The ground of the street collapsed suddenly, and the scorching flames exploded and burned the place where it landed into a pitch-black place, while the pieces of bluestone paved on the street broke under the pressure of gravity and squeezed towards the surroundings.

"Huha people" suddenly heard a huge roar, and the storage room of the battleship that fell from the sky was lifted abruptly, and the elder brother with red eyes roared and violently pushed the This huge object was thrown out. 042 both parties failed. Such a big movement by Patchiliz naturally attracted Miss Junsha. Long and Xiao Meiyan simply went back to the police station with Miss Police to explain in detail. , because this incident also involved the theft case of Steel City, Ms. Junsha also called the Steel City Police Station for consultation. After some confirmation, she expressed her gratitude to Long and Ms. Er, and then the police The bureau also specially dispatched a helicopter to send Long and Xiaomeiyan back to Steel City overnight.

On the other side, at the secret base of the "Skynet" organization, Miss Junsha in police uniform entered a beautifully decorated and stylish garden villa after multiple verifications.A slender woman with a layer of indifference all over her body is taking good care of the flowers and plants. This picture looks very harmonious, but it feels out of place for this woman to do it.

The aura of this glamorous woman is too strong, and the indifference she exudes can also prove that she is a decisive and strong woman. Such a woman who seems to be injured when she gets close to her is acting like a gardener Isn't work against peace?

"Lord Shirley, I'm very sorry. I failed to complete your mission. I didn't expect Gongsun Long to escape from Lord J's battleship. It was my negligence that failed to bring him back."

This Miss Junsha even bowed her body and bowed respectfully to the leader of the "Skynet" organization. Such a scene is even more shocking!

Sydney watered the flowers with a focused expression. After hearing Miss Junsha's report, she said indifferently: "I was hesitant when I gave you this task, and I didn't have any hope of success. It's the same expectation, so you don't have to beat yourself up."

Sydney gave the kettle in her hand to Miss Junsha, clapped her hands and continued: "Our goal is the mechanical device that can resurrect fossils in the Iron City Museum, and this thing can generate continuous benefits for us. If it weren't for you If it is, it will be very difficult for us to get this thing this time, especially with that guy intervening. Only you can fool everyone without knowing it, and you are still as reliable as ever, Sakauchi!"

"Your award is the greatest affirmation to me."

Miss Junsha, no, it should be Sakauchi who gently took off the disguise on his face and revealed his true colors.

Xueli waved her hand lightly and said, "I don't know about this incident. Although the mission failed, the news should not be leaked out, and no third person should know about it!"

"This subordinate understands, this subordinate has resigned!"

After Sakauchi finished speaking, he saluted Xue Li and then slowly backed away. After being stunned for a moment, Xue Li was awakened by the cry of a baby in the room. This indifferent face The face of the leader of the "Skynet" organization showed a rare tenderness.

"Although I have been trapped in the dark quagmire and cannot extricate myself, I still have Chihiro. She must stand in the sun and breathe the free air!"

After some twists and turns, Long and Xiaomeiyan, who finally returned to Iron City, were shocked by an amazing news.Miss Junsha, the sheriff of Iron City, was attacked at home the night before the museum was stolen, and then she was in a coma for a whole day and night before she woke up!


Long and Sister Ershui were shocked by the news and couldn't find the southeast and northwest. After a long while, Xiao Meiyan looked at Miss Junsha standing in front of them with an apologetic face and said, "So... yesterday we met with you. And who are the people performing the task together?"

"Thousand-faced Silver Fox Hill!"

Long gritted his teeth and spat out a name, "That guy is really a good trick. Now I finally understand why my radio can't be connected later. It turned out to be such a thing. This guy is really a good trick, Pretend to be the most unprofessional Miss Junsha, and then bring the police deployment of the entire police station under my control!"

Hearing Long's words, Saori and Xiaoguang were all very surprised and said: "It's unimaginable that there are such powerful people, and what is the real face of that Sakauchi, does no one know?"

Ms. Junsha apologized repeatedly, "This time it was my negligence. It was the negligence of our police that gave criminals an opportunity. I would like to express my deep apologies to everyone. We have submitted this case to Interpol. Let them continue to investigate Hunter J and the 'Skynet' organization, our police will definitely do our best to track down the precious machine stolen from the museum!"

For Miss Junsha's words, Long will only listen to them as consolation. The "Skynet" organization is not an ordinary criminal gang. They want money and money and people, and even warships can be equipped. It's hard to figure out where the headquarters is, so it's so easy to destroy it in one fell swoop, of course it's a thing?

The level of civilization in the Pokemon world is too high, so criminals' modus operandi and equipment are also very high-tech. I don't know the extent of the hidden strength of terrorist groups like the "Skynet" organization. Ordinary inspections can handle it!

"Speaking of which, the biggest loss in this incident should be the Iron City Museum. One of the three treasures was directly stolen by others."

Long looked at the second lady with a cold face beside him and asked, "But the Qianhe family is so rich, so they shouldn't care about such a small loss, right?"

Xiao Meiyan glared at Long fiercely and said viciously: "Are you talking sarcasticly? If I had known this, I should rely on the power of my family to fight against such abominable guys this time. Unexpectedly, I I thought it was very smart, but I didn't expect that in the end it would become a joke in the eyes of others, damn Sakauchi, I can't spare him!"

"Uh... [-]" Long looked at the distraught second Miss Akami Homura, and he suddenly remembered that Miss Sakurai had said something similar when he was in the Yoshien area.Speaking of which, this sad guy from Sakauchi has offended both the two big chaebols of Yoshien and Sinnoh, but I don’t know if the guy who is targeted by such a big family will have a better life.

After Miss Junsha came to express her apology, she left in a hurry. Such a big case happened in Iron City, and the police station will be busy next time.However, there is still a trace of doubt in Akiba’s heart, and the beauty breeder looked at Long and Xiao Meiyan strangely and said: “According to what you said, the thief who pretended to be Miss Junsha should know that you are hiding in the transport car And the matter of infiltrating the battleship. But according to the experience you narrated, Hunter J and his subordinates seem to be unaware of the matter of your infiltration. Could it be that they are not in the same group?"

"Hmm... one" Qiuye's words woke everyone up, and Long stroked his chin, still puzzled, and everyone didn't understand the strangeness of it for a while.

Long, who hadn't come up with a clue all night, decided not to think about this headache. He is not a detective and he doesn't have a lot of free time to chase after this group of poachers, so things like this Just hand it over to the police for a headache.

After resting and rectifying at the Pokemon Center, the group of First Day Long packed up their bags and set off from Steel City in the early morning. With the Gym badge already in hand, it was natural to go to the next destination.And Saori and Xiaoguang also got the news that a gorgeous competition will be held in Yuanzhi Town, which is not far away from them, so both of them have already aimed at this place.

The group of people who left the Iron City and came back to the wild had a completely new feeling. Although the metropolis was lively, it was too noisy, but the wild environment was much better. The air was fresh, the environment was beautiful and peaceful, and the fragrance of Ukrainian flowers made people feel refreshed. Cool!

"Counting the ice and snow dragon, I now have six pokemon in my hand."

While walking, the dragon held a big chrysalis in his hand, looked left and right, and said, "But this guy really gives me a headache. It's been a while since I evolved from a unicorn to an iron-shelled insect, but there's no movement." None, I don’t know what can evolve into a giant needle bee.”

Holding the iron shell Kun Yitong, Long continued to say, "Didn't it mean that the evolution cycle of insect Pokemon is very short? It only took a week for Xiaozhi's green caterpillar to evolve into Pokemon." Ba Dahu, I have passed for several weeks, but I haven't seen the shadow of the big needle bee!"

Qiu Ye looked at Long with a smile and joked, "Didn't you say something bold back then, and now you are so eager to let Tie Kekun evolve, it seems that you are really going to do something big!"

Long touched his nose in embarrassment, regretting that he had said too much at the beginning, and now he can't take it back.After the battle in the steel gymnasium, Long felt more and more that it was not a simple matter to cultivate the big needle bee to be the main force of the gymnasium competition on its own.

Long has his worries, but Xiao Guang also has his own troubles.Since starting to become a Pokemon coordinator, so far she has only tamed the rabbit besides the round penguin.Seeing that the next gorgeous competition is gradually approaching, student Xiaoguang feels more and more that there are too few soldiers at his disposal.In the current team, except for the polished commander Qiu Ye, she is the only one who has the fewest elves.


Xiao Guang waved his arm violently and said loudly: "I have to subdue more wild Pokemon. When I was talking to Dr. Qiduzao yesterday, he asked me why I didn't send the Pokemon to him. And Dr. Also, a trainer who set off at the same time as me has already sent him several elves."

Startled by classmate Xiaoguang's yelling, Long and several other beauties looked at her speechlessly. This newcomer coordinator girl is always surprised like this, and her thoughts often change.Some time ago, I vowed that I don’t want to conquer too many elves, and I only plan to cultivate the type I like. Sure enough, not many days have passed, and now I have changed my mind!

Xiaoguang took the lead and ran to the front of everyone, looked around and said: "I have decided that no matter what kind of wild Pokemon comes to me at the next glance, I will subdue it. I think that to become a top coordinator, you must You must be good at bringing out the charm of various types of elves, no matter what type of elves can handle it. There have never been any weak elves, only coordinators who don't know how to use their strengths!"

sweat!Xiaoguang's words shocked everyone like Long. She never thought that Li Lin's famous words would be used here.Although it is good to have ambition and ambition, but as a newcomer with such a high level of consciousness, can she really reach her level? As a senior idol, Saori really wants to persuade Xiaoguang to not be impatient and be down-to-earth Be pragmatic, but afraid of hurting her morale.

When Xiaoguang was searching for wild Pokemon figures, a snow-white little guy with a long tail came into her sight.A pair of small blue ears, and there are two electric pouches like Pikachu on the cheeks, a pair of small black eyes are constantly turning and meeting Xiaoguang's eyes.

"Hmm... [-]" Looking at this curious little guy, Xiaoguang's eyes lit up and he clenched his fists with joy and said loudly, "It's so cute, it's him!"

"Patch Liz, the electric squirrel Pokemon, the attribute is the electric system. A friendly pokemon with electric pouches on its cheeks. After storing static electricity, the body that expands looks like the favorite tree fruit. It releases the stored electricity. It lives in trees, but sleeps in the hollows of the trees, and you can sometimes see Pachiris rubbing their cheek pouches with each other in order to share the stored electricity in their bodies with their companions."

Looking at the information given in the illustrated book in his hand, student Xiaoguang suddenly said with joy on his face: "It turns out that this little guy has such a friendly personality, so he doesn't need to fight to subdue him. Okay, let's decide Abduct it with muffins!"

After Xiao Guang finished speaking, he quickly took out a muffin from his body and waved to the electric squirrel with a smile: "Come and see, Patch Liz, this is a muffin I specially prepared for the round penguin and the rabbit. Do you like it or not?"

"Cracking people" Looking at the alluring muffin in Xiaoguang's hand, the electric squirrel suddenly shot out a blue electric current without any warning, and Xiaoguang, who was caught off guard, hadn't figured out what happened. One thing is instantly tricked.

But Long and the other three girls saw Xiaoguang, whose hair was exploding, lying on the ground stiffly, and the electric squirrel happily accepted the muffin that fell from Xiaoguang's hand... 043 The electric squirrel, the opponent is the big needle bee "Hey, hey...--" Xiaoguang rubbed his hair that stood up under the action of static electricity a little frantically, and said without tears: "Why is it like this? It's not in the illustration book What does it matter that Patchraz is a friendly Pokemon?"

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