The huge black shadow of the Nightmare God floating in the sky suddenly separated into six afterimages at the moment it was fluttering in the wind, and the six Darkrai were seen to shuttle back and forth at the same speed and along different trajectories like lightning. Come straight to Cresselia.

The six Nightmare God's afterimages that flew down rapidly stretched side by side in a straight line as they approached Cresselia, and the wounded Nightmare God had no time to evade his body and was directly pierced by Darkrai.It was as if Darkley, who was pierced by the shadow, had suffered a violent impact, and his body flew upside down and hit a huge rock in the ancestral hall.

The six afterimages of Darkley, who succeeded in one blow, quickly merged in the air, and finally formed the true Nightmare God. One exposed scarlet eye stared straight at Cresselia, as if only Dream God was in his eyes!

"Drink^" After staring at Cresselia for about ten seconds, Darkley didn't say a word, his hands quickly condensed a ball of black shock waves, and blasted at Dream God.And before Cresselia's Moonburst attack had time to take shape, it was hit by the oncoming evil wave.The powerful trick directly shattered the boulder on which Dreamer was leaning against, and Cresselia, whose reaction was obviously slower than Darkrai's, was obviously a little weak at the moment to parry the opponent's attack.

After two rounds of fighting, the dragon, who really felt that he couldn't see it, turned his head and said to Li Lin: "Cresselia's injury has not healed, and it is really a disadvantage to face Darkrai now. The Nightmare God obviously They came here for revenge, continuing to fight like this is obviously meaningless and will only aggravate Dreamlord's injuries, if you don't make a move at this time, don't you want to watch Cresselia being maimed by Darkrai?"

"I don't understand what you said?" Li Lin rolled her eyes at Long, then rubbed her slender waist and said with a grin: "Didn't you see that I was injured too, damn it, I I feel like I can't spare the guys from the Skynet organization!"

Li Lin, who was speechless after what the dragon said, immediately turned his head and shouted to the sandstorm tyrant: "Bangira, please, don't let this Darkrai go, sandstorm!" "Bank ^" Bangira let out a huge roar like thunder, and a burst of yellow sand flew up and instantly enveloped the entire Full Moon Island.

Darkrai, who was about to launch a new round of attacks on Cresselia, was hit by a violent wind and sand, and suddenly turned his attention to Bangira, the source of the wind and sand.The palm of Nightmare God's right hand spread out lightly, and a black hole that continued to rotate was instantly formed, and then Darkley turned around and waved his hand, and the black hole with a very hypnotic effect went straight towards Bangira.

"Roar^" the sandstorm tyrant shouted loudly, and the ground in front of him trembled violently, towering rock pillars broke through the ground one after another, forming a thick barrier in front of Bangira. There was a loud bang , the hypnotic black hole shattered into fragments immediately after hitting the rock pillar. Darkrai, who missed a hit, immediately abandoned Cresselia, turned his target and rushed towards Bangira.

The Nightmare God pulled both arms, and suddenly there was a flash of golden light, and Darkley's right arm was immediately wrapped in a layer of golden electric current.Seeing that the Nightmare God who was about to hit the rock pillar had no intention of changing direction, Darkley swung his arms violently and pierced fiercely towards the rock pillar in front of him.A burst of lightning flashed, and the golden lightning wrapped around Darkley's arm was like a sharp arrow, instantly smashing the rock pillar blocking the way in front of him.

Darkley's speed didn't slow down, and he rushed towards Bangira aggressively with lightning wrapped around his hands. This indomitable power and momentum was really astonishing.As expected of the legendary Pokemon, it can be said to be handy in the use of unique moves and the shaping of energy. This is the first time I have seen such a form of the beam dragon.

As the Four Heavenly Kings, Li Lin would not be easily intimidated by Darkley's ferocious aura, even though Bangira had suffered a lot in the previous battle with the Skynet organization, but this is still Not enough to stop Li Lin's determination to confront the Nightmare God head-on.Li Lin snorted softly and couldn't help but put a smile on the corner of her mouth, she had considerable confidence in her newly cultivated trump card!

"Bangira, use the Lightning Fist to attack!" Following Li Lin's coquettish shout, the Sandstorm Tyrant immediately shook his head and let out a loud roar, and a ball of golden electric energy was immediately condensed on his raised fist.The Sandstorm Tyrant waved his hand violently and blasted a rock pillar in front of him into a pile of rubble. Bangira's thick and long tail swept the ground heavily, and the Sandstorm Tyrant walked like a heavy tank head-on. Clay rushed up, and suddenly heard a series of bangs and bangs.

Before the two pokemons collided head-on, the strong electric energy they condensed produced a fierce collision first.The golden electric current scattered and shot across the surrounding ground and left a scorched mark in an instant. The sound of crackling electricity was intertwined continuously, and the golden light agitated by the interweaving of two clusters of strong electricity was very dazzling. People can't look directly.

"Banke^" the sandstorm tyrant roared angrily, allowing Darkley's beam of electricity to bombard his body, and Bangira, who was resisting the opponent's attack with his body, was like a beast out of the cage, violently Raising his huge fist, he directly broke through the Nightmare God's defense line in one fell swoop.The powerful lightning fist directly hit Darkley's head. This violent blow directly blasted the Nightmare God more than ten meters away, and Darkley, who had a layer of undissipated current flowing all over his body, slammed heavily on the ground and let out a blast. muffled sound.

Seeing this scene, the dragon couldn't help but gasp: "Why don't you be so cruel? This guy is rougher and thicker than I imagined. He was attacked by a round of missiles just now, but he didn't expect to be able to explode such a huge explosion!" Combat power."

Hearing Long's words, Li Lin flicked her beautiful silver wavy long hair triumphantly and said with a laugh: "Don't think that you can underestimate others because you have a talented Benjira.

If you are not convinced, we can have a good contest if we have time! "

Regarding Li Lin's remarks, Long was noncommittal. Although he really wanted to justify his name as Bangira, defeat Li Lin, an opponent of equal strength, and climb to the top of the world in one fell swoop, but it was not in private.

Here, Darkrai, who was kicked by Bangira, slowly floated up from the ground, and the scarlet eyes of the Nightmare God stared straight ahead with re-examination. This formidable opponent.Originally, this time I came straight to Cresselia with the intention of revenge, but I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway. This guy who came out of nowhere seems to be quite difficult to deal with, and his strength is still in his deadly enemy. above.

When Nightmare God suddenly lost to Cresselia, Nightmare God defeated it with the help of human trainers...

Chapter 260 Lilin surrenders to the Nightmare God

"Nightmare God, obediently surrender and let me take it under your command." Li Lin shouted and raised her arms and shouted angrily: "The power of the earth!" Hit the ground.A rumbling sound like an earthquake came up from the ground, and the ground under the feet of Darkley, who was still staring at Bangira, suddenly collapsed, and several streams of hot magma gushed out, besieging the Nightmare God so that he could not get out of the conflict.

"Drink^" Darkley yelled angrily, and the arms that condensed two clusters of cold light suddenly spread out towards the whole body, and several twists and turns of freezing light ran all the way on the ground and condensed into thick layers. Freezing prevents further erosion from subsurface magma.The confluence of ice and fire is fiercely competing for a moment, and it has to be said that Darkrai's method of blocking the power of the earth with the freezing light is very beautiful!

Li Lin, who was slightly surprised, couldn't help snorting, "It's quite capable, so what about this move, destroying the dead light!" The light group quickly condensed and shot out like a cloud-piercing arrow. The golden destructive light passed through a passage of death, and the ground where it passed was instantly torn open a huge crack.

Faced with this extremely powerful and powerful destructive death light trick, Darkley finally showed a look of emotion and horror on his face. The Nightmare God didn't dare to be careless, and immediately pushed his hands away and quickly condensed into a black protective shield.All I saw was a burst of golden light, and the destructive energy blasted Darkley into the mid-air tens of meters away. The raging destructive energy exploded in mid-air, and the diffused smoke was accompanied by a powerful impact The air waves dispersed the surrounding sandstorm layer by layer.

"Did it succeed?" Long looked up in bewilderment and asked, "Did Benji 10la's destructive death light break through Darkrai's protective shield?"

Li Lin didn't speak, but frowned tightly, and together with Long stared intently at the air filled with gunpowder smoke.At this moment, a burst of powerful energy vibrated in mid-air, and a scarlet eye shot out a sharp glare.Darkley yelled loudly and waved his arms to blow away the surrounding smoke, his body swooped down and rushed towards Bangira on the ground.

"Drink it^" Darkley's arm was condensed with a green halo, and the powerful absorption punch directly hit Bangira's head heavily.With a loud bang, the ground under Bangira's feet collapsed suddenly. The Sandstorm Tyrant, who had suffered a powerful blow, was a little unbearable. His huge body fell directly to the ground and then slammed on the ground.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the destruction and death light would not be able to break through Darkley's defense. They are all those bastards who just failed to accomplish anything." Li Lin clenched her fists and said viciously: "This feud is getting bigger. If there is anything wrong with taking Darkrai today, even if I search the ends of the earth, I want them to look good!"

Bangira, who received a powerful absorbing punch from Darkley, was obviously seriously injured. The unique moves of the fighting system are absolutely fatal to the sandstorm tyrant. In the first round of battle, Bangira was probably defeated.But even so, the situation at this moment is still quite unfavorable for the Sandstorm Tyrant. After all, the damage caused by the Skynet organization to Bangira in the previous battle has not been fully recovered.Seeing Bangira fighting Darkley while dragging his injuries, and falling into such an unfavorable situation, why didn't Lilin hate Shirley and the others!

"Drink ^" Darkley, who succeeded in one blow but failed to completely knock down Bangira, immediately drew back and flew back to distance himself from his opponent, a condensed black hole formed again.The Nightmare God let out a loud cry, and with a sudden wave of his hand, he threw the black hole and shot towards Bangira.

"Banke^" the sandstorm tyrant yelled suddenly, and shoveled his arm on the ground, directly lifting a huge rock to block in front of him.The black hole slammed into the rock shield set off by Bangira and instantly shattered into pieces. As Darkley's trump card, although the black hole trick has an extremely powerful hypnotic ability, it is not aggressive.

Li Lin swung his arm and shouted loudly: "Rock blade!"Two staggered circles flew around the Sandstorm Tyrant's side, and with Benjira's loud shout, a series of sharp stone blades shot out towards the oncoming Darkley, only to hear A series of piercing sounds can be heard endlessly.

Darkley's eyes flickered, and after shattering the oncoming stone blade with a wave of his hand, a layer of golden energy radiated from his body.The Nightmare God in the fast dash was like a guided missile running towards the Nightmare God after his body was covered with a layer of golden light, and he sped towards the Nightmare God. This trick is the most powerful impact skill known as the physics department——billion Ten thousand shock waves!

In the face of the powerful impact energy, the rock blades fired by Bangira were simply not enough to stop Darkrai from advancing.The Nightmare God directly broke through the blockade of a series of rock-bladed stone bullets with an indomitable attitude, and directly slammed into the Sand Tyrant with a powerful blow, and the powerful impact knocked Bangira to the ground on his back.

The spinning golden light cluster exploded, and Li Lin frowned and waved his hand suddenly: "It's now, Bangira, Dragon's Claw!" The light cluster hummed and skyrocketed, illuminating one part of the sky.

Bangira, with a huge dragon claw condensed, roared and rushed into the bursting golden light cluster, crushing the undissipated energy light cluster on Darkley's body in an extremely brutal way.The huge dragon's claws clamped Darkrai tightly, and as Bangira continued to shrink his strength, it could be seen that the expression on Nightmare God's face became more and more painful.With a loud bang, Bangira jumped up and grabbed Darkley's body and threw it heavily on the ground. This violence directly set off a wave of gravel that continuously shot around.

Witnessing the tyrannical side displayed by Bangira, all the dragons in Bishanguan had to say hello to him secretly. After fighting Darkley in a wounded situation to such an extent, this one of Lilin Bangira lives up to the title of trump card, this Pokemon already has the strength to win the championship!

"This level is not enough, the opponent is the legendary Pokemon." Li Lin turned his eyes, then waved his hands again and shouted coquettishly: "Brute force!" "Bank^" Bangira shook his head and roared loudly. Grabbing Darkley directly with both hands, he violently squeezed the opponent. At this time, the whole body of the Sandstorm Tyrant was shrouded in a layer of red light, and the astonishing aura that he deliberately exuded was terrifying.

The power displayed by Bangira when he broke out with brute force is terrifying. This is a fighting style ultimate move that is as powerful as close combat. Darkley's constantly twisting body seems to be crushed abruptly by the sandstorm tyrant Tearing is average.

"Aww^" Bangira let out an angry roar, then raised Darkley high and violently smashed it on the ground in front of him.That huge bang sounded like it was about to smash the entire Full Moon Island apart. A mass of red light exploded, and the ground in front of the Sandstorm Tyrant split apart abruptly. The huge crack even meandered all the way to the sea. On the top of the cliff, this violent blow that swallowed mountains and rivers was really terrifying.

"Where is Darkley?" Long asked in surprise, "Could it be that he was defeated by Bangira in the blow just now!"

Just as Long was thinking this way, he saw a black shadow floating leisurely in the crack, and when it unfolded, it looked like the Nightmare God.Darkley's scarlet eye kept turning, and the angry look in the eyes revealed its emotions at the moment. It was obvious that Bangira's violent blow just now caused Darkley to suffer considerable damage.The unique moves of the fighting system not only have fatal damage to Bangira, but also have a significant effect on Darkley!

"This guy is quite tenacious..." Li Lin looked at Darkley with a smile and said, "I am the Four Heavenly Kings of the Elven Alliance, you really have no interest in climbing to the peak of stronger strength with me How about it, do you really think about it and don’t want to follow me, I can let you show your own strength!"

Hearing Li Lin's words, Long was speechless. He had already fought to this point and just made up for the last blow, or he would just throw the master ball. At this time, it is meaningless to persuade him to surrender.Moreover, the dragon really wanted to know, as a legendary Pokemon who was used to being wild, did this Darkrai really understand the meaning represented by the Four Heavenly Kings, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of words?

Darkley's sharp eyes flickered, and his eyes turned from Bangira to Li Lin, and he was silent for a long time, not knowing what the nightmare god was really thinking.Lilin, who thought she had the chance to win, didn't urge Darkley either, with a confident smile on her face, as if she was destined to win Darkley.

The scarlet eyes of the Nightmare God turned to Cresselia's body, and the eyes of this old enemy Darkrai involuntarily produced a wave of fluctuations.At this moment, the Nightmare God's figure moved, and suddenly split into several afterimages, and then all the shadow clones raised their arms together to condense and at the same time condensed a black hole and threw it towards Bangira.

Facing Darkley who continued to resist, the expression on Lilin's face could not help but change, but as the Four Heavenly Kings, his reaction speed was naturally very fast. The moment Darkley made a move, Lilin raised his hand and shouted. He shouted: "The rock is banned!"

"Aww^" Bangira shouted loudly, and the ground on the soles of his feet rose rapidly with a rumbling sound, and the rows of rock pillars directly formed a barrier to surround the sand tyrant.Countless black holes lased on the rock pillar and quickly disappeared into nothingness. Only one rock that was solidified into little fragments and was also blocked was kept out.However, what Long and Lilin didn't expect was that Darkley turned around and flew overseas after the blow failed.

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