
The dragon's face was horrified, and it only had time to scream, and then under the extremely shocked eyes of the crowd, the blood-red winged salamander roared and opened its mouth to shoot out a stream of hot flames towards the crowd.

The policeman in charge of driving slammed on the brakes at this critical moment and turned the steering wheel crazily. Accompanied by the screeching sound of tires rubbing against each other, everyone in the car felt a huge force of inertia pushing them over. All I saw was a police car turning around with a vigorous lateral drift, barely escaping from the scorching flames sprayed by the violent salamander.

The four people in the car didn't have time to calm down, they quickly unfastened their seat belts and jumped out of the car, while the violent salamander that blocked them flapped its wings lightly and swooped down on the roof of the police car. .With a few bangs, the front and rear windows of the police car shattered instantly, and the police lights on the roof were crushed into broken glass by the huge blood-winged dragon in the first instant.

Long, who escaped in embarrassment, looked at the woman standing on the back of the violent newt with a look of shock and anger: "It turned out to be you, Hunter J!" "Huh?"

J, who had dealt with Long more than once, turned his eyes and looked very surprised, "It turned out to be you, it's really a narrow road to the enemy, do you want to stop my good deed this time?"

Long took out a poke ball from his body with a cold face and shouted in a deep voice: "I should say this sentence, because every time you do bad things, I will hit you!"

The "Chame Man" elf ball bounced away with a thud, and the flame monkey stared at the violent salamander on top of the police car with a serious face. At this time, Miss Junsha and her police officers The staff member and Miss Xiaomeiyan all rushed over and stood by Long's side.

"Are you Pokemon Hunter J!"

Miss Junsha threw a Poké Ball with her hands and shouted loudly: "That's all for now, I will formally arrest you on charges of illegally poaching precious Pokemon, robbing other people's Pokémon, stealing other people's property, and maliciously assaulting the police∥" People" The wind speed dog next to Miss Junsha jumped forward, grinning and yelling at the storm salamander and J.


Hunter J didn't care about Miss Junsha's words at all, "You can't list my crimes all at once, you policemen are really ridiculous, as soon as you see a prisoner, you rush up and shout to arrest others. Shouting about getting caught without a fight."

"Storm salamander, dragon wave!"

Hunter J snapped his fingers lightly, and the Bloodwing Wyvern roared and shot a purple shock wave at the crowd in front of him without saying hello.

Miss Junsha hurriedly beckoned the wind speed dog to come forward to fight, "Spray flames!"

"Wang Yuren I'The wind speed dog roared and sprayed out a ball of hot flames to meet it, but it was not enough to resist the dragon wave unique move of the storm salamander.

The purple shock wave instantly dispersed the flames sprayed by the wind speed dog, and there was a loud bang, and the powerful dragon's wave trick was falling on the wind speed dog, causing a violent explosion in an instant.The wind speed dog wailed and was rushed out by the violent shock wave generated by the explosion. Even Miss Junsha who was standing beside it was implicated and was supported by the dragon to avoid falling to the ground.

Hunter J looked at Long and the others in a cold voice and said, "I'm not a pokemon trainer, so I won't engage in meaningless battles like you, I just want to warn you not to hinder my good deeds, otherwise I will never Will be merciful."

"What I hate the most is an old woman like you who has endocrine disorders after menopause. Her tone is really crazy."

Long clenched his fist violently, then waved his hand and shouted loudly: "Brother, give her a good lesson, Sonic Fist!"

These words almost drove J crazy, and before he could give the order to the storm salamander, he heard a violent sonic boom, and the senior brother rushed to the storm salamander's place with lightning speed. before.A powerful sonic fist was swung down, and there was another booming sound, and the Blood Wing Wyvern smashed on the car and flattened the car again.


Hunter J jumped off the salamander's back, waved his arm and shouted loudly: "Dragon's breath!"

"Oh ^ um... [-]" the violent salamander just let out a note and it turned into a whimper. The senior brother's strong hand pinched the blood wing dragon's neck fiercely, and his eyes suddenly shot out an incomparable A sharp look.

Without waiting for the violent salamander to react, the elder brother grabbed the blood wing wyvern by the neck and threw it on the ground in a standard over-the-shoulder posture. There was a muffled bang, and dust flew up. The whole body slammed heavily on the ground in all directions.

"Good... so strong!"

Miss Junsha and her police officers were taken aback by the sudden burst of fighting power of the flaming monkey, and they knocked the extremely powerful violent salamander to the ground in just one face-to-face effort. Strong strength!

"This guy..." Hunter J looked at the senior brother standing on the roof of the car, and then raised his right arm abruptly.Long, who had fought against this woman several times, was always on guard against her move, and when he saw this situation, he immediately yelled at the flame monkey to be careful.It's just that Long's reminder was a step too late after all, Hunter J sneered and shot a petrified light at the flame monkey.

The always arrogant elder brother of "Cha Mee Man" instinctively ignored the human attack, but forcibly endured the petrified light from Hunter J. Then the dragon saw the flames in horror The monkey's body was quickly petrified until it turned into a stone statue that couldn't even move!

"Hehe..." Hunter J sneered and said, "It really is just a crazy monkey with brute strength but no brains, as long as you use some tricks, you will not be easily dealt with."

Hunter J lightly pressed the communicator on the sunglasses, suddenly there was a roar in the sky, and after a flash of colorful light, a huge black ship suddenly sprang out of the empty sky. The warship slowly landed towards the crowd.


Long shook his hand and threw an elf ball and shouted loudly: "Vulture Na, please, you must help me get back the flame monkey∥'Xuluren'" Vulture Na let out a sharp cry, and then flapped it violently. With wings, he rushed towards the petrified elder brother.

"Storm Salamander, get rid of it, Dragon's Fury!"

Hunter J waved his hand with a sneer, and the Bloodwing Wyvern, which got up from the ground again, roared loudly, then opened its mouth and fired a huge dragon's wrath fireball at Vulture Na.

"Hurry up and avoid it, Vulture Na!"

Seeing this situation, the dragon quickly raised its arms and roared, and Vulture Na flapped its wings violently to avoid the powerful blow from the storm salamander.The powerful dragon's wrath fireball fell on an open space and immediately caused an extremely violent explosion, and Vulture Na turned around in the air and then returned.

The dragon's eyes froze suddenly, and then he shouted in a deep voice: "Yongwu∥'Xuluren'" Vulture Na screamed, and then suddenly folded her wings and wrapped her body in a hot flame and swooped straight towards the storm salamander.

"I don't pay attention to guys of this level."

Hunter J- looked disdainfully at Vulture Na, whose body was wrapped in blue flames, and then sneered and said: "Surrender and hit∥'Roarer'" The storm salamander roared suddenly, a pair of iconic His blood-red wings lightly flapped his body like a ray of white light and flew across the air, and then slammed into the Vulture Na who was coming forward.

The fierce collision between Yong Wu and Sacrificial Impact soon had a result, and the Blood Wing Wyvern instantly overwhelmed Vulture Na with more powerful force and rushed it out fiercely.

The storm salamander roared suddenly, venting its tyrannical power with loud roars!

At this moment, the second young lady, who had not moved all this time, finally made a move. She threw a high-level elf ball and shouted coquettishly, "Water elf, use the freezing light!"

"Rui Yiren" The water elf in purple fur shouted angrily and fired a blue freezing light towards the storm salamander in the sky. The blood wing wyvern who just knocked down Vulture Na just now was caught off guard and had no time to dodge.

Xiao Meiyan grasped this timing just right. The freezing light of the water elf is absolutely outstanding for the dragon-type and flying-type storm salamanders. The blood-winged dragon with half of its wings frozen in ice screamed and fell from the air. It fell heavily on the ground.

"Damn, another guy who got in the way came out, it's endless."

Hunter J took out the poke ball to take back the storm salamander, looked at the huge battleship that had already pushed over the heads of the crowd and said with a sneer: "But that's it, let's play with you here for a while, I don't have time now I'll spend it with you again!"

J lightly pressed the communicator on the sunglasses, and suddenly a frisbee was launched from the huge battleship and landed on the top of the senior brother, and then a transparent quantum energy cover fell and completely filled the flame monkey. .

"Damn old woman, you dare to touch my flame monkey!"

Surprised and angry, Long took out another poke ball from his body and was about to act, but the huge battleship suddenly fired a series of dazzling laser rays.Under the absolute suppression of the artillery fire, Long, Xiaomeiyan and Miss Junsha hurriedly avoided, her face was dusty and burst into bursts of fire from time to time.

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