Long stared at the Flaming Monkey on the field with a serious face, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but smile slightly: "The fire of the Phoenix King is endless, and the real battle is now beginning, fierce fire!"

"Aww^" the flame monkey let out a loud roar, and a blazing flame exploded into the sky like a blowout, completely covering the flame monkey in a layer of red light.The scorching air waves blowing layer by layer spread towards the surroundings, and the elder brother's eyes suddenly shot out with a flash of light.

"Ah da^" All I heard was the roar of the flame monkey, and then the body quickly flew away like a red sharp arrow, the speed was so fast that it was impossible to catch its figure.Mekayangma's insect compound eyes caught the movement track of the flame monkey, and felt a scorching air wave and hot wind blowing towards him.

Mekayangma immediately flapped a pair of wings and wanted to retreat quickly, but at the same time, she was directly hit by a righteous fist waved by the flame monkey.A ball of flame exploded in mid-air, and Mekayangma's body shot out like electricity and hit the ground heavily.The elder brother who was in mid-air slowly withdrew his fist, a pair of red eyes fixed on Meka Yangma, and the flame monkey, whose whole body was wrapped in a layer of red light, suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed water directly towards the ground. A fiery rocket.

There was a bang, and the bursting flames sputtered to the surroundings, and Mekayangma spun around to avoid the powerful blow of the senior brother at a critical moment.This huge dragonfly, like a transport plane, kept flapping a pair of wings as thin as cicada wings. Its body flew back and forth against the ground at an extremely fast speed. It's just chasing after it for a while.

Aliu with a gloomy face suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly, "Meikayangma, use the swallow to avoid it, and then use the insect cry!" "Meika^" Meikayangma's body suddenly trembled Pulling horizontally, after making a difficult Thomas roundabout, the huge body turned directly sideways.When Mekayangma vibrated its wings at high speed, it made a bone-piercing and heart-piercing sound of insects. This giant ghost dragonfly kept making trajectories in mid-air while continuously buzzing insects. Naruto.

After hearing this scalp-numbing sound, the flame monkey in mid-air couldn't help showing a look of pain on his face, and his body fell directly to the ground.

Qiu Ye in the auditorium couldn't help saying: "Although the insect-type tricks basically can't cause much damage to the flame monkeys with dual attributes of fire and fighting, the insect-sounding tricks are quite disturbing, especially this one. The sonic-like tricks are even more difficult to evade in conventional ways!"

Xiao Guang, who was next to her, turned pale in surprise when she heard the words of the beautiful breeder, but before she could speak, she saw the flame monkey who had fallen to the battle field and suddenly got up from the ground.Opening his mouth suddenly, he launched a series of dense spark attacks towards the sky. Mekayangma turned around and flew all over the sky to avoid the attack of the senior brother.

This Meka Yangma also suffered quite a bit of damage from the flame monkey before, but its speed was not affected that much. I have to say that the Four Heavenly Kings, Aliu, is still well trained, and he is really good at cultivating insect-type Pokemon Very good!

"The effect of Mekayangma's acceleration characteristics is gradually showing, and the flying speed of this Pokemon is getting faster and faster." Looking at Mekayangma constantly flying around in the air, Saori couldn't help but He said with a serious face: "Although the flame monkey in the fierce fire state can greatly release its own fighting potential, it is also very obvious that it will be consumed by the continuous battle with the Dragon King Scorpion and Meka Yangma. .”

Aliu Huoran waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Meikayangma, cut the air!" "Meika^" Mekayangma quickly flapped her transparent wings, and her body swung rapidly in mid-air like a kite. All of a sudden, one after another of transparent air blades burst out and shot towards the flame monkey.

In such a situation, the dragon did not let the flame monkey choose to dodge, but directly raised his arm high and shouted: "Brother, defend yourself, fight close!" With a loud shout, a sharp light shot out of his eyes, and two solid flame nunchakus were condensed when he rubbed his hands together.

big brother for a while

Shouting loudly, Mekayangma's sharp air blades were blocked by the dazzling nunchucks.All of a sudden, a burst of flames continued to shoot out, and in the surprised eyes of more than 5000 people at the scene, they saw the flame monkey showing what an impenetrable defense!

The dragon's face turned, and he waved his arm and shouted in a deep voice: "Brother, you are so fast!" Mekayangma's body was pierced directly, but it was just an afterimage.

In mid-air, I saw the afterimages of Mekayangma's body continuously drawing out one after another, and every short pause meant that Mekayangma had split into a clone, and in a blink of an eye, the sky was densely covered with The figure of Mekayangma is almost as many as hundreds, which is staggering...

Chapter 244 Phoenix from the Fire, Reborn from Nirvana

"Big Brother!" Long shouted angrily, raised his arms high and shouted, "Monkey King!" There was a huge shout, and a scorching flame burst out, forming a tornado in mid-air, and the flame instantly engulfed countless Meka Yangma.This mass of scorching heat flowed from heaven to earth, and the tornado of scorching flames swept across the ground with a scorching breath, and Meka Yangma, including all of her avatars, was involved.

The scorching air wave emitted by the huge flame tornado made everyone in the audience feel that the heat wave was overwhelming, terrifying and terrifying.The huge flame tornado drew a scorched "King" character on the ground and then collapsed. The sparks all over the sky exploded into a very gorgeous scene. It fell to the ground.

The black-clothed referee looked shocked, and after a long inspection, he finally raised the flag in his hand and announced loudly: "Meikayangma loses the ability to fight, and the flame monkey wins!"

The audience was in an uproar, and student Xiaoguang couldn't help saying: "Meika Yangma has been defeated, Long is the first to win a victory!"

Xiao Meiyan nodded, and then followed up and said: "The aura of the flame monkey in the raging fire state is really amazing. This large-scale killing move will destroy at least a hundred Merkayangma's clones and afterimages. All involved, such a huge flame tornado consumes a lot of energy, and its power is really amazing."

Those female fans of Ah Liu in the auditorium mourned, but soon these people cheered up and cheered loudly for their idol.A Liu took out the elf ball and took back Meka Yangma, who had lost the ability to fight, into the elf ball, and when his eyes turned to the flame monkey again, he became incomparably dignified again!

"Heracross, please!" Aliu took out another elf ball, a burst of red light bounced, and Heracross with a big horn on his head flapped a pair of wings and landed on the playing field.A pair of sharp eyes stared straight at the flame monkey, and the senior brother was panting and adjusting himself after casting the extremely powerful ultimate move just now, and the dragon had no intention of replacing it.

Saori in the auditorium said: "Aliu has sent three Pokemon in a row, and the dragon still has no plans to let the flame monkey take a rest. Even if there are poisonous water chestnuts dropped by the dragon king scorpion on the battle field, But it shouldn't be like this and let the flame monkey fight alone, and the poisoning state is still consuming the flame monkey's physical strength, so it will be even more detrimental to the flame monkey if it continues like this."

"Heracross!" Aliu had already taken the lead in attacking on the battle field, and Heracross immediately prostrated himself, let out a loud shout, and then opened his mouth and fired a series of machine gun-like seeds towards the flame monkey.There was a continuous crackling sound, and the flame monkey directly pressed the palm of one hand to the ground to withstand the attack of a series of powerful machine gun-like seeds of Heracross.

The dragon's face turned serious, his eyes turned to the playing field, and he raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Brother, block the rock!" Step on it, and immediately heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground, and stone pillars rumbled and grew from the side of Heracross.

The flame monkey roared angrily, rubbed his hands together and instantly pulled out a flaming golden cudgel about two meters long, and heard a sharp light burst out from the eyes of the senior brother, opened his mouth suddenly and flew up to avoid himself The attacking Heracross directly launched a series of spark attacks.Faced with this dense shower of sparks, Heracross did not choose to dodge, but directly shielded his face with his hands folded, and then let the scattered sparks hit his body and explode one after another.

Ah Liu suddenly raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Heracross, slam into it!" Opening its front paws, a pair of wings fluttered rapidly. After accelerating, it erected a powerful horn and slammed straight towards the flame monkey.

"Brother, Ruyi Golden Cudgel · Breaking the Five Elements Mountain!" Long raised his hand and shouted coldly, and then he saw the Flaming Monkey yelling angrily and stepping heavily on the ground with the flaming golden cudgel in his hand. Heracross came and handed it out directly.

In the astonished eyes of the audience, the golden cudgel in the hands of the flame monkey suddenly extended and hit the unprepared Heracross.With a muffled bang, the rapidly extending golden cudgel pressed against Heracross's body and shattered a rock pillar growing from the ground.

"Ba Yi Ya^" Flaming Monkey stepped heavily on the ground with one foot, then swung its arm violently and swept the 20-meter-long flame golden cudgel above its head like a windmill, pulling out a huge arc .Heracross in a pile of gravel only had time to stretch out his two front paws to resist, but was hit hard by the flaming golden cudgel that swung towards him. Heracross' body seemed to be glued to the golden cudgel. The hoop is generally swept by the flaming monkey in a circle, and the rock pillars growing from the ground are directly smashed to pieces by the sweeping flame golden hoop.

The flaming monkey seemed to be crazy, and just swung the flaming golden cudgel to sweep across. From time to time, rocks grew out of the ground, but the just outcropping was smashed by the Ruyi golden cudgel the next moment.Heracross's body stuck to the golden cudgel like this, flew up and turned around the huge playing field with the swinging action of the flame monkey, leaving only a pile of broken gravel along the way!

"This Pokemon can do this?" Aliu looked at the Flaming Monkey with a look of surprise, and the Four Heavenly Kings of Worms looked solemnly, then turned their heads and raised their arms high. Shouted angrily: "Heracross, millions of evolutions!"

A burst of dazzling light flowed, and Heracross's body changed with a loud shout. His two thick front paws violently pushed away the gravel buried in his body, and he saw what looked like a huge machine. The beetle rushed away violently, hitting the flame monkey's more than 20-meter-long flaming golden hoop against it, and drilled it into scattered sparks.The imposing manner of Heracross in the form of a million is extremely frightening, and he erected the one-horn that turned into a sharp cone and rushed towards the flame monkey all the way.

"Big brother!" the dragon shouted loudly, and the flame monkey looked at the flaming golden cudgel in his hand that turned into sparks and shouted loudly, then turned sideways and stretched out his palm to slam Heracross' sharp The long and large horns are held firmly throughout.

"Heracross^" Heracross roared loudly, then shook his head violently and threw the flame monkey into the air.The wings on the back of Heracross spread out, and he turned sideways and rushed straight up, catching up with the flame monkey at a very fast speed.Million Heracross made a fierce charge, and then suddenly stretched out his long and powerful horn to launch a series of crazy attacks on the elder brother.

The flame monkey's body suffered heavy blows from Heracross' attacks and was continuously hit into the sky. In the series of crazy attacks of the million-form Heracross, the flame monkey was devastated to a considerable extent.

The mechanical beetle Million Heracross turned around quickly and circled directly above the flame monkey, and then flew down to resist the big brother, flew down with a bang, and hit the ground heavily.There was a bang, and the lifted turf on the ground was scattered with a layer of soil. The power of this blow was terrifying!

Heracross kept flapping a pair of transparent insect wings and slowly flew up, his eyes kept turning to watch the layer of red light covering the flame monkey slowly dissipate.More than 5000 people in the audience looked at the senior brother who seemed to be motionless, and the referee was also hesitant to raise the flag in his hand.

"Has the Flaming Monkey been knocked down?" Xiaoguang, who was in the auditorium, asked in surprise, "Or will it stand up again like before?"

The girl's words made Xiao Meiyan, Saori, and Qiuye who were beside her silent. Faced with such a situation, it was difficult for the three of them to make judgments on their own.Because the dragon's flaming monkey is an unbelievable pokemon, not to mention that it will always perform amazing actions!

Seeing that the red light covering the flame monkey's body completely disappeared, the referee in charge of this game speculated that the flame monkey in the state of fierce fire should have almost reached its limit, so he immediately raised the flag to prepare for the verdict: "The flame monkey lost ..."

"Wait a minute, it's not over yet!" Long suddenly shouted to stop the referee who hadn't finished speaking, then raised his arms high and shouted in a deep voice: "The fire of the Phoenix King, rebirth from Nirvana .Eldest brother, the phoenix on fire!"

Above the battle field, the flaming monkey suddenly made a movement, the layer of flaming crown above the head kept shaking, then ignited with a bang, and suddenly rose up.The hot breath turned into red air waves, accompanied by the flaming monkey layer by layer, spiraling towards the sky, and then turned into a flaming phoenix, flapping its wings and singing loudly.

The eyes of more than 5000 people couldn't help but be completely attracted by the flame phoenix that was constantly burning and releasing hot breath. The phoenix that was completely condensed by flame energy emitted waves of heat waves. The flaming monkey under him was constantly flapping its wings and sending down a scorching stream of flames, which devoured the big brother.

Aliu looked at the flame phoenix soaring in the air with a face of surprise, and was a little confused as to which dragon was playing, but the mechanical beetle million Heracross was surrounded by the flame phoenix. Forced by the scorching air waves emitted, he couldn't help backing back again and again, and subconsciously distanced himself from the flame monkey.

"Heracross, blast the rock!" At this moment, Aliu, who was not willing to wait for death, raised his arms and shouted angrily, and then saw the mechanical beetle flapping a pair of wings and quickly landed on the ground, then slammed He opened a thick arm and aimed at the flame monkey, and fired a series of football-sized boulders towards the senior brother, and the power of that one after another was quite terrifying.

"Aww^" Seeing that the huge rock shot out by Heracross was about to hit him, the flame monkey suddenly let out a roar, and the flame phoenix flying around above his head rushed out to face him A rock that came from the lasing was smashed into pieces.The flames exploded, and a burst of gravel exploded in all directions.

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