Both Xiaogang and Lila shook their heads, and the two people who usually acted as Xiaozhi's military advisers also shook their heads, saying that they don't know. After all, there are very few trainers who are willing to train Pokemon like Big Needle Bee. As for The big needle bee that can achieve the bond and evolve into a million form with the mega evolution stone can be described as rare.

The dragon who readjusted his posture waved his arm, raised his hand and shouted: "Big Needle Bee, go, use high-speed movement!" The million-shaped Big Needle Bee flapped a pair of transparent wings rapidly, and its body seemed to be moving. It sprints back and forth within a short distance like a shadow, and the speed is so fast that it is almost impossible to catch its figure.

Facing the rapidly approaching Big Needle Bee, Melissa quickly adjusted her unrecoverable mood caused by the appearance of the empty seat, and immediately raised her hand and said: "Go with the balloon, black mist!" "Miu^" echoed the balloon With four arms moving, the body spun rapidly on the spot, and a thick black mist spread rapidly and formed a large black thick cloud in midair.

The high-speed moving bee plunged headlong into the thick black fog, and lost its direction for a while, and even became a little unclear where the opponent's echo balloon was.Seeing this situation, the dragon couldn't help but frowned immediately. In the black mist, the big needle bee couldn't continue to speed up, and being unable to figure out the opponent's position was extremely difficult for the million-shaped big needle bee who was good at launching high-speed sneak attacks to defeat the enemy. Adverse.

Long immediately turned pale, then raised his hand and said, "Big Needle Bee, use the Missile Needle!"

The big needle bee got out of the black mist, and immediately five poisonous needles shot a series of dense white flying needles into the thick black fog.This high-speed and intensive attack almost covered the entire dense black fog like a cannon, and a series of flying needles pierced through the black fog and nailed a dense layer on the ground.The echo balloon dangled out of the dense fog, even though it was hiding in the black fog, it still couldn't completely avoid the series of intensive attacks launched by the big needle bee just now.

Faced with a series of continuous and intensive attacks by the big needle bee, Melissa finally started to fight back, waving her hand and saying: "Echo the balloon, attack and protect, will-o'-the-wisp!" Four faint blue flames immediately appeared, and then the four arms shook slightly, and the four faint blue flames turned around, and immediately saw the four faint blue flames change into Into eight flowers.

Circles of will-o’-the-wisps floated and rotated gently beside the echoing balloon, and the eyes of the echoing balloon glowed with a faint blue light. Suddenly, the eight dark blue flames showed a crossing trend and rushed around the echoing balloon. Flying around, I saw that the echoing balloon raised its arm and threw the cross-rotating flames directly at the big needle bee.

"Get out of the way!" the dragon yelled loudly with a wave of his arms, and immediately saw the millions of needle bees moving rapidly, so fast that the will-o'-the-wisps that echoed the balloons couldn't even catch up.

The fast-moving big needle bee was moving back and forth in a straight line in mid-air. Melissa's crossed will-o'-the-wisp circle contracted and all the attacks were avoided. .This menacing appearance caused the echoing balloon to sway and back again and again, but in terms of speed, it was pulled away by a large part of the needle bee, and when it wanted to withdraw, it was entangled by the needle bee.

Ghost-type Pokemon are mostly not fast, and their movements are more floating and difficult to catch.Therefore, after seeing the battle between the echo balloon and classmate Xiaoguang last time, Long thought that the trick to crack it was a high-speed attack.

Long raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Big Needle Bee, use your speed to interfere with the balloon!"

The big needle bee flapped a pair of wings that were as thin as cicada wings and turned around the side of the echo balloon at a very high speed. The straight-line sprint was so disturbing that the echo balloon could not catch the body of the big needle wasp. shape.As the big needle bee continues to fly around the echo balloon, the faster and faster acceleration of the circle makes the eyes of the echo balloon unable to keep up with the action of the big needle bee. To describe it in one word, fast!

"Poison stinger!" As the dragon raised his hand suddenly, the big needle bee immediately raised a pair of poisonous javelin-like arms and stabbed at the echoing balloon, so fast that only a series of afterimages could be seen.The echo balloon was hit hard, and the body kept floating and reversing, making one even wonder if it might be poked and exploded at any time.

Under the attack of a series of poisonous stings by the big needle bee, the accompanying balloon was teetering, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, like a balloon that was really pierced.

The attack power of the million-evolved Big Needle Bee is beyond the charts. With the blessing of the dual powerful characteristics of sniper and adaptability, the Accompanying Balloon that was hit to the vital point obviously cannot resist the powerful attack from the Big Needle Bee.Moreover, the weak physical defense of the balloon is its shortcoming. The stinger of the million needle bees can be said to have poked the sore spot!

The young and handsome referee looked at the defeated echo balloon in surprise, and the expression on Melissa's face was also a little surprised. The handsome referee raised his arm and pronounced loudly: "The echo balloon has lost its ability to fight, the big needle bee Win! 443"

A Xun in the auditorium was completely convinced, "I never thought that the speed of the big needle bee would be so fast after the million evolution, and the attack power would be so powerful. It is a combination of speed and strength. It’s not a very powerful Pokemon, I didn’t expect it to have such a great potential to be tapped.”

Speaking of this, Ah Xun couldn't help touching his chin and said: "Well, as expected of a dragon, his behavior is different. He can not only take out such an invincible Pokemon, but also can take out such a weak elf like the big needle bee. It has demonstrated extremely strong combat power. It seems that I must also subdue a big needle bee, and then evolve into a million form during the battle, which will definitely scare the opponent by surprise!"

Xiao Meiyan, who heard Ah Xun's words, gave him a contemptuous look. This guy is like a fan of the dragon.Do you have to catch one yourself when you see people using the Big Needle Bee, and the Big Needle Bee, a Pokemon, can only display more than twice the combat power after it evolves into a million form.

Mega evolution stones are so scarce, not just anyone can get them... But Ah Xun doesn't have to worry, who let him have a father who is fighting against the leader of the pioneering area, maybe this kid has the ability to evolve into a million evolution form in his hands The sprite is gone.

Xiao Guang said in surprise: "Miss Melissa's powerful echo balloon was defeated like this, it defeated my three pets in a row in the battle that day.

What about elves.Why does it feel like it's out of standard today? Could it be that it was scared stupid by the empty seat just now? "

The girl's words The beauty coordinator sitting next to her was very speechless, Saori looked at Melissa who was taking back the echo balloon in the field, and then said: "What the million-shaped needle bee pursues is With the sniper characteristics that specialize in attacking weak points and the adaptability characteristics that enhance the power of this unique move, it is not very strange to be completely hit by the stinger and knocked down by a balloon."

On the battlefield, Melissa also looked at the dragon thoughtfully and said: "This is the first time I have fought against a million-shaped giant needle bee. I have to say that its ability has surprised me. Big needle bee Your unique move is not gorgeous, but it is very strong. It seems that this is the simple and rough tactics that Mr. Long advocated in the gorgeous competition. This time I underestimated the enemy, it seems that I have to be more careful in the next fight!"

Chapter 237 The Battle of Million Forms, Soul Eye vs. Big Needle Bee

"It's my second one. It's up to you to deal with the astonishing speed and strength of the big needle bee, Ecstasy Eye!" Melissa Golden Rooster independently held the corner of the skirt and turned around, then threw a poke ball with her hands, After a burst of red light flashed, a Pokemon that looked like a ghost but with two eyes like diamond-shaped blue gems jumped out.

After seeing this Pokemon, student Xiaoguang in the auditorium immediately took out his pink illustration book with a look of surprise on his face: "Is this also a ghost Pokemon?"

"Ecstasy Eyes, dark Pokemon, with evil and ghost attributes. They live quietly in the depths of caves, and their eyes will emit strange light in the dark. Because they often dig stones with sharp claws and eat them, making them The ingredients contained in the stone will crystallize and float to the surface of the body. There are old stories that if you look into the eyes of the soul, your soul will be stolen by it, but various evidences show that this Pokemon is actually They are very friendly, and they only play tricks on travelers to get attention. They are notorious for their pranks, but that's really only because they are too lonely in dark caves by themselves for a long time."

Melissa, who summoned Soul Eye, didn't stop there, she waved her arm and said loudly: "Show everyone your power, Soul Eye, million evolutions!"

Immediately after Melissa yelled, the body of Ecstasy Eye, under the gaze of everyone, suddenly emitted a burst of dazzling light, and after a gorgeous transformation, a Pokemon holding a huge red rhombus gemstone appeared on the playing field.

Xiao Guang looked at the million-shaped Hooking Eye with surprise on his face, and the girl said with surprise and surprise: "Is this the million evolution form of Hooking Eye? It seems that there is not much difference from before the evolution." It's just that a pair of blue eyes have turned into red gemstones, but the biggest change is that the gemstone that Hookhun Eye holds in its hand is bigger than its body?"

"Millions of evolutions are a means to suddenly improve one's own potential after connecting with human trainers. Therefore, only through fighting can we detect the true strength of this Pokemon." As an idol senior, Saori After hearing Xiaoguang's words, he continued, "But one thing is for sure, that is, the Pokemon that has evolved into a million form must be stronger than the original form."

On the playing field, Long couldn't help but feel a little headache when he looked at the Ecstasy Eye holding a huge gem in his hand. After this Pokemon evolved into a million form, the gem that could be used as a weapon was amazing.Not only can it be used as a shield to resist attacks, but it can also be used to launch attacks, which is really tricky!

"Big Needle Bee, the opponent's ability just restrains your strengths. Do you decide to continue the fight or take a rest for the time being?" Long looked up at the Big Needle Bee flying over the battle field and couldn't help asking, but just now After knocking down the echoing balloon with one blow, it obviously boosted the momentum of the million needle bees.Therefore, upon hearing the dragon's question, the Big Needle Bee immediately raised a pair of javelin-like adult poisonous needles and kept beckoning, seeing that the Big Needle Bee obviously wanted to continue fighting.

Seeing this situation, Long immediately nodded knowingly and said: "In this case, then you, Big Needle Bee, continue to fight and regain your posture!"

The million needle bee flapped a pair of wings as thin as cicada's wings, its body twisted and pulled away at an extremely fast speed, and the ecstasy eyes flew away.This short-distance high-speed sprint is extremely disturbing, but the pair of ruby ​​​​eyes in Hooking Eyes did not turn, and just stood there holding a huge gemstone to face the big needle bee that was flying around in circles at high speed. Turn a blind eye.

The dragon raised his arm and shouted in a deep voice: "Big needle bee, poisonous stinger!"

The big needle bee buzzed around and was about to launch an attack, only to see that the body of the ecstasy eye became transparent like air and then disappeared without a trace. A series of dense stingers of the big needle bee In piercing the air, all the points were on the huge gem that evolved into a million-shaped soul-hunting eye.There was only a fine crackling sound of ding ding dong dong, and all the attacks of the big needle bee fell through.

"Damn it, the stealth ability that Pokemon Pokemon is good at using makes the battle even more troublesome." Long frowned and raised his arms and said loudly: "Big Needle Bee, the other party must be hiding around that huge red gemstone , Missile Needle!"

After receiving the instructions from the dragon, the big needle bee immediately showed off its limbs and the five venomous stingers on its tail, and then saw a burst of continuous shooting like a cannon, and the intensive attack immediately Covering the sides of the huge ruby ​​that stands on the field of play.A muffled popping sound pierced the air, and the ground around the huge red gemstone was immediately covered with a layer of ox hair needles fired by the big needle bee.

Melissa crossed her shoulders and saw Long smiled and said: "We have already seen through the tactics of the big needle bee, so it will be up to us next. The eye of the soul, the gem of power!"

After the owner of the Ghost Gym finished speaking, he saw a huge red gemstone standing on the playing field suddenly soaring up from the ground, with a burst of red light shining.A series of rhombus-shaped fine gemstones shining with white light flew towards the big needle bee, and the million big needle bee immediately flapped a pair of wings, and the body dodged back and forth in the sky at an extremely fast speed. A series of attacks to get out of the way.

"Big Needle Bee's flexibility and speed are great, but I don't know if I can avoid the piercing eyes of the soul-hunting eye." Melissa smiled, then raised her hand and said: "The soul-hunting eye, it's up to you next, Use black eyes!"

Just as the needle wasp was flapping its wings and stopped aimlessly in mid-air, looking down at a large battle field in front of it, a purple shadow suddenly appeared in the air behind it.Feeling a burst of laughter coming from behind, the big needle bee turned around suddenly, and happened to meet the pair of ruby ​​eyes of the soul-hunting eye, and before the big needle bee opened the distance to avoid it, the soul-hunting eye directly stretched out his hands Hugged the big needle bee with one hand.

The pair of diamond-shaped ruby ​​eyes emitted a strange red light, and the big needle bee couldn't help but fell into the eyes that looked like a bottomless pit in the eyes of the soul.As for Soul-hunting Eye, it quickly withdrew, and its body lightly landed on the ground behind the huge ruby ​​that hugged it, as if it was using it as a shield.

Melissa raised her arms and said, "Ecstasy Eye, have you captured the flight trajectory of the big needle bee this time, then let's use the power gem again!" Immediately, the soul-hunting eye raised the huge red gemstone and fired a series of white beams of light at the big needle bee.

The big needle bee was still rapidly flapping its pair of thin transparent wings, and its body was sprinting back and forth in a short distance at high speed.It's just that the soul-hunting eye seemed to have expected the movement trajectory of the big needle bee, and immediately raised the huge red gemstone to follow the moving range of the soul-hunting eye.

Countless white light beams chased the big needle bee, and they were constantly attacked by the power gems on the flight path of the million big needle bee. Immediately, countless white light beams hit the big needle bee, which dealt a heavy blow to it.For the insect-type Big Needle Bee, the damage effect of the rock-type trick of the soul-hunting eye is absolutely significant.

Seeing the big needle bee lose its balance and fall from the sky with a thud, Xiao Meiyan in the audience frowned and said: "The situation of the dragon is not good, even if it is hit by the black eyes of the ecstasy eye, It’s too late to replace Big Needle Bee.”

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