played a huge role at this time. As a result, he hugged the oncoming Junsha, but the dragon was knocked to the ground.

Chapter 008: Dragon's Sixth Elf

160: The dazzling sun shines in through the tent, and Long stretches a big lazy waist. "Hey, the sun is shining on the buttocks."

The dragon pushed and curled up in his arms and Jun Sha shouted.

Junsha blinked and stared at the dragon for a while, "What? I have flowers on my face?"

Long asked curiously. "You haven't answered my question last night yet?"

Junsha said. "what is the problem?"

"Do you like Miss Shirona very much... oh, I've served you,"

Long patted his forehead, "Why are you women so persistent."

Looking at the expression that you won't give up if you don't answer, Long waved his hands helplessly and said, "Okay, okay, I admit that I really admire Shirona and she does have the idea of ​​becoming a champion couple. But I am A responsible man, although we didn't do anything last night, we also slept in the same bed, so I will definitely marry you."

"Who's going to marry you?"

Junsha said shyly.

"Hey, although I'm a responsible man, there's nothing I can do if you don't want me to be responsible. I'll try my best to pursue Miss Shirona."

Long said deliberately, "It's exciting to think about the champion's family."

Junsha was in a hurry and said to Longbi with a fist, "You dare."

Long Haha's laugh twisted Junsha's nose, then hugged "Bo" and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to have a cute side too."

Jun Sha felt shy when she knew that she was being played by the dragon, but she felt heart palpitations when she felt the warm embrace of the dragon.


Long scratched his hair and said, "How long are you going to hold me, I'm going to Hualan City to get a badge."

Jun Dang gave Long a pink fist in shame and anger, "You were the one who hugged him first... Well, Miss Junsha, don't we want to hug him like this for a day?"

Dragon shamelessly said. "My name is Jun Shalan."

"Well, Ran, are you really going to travel with me?"

Long said uncertainly, "Then what about your Junsha's work? ... At present, I feel that I have to continue to practice. As for the Junsha family in Vibran City, they will send Junsha separately."

"What, how do I strike up a conversation when I see a beautiful girl after multiple light bulbs?"

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