"Cha" the Tyrannosaurus descended from the sky, and its powerful arm fins slashed down the Huashan Mountain fiercely. With a roar, the muscles exploded, the legs slammed, the legs knelt on one leg, the arms exerted force again, the ground under the feet cracked, and there was a "bang", rocks flew, and the ground collapsed.

"Hoo" a destructive death light shot out from the ground and hit the head of the Tyrannosaurus, "Tahoo" the Tyrannosaurus let out a painful roar and threw its body high and fell to the ground. "Roar" Kuailong slapped his horse and killed again, the condescending destructive death light began to condense, "Oh" Bangira roared like a heavy tank wrapped in billions of shock waves and killed Chaomeng aggressively.

Chaomeng's right arm rests on his left shoulder, which is the part that was cut in the middle by Baodilongwa!Chaomeng pushed away a pile of rocks and walked out slowly, "Roar" Kuailong's destructive death light burst out, like a large-caliber cannon fired, the strong recoil lifted Kuailong's body up.Chaomeng's right arm, which was supporting his shoulder, swung suddenly at the moment when the destruction of the death light approached him, the destruction of the death light actually had a refraction, "boom" right in the middle of Bangira!

"Whoosh" Chaomeng flashed behind Kuailong with a teleportation, and flew, like a thrown hammer, hit the three-headed dragon with his right arm, stretched out and grabbed Kuailong's tail, and directly "boomed" Kuailong to the ground.

"Too strong, is this really the power that Pokemon should have?"

Xiaoxia dare not believe it.

"Huh..." Chaomeng floating in the air suddenly stretched out his right arm and a shadow ball condensed away, and the space fluctuated. Nazi's Hu Di was hit by the shadow ball and fell to the ground with a whimper just as soon as Nazi's Hu Di appeared.

"Isn't even a sneak attack useless?"

Cold sweat broke out on Xiaogang's forehead. Not only was it the first time for the people here besides the dragon to face Chaomeng, so they were suddenly intimidated by his powerful strength.

8 Lie" the flame monkey rushed out, the flames on his body exploded, and the fire energy around him began to gather towards him continuously. With a violent roar, the accumulated flame energy exploded to form a giant flame dragon Cracking the air opened its teeth and claws and rushed towards Chaomeng, blasting fiercely!

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" a rapidly spinning and condensed wave missile shot out and pierced through the flame dragon and hit the flaming monkey unabated. The child became dim.

"Another one!"

Chaomeng's right arm suddenly stretched out three fingers and squeezed, and with a "boom", a Geng Gui was ejected by the invisible super power and hit the wall of the arena.

"Oh..." Kuailong roared and got up from the ground, "Do you want to try again?"

Chaomeng snorted coldly, "It's the same no matter how many times, facing me, who has the most powerful power in the world, no matter how hard you try, you will still use the mortal stone!"

"Roar" Kuailong's body emitted a burst of dazzling white light, and then the body continued to swell, "Aww" a huge Kuailong tens of meters tall and occupying half of the arena appeared in front of everyone.

"Everyone, step back quickly."

Seeing Kuailong growing bigger again, Long Yi hurriedly ordered everyone to retreat. The huge Kuailong's destructive power was astonishing, and every move was earth-shattering!


Chaomeng watched Kuailong undergo a huge change, his body suddenly swelled, he didn't know how many times bigger, he was just a little surprised, and then smiled with interest, "Then I'll play with you again."

"Roar..." Kuailong looked down from a high position and opened his mouth to see a destructive and deadly beam blasting straight over. The golden energy beam was as thick as a big tree.Chaomeng moved away in an instant, and the "boom" destroyed the death light and pulled it directly, leaving a ravine as deep as the height of an adult to divide the arena into two and separate it horizontally.

"Cha" the Tyrannosaurus kept bouncing and moving on the body of the huge fast dragon, "Ba Yiya" the Tyrannosaurus leaped high with a roar, and its body was instantly wrapped in a layer of golden energy light, billions of shock waves!

"Hum..." Chaomeng's right arm gathered a white energy light, "This is in return for you, Wa cut."

The "boom" billions of shock waves is indeed the ultimate killing skill of the Tyrant Dragon.

"Roar..." Kuailong's destructive death light immediately tracked it, Chaomeng opened the blue protective cover, bowed slightly, and then fired at an extremely fast speed. The destructive death light bombarded the protective cover and immediately scattered in all directions.

Chaomeng slammed into Kuailong's neck fiercely, and the protective cover shot out a dazzling blue light. "Aw..." Kuailong wailed, and his huge body collapsed backwards, crushing the audience seats in the arena. Blockbuster.

Chaomeng's right arm drew in the air, and the airflow in the air quickly condensed to form four storm tornadoes mixed with snow, crossing and sweeping across, freezing the Tyrannosaurus in the air to form a hundred-meter-high diameter tens of meters Thick giant tornado icicles.

"Then...that's what!"

Xiaogang stammered in horror, "Why... how can there be such a blizzard!"

And the expressions of other people here are similar to his.

"Cut, let's end it."

Chaomeng's right arm pointed towards the Tyrannosaurus and shouted angrily, "Spiritual destruction!"

"Boom" The huge icicles that had frozen the Tyrannosaurus collapsed, as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was collapsing.Chaomeng stared at the Kuailong who was slowly getting up from the ground, and raised his arms falsely. The huge Kuailong's body was lifted up into the air by him with superpowers. This visual impact is worse than Geng Gui throwing the Kuailong That time it was even more shocking!

"That's the powerful superpower that crushed Suicune."

Sirona raised her forehead into a sichuan character and murmured, "It's too late, there is no one here to defeat him now, this is simply as powerful as Dia sound card and Palkia!"

"Aww..." Chaomeng waved his arm to the ground like this, "boom" the huge fast dragon's head and feet fell fiercely from a height of tens of meters, and fell to the ground with a bang, its body became smaller and could no longer move.

When Chaomeng raised his arm, dozens of black elf balls floated around his body in an instant. "Whoosh" the huge fast dragon, Tyrannosaurus and Bangira were received into the black elf balls one by one, and then released on the spot The elves were captured one by one.

"It's against the rules to capture someone else's elf in battle."

Xiaoxia yelled at Chaomeng.

"Hmph, are there rules?"

Chaomeng snorted coldly with disdain, "I will make the rules here!"

Seeing the black elf ball catching the elves one after another at a very fast speed, Xiao Zhi shouted: "Everyone, run."

However, the flame monkey of the dragon, the ghost who turned into Geng Gui, and the three-headed dragon of Sundae were all severely injured and captured into the elf ball one by one.And Batty's Gyarados and Sirona's Hackron were caught in one by one, but Xiaozhi's Squirrel and Pikachu were able to run because of their small bodies, and the scene suddenly became chaotic. .


Xiaozhi suddenly took out the poke ball and took Squirtle and Bibiu back into the poke ball and shouted, "Hurry up and put the pokemon back into the poke ball."

However, as soon as he finished his words, two black elf balls were taken in together with the elf ball in his hand. "Puff!" The little ground dragon and Mihuailong who had just taken back the elf balls in the sundae were also caught by Chaomeng's black elf balls. take away.

Chaomeng smiled contemptuously and said coldly, "The elf ball I made is omnipotent."

"Dragon, what should we do now?"

Lan's Toucan and Flying Mantis were also taken away and Chaomeng was too powerful to be defeated, so Lan looked anxiously at Long Wendao.

"Meow Dream wants to capture our elves and make copies like the three Blastoises, Bulgaria, and Charizard."

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