"Hey Mi^Hey Mi...--" While speaking, a small pokemon that looked like a flower bud walked towards the crowd with its short legs.Looking at this cute little guy, Xiao Guang immediately praised him happily, and took out his Pokemon illustrated book to check the information of this little guy.

"Mimia, flower bud Pokemon, with grass-type and poison-type attributes. Most of the clean water sources live near ponds, and the pollen it spreads will cause strong sneezing and nasal discharge. In winter, the flower buds will be collected to endure the severe cold, and in spring When it comes, it opens its flower buds and releases pollen. It is very sensitive to temperature changes, and it is said that when it feels warm sunlight, the flower buds will definitely bloom and release paralyzing pollen.”

Looking at the shy bud in front of him who didn't show any timidity when encountering humans, Qiuye said dumbly, "So the trick of Fangqing just now is the masterpiece of this little guy. It seems very simple."

Hearing Qiu Ye's words, Xiao Guang immediately said happily: "This is really great, I'm going to tame this cute little guy!"

The girl was ready to take action as she spoke, but a sudden sound of the piano interrupted her.A young man wearing a cowboy hat, long black hair, and a long green cloak came out from behind a big tree, "You can speak only if you have a heart, and the flower bud elf is shy and heart-warming. It can calm the mind.”

This strangely dressed man walked behind Mimosa, looked at Long and Xiaoguang and said, "How about you two, have you calmed down a bit from your quarrel?"

"Uh... one" Looking at the young man in front of him who suddenly came out from behind a big tree and holding a harp in his hands, Long felt that the trick of clearing the sky without mentioning the shy buds would not work on him, just in front of a stranger. There's no way to continue arguing about this, right?

Xiao Guang glanced at the dragon, then looked at the shy bud in front of him and said with some regret: "It's such a pity, I really want to tame such a cute Pokemon, is this your partner?"

"Thank you for the compliment."

The young man smiled and introduced himself: "I am Naoshi, the Pokemon bard, and I am traveling with this mimosa while singing."

"Hey, Bard, it's the first time I've seen it."

Saori said with a smile, "Hi Mr. Till, the four of us are traveling companions. Hikari and I are Pokemon coordinators, Akiba is a top breeder, and Ryu is a very powerful Pokemon trainer." Home. The four of us traveled around with the aim of the Sinnoh region's Alliance Conference and the Grand Tournament celebration, so it seems we are all adventurers."

"The alliance meeting and the gorgeous contest?"

Hearing what Saori said with a smile, he said, "These are two high-level competitions in the Sinnoh region. Traveling without a goal will lose a lot of fun. As a pet minstrel, I have been hesitating how to compete in the competition. Decide between the league convention and the grand contest."

Hearing the words of the bard in front of him, Xiao Guang was a little surprised and said: "It turns out that Mr. Zhi also has the idea of ​​becoming a coordinator. If so, of course the gorgeous competition is more interesting and challenging!"

"Humph..." Long snorted coldly. As an elite trainer of the Pokemon Alliance, Long certainly had the pride of being a Pokemon trainer.Therefore, even if it is the cute Guangdian, Long still doesn't agree with her point of view.

"The gorgeous contest is indeed very interesting, but in terms of challenge, the luxury celebration and the alliance meeting are not at the same level at all."

Long picked the bangs in front of his forehead, forgetting that there are two serious Pokemon coordinators here, but continued to talk to himself: "Besides, for an excellent trainer, the alliance meeting is just It’s just a small challenge. The Masters of the Four Heavenly Kings and the Venerable League of Champions are the ultimate challenges for all Pokemon trainers, and the magnificent Hall of Champions is the ultimate dream place for trainers..."Looking at the self-proclaimed dragon and his face changing Xiao Guang, who was getting darker and darker, was afraid that there would be a bigger dispute, Qiu Ye hurriedly covered his mouth, this guy was deliberately provoking a war.How could anyone say such a thing in front of the coordinator? This guy is not so thoughtless in normal times!

However, Akiba's movements were obviously a beat slower, and Xiao Guang rushed to the dragon angrily and said very upset: "Are you belittling the coordinator and the gorgeous contest? Even if you are a pokemon trainer, it's not funny Just raise yourself up and say such unprincipled words, I think the Gorgeous Contest is more interesting than the Pokemon Tournament, and becoming the world's number one top coordinator is more challenging than entering the Hall of Champions!"

sweat!Facing such an aggressive and beautiful girl, Long finally realized that the cute Guangdian's anger was also very imposing.At this time, Xiaoguang is trying to pull the idol senior Saori over to fight against the hateful trainer Long.

However, Saori, as an adult, of course would not argue with others over such meaningless things like Xiaoguang. The beauty coordinator glanced at Long helplessly, and then said to the beautiful girl of the new coordinator: "You guys just calmed down the dispute, but now it's even worse. Whether it's a Pokemon trainer or a coordinator, don't you have to fight over who is better? Are you too childish?"

What Shazhi said made the dragon a little overwhelmed. Xiaoguang can be childish, but his words are too embarrassing.At this time, the bard who was left alone fiddled with the harp in his hand, looked at Long and Xiaoguang, who had calmed down again, and apologized: "I'm sorry, because I caused you to argue again, if you don't If you dislike me, I am willing to sing a song for you as an apology, how about it?"

Just after Zhizhi finished speaking, Xiaoguang suddenly had a whim, and the beautiful girl coordinator stepped forward and said to the bard: "Mr. Zhi, can you fight with me? I feel that sometimes I want to vent my inner feelings." Negative emotions don't have to be in a soothing way. A fierce battle is also an excellent way, how about it, I think through the battle, you will definitely see the charm of the Pokemon Coordinator!"

"Yeah...--" Xiaoguang's words really surprised everyone. They never thought that such words would be uttered by a new girl.

Long Man's doubts could only be suppressed. He felt that such a statement would be credible if it was said by Saori, but if it was Mengmeng Daguangdian... 012 points for the winner, trainer and coordinator Because of Xiaoguang's classmate Xiaoguang's fighting spirit, even the bard Naoshi reluctantly refused, and under his guidance, a group of people came to a clearing in the forest.

The rookie coordinator, the beautiful girl Xiaoguang, led Yuan Penguin, the bard Naoshi and Mimosa confronted each other, and the one-on-one battle even saved the referee.

"It's really no problem, this is Xiaoguang's first time fighting against a trainer."

Akiba said worriedly: "I couldn't even deal with wild Pokemon before, but now I suddenly skip the easy mode and enter the hard mode. No matter how I look at it, I think it's very problematic."

Saori laughed and said, "As a newcomer, it's good to have a lot of tempering. Even a Pokemon coordinator must fight against other trainers. Let her experience the battle under the command of the trainer and the wild Pokemon in advance." Isn’t the difference in battle pretty good? Whether it’s success or failure, it’s all about accumulating experience.”

Zhi Zhi helped the harp in his hand to signal Xiao Guang: "Then please attack first!"

Now that the other party has said so, Xiaoguang is not polite, looking at the harmless shy bud in front of the bard, he said with a smile: "To deal with grass-type Pokemon, of course you have to use flying-type special moves, Come on, round penguin, attack with a peck∥o Hamoren I' The round penguin stretched out its long pointed beak that shone with white light, and rushed towards the mimosa with its short legs. With purple A lesson from the past for Scorpio, this time round penguin finally regained her confidence in body shape from Mimosa.


Facing the round penguin Fenyou was running towards Mimosa, the bard unhurriedly gave the order to dodge, and Mimosa leaped high to avoid the round penguin's pecking attack.Seeing the opponent flying at least five or six meters high, Xiao Guang and Yuan Penguin both showed shock on their faces. They also have short legs, and their jumping power and reaction speed are better than those of the copycat Doraemon. Much better!

"Don't be in a daze, Mimosa is a small flower bud Pokemon, so naturally it can use the wind to make itself jump very high."

Long couldn't help reminding Xiaoguang: "When the opponent is in the air, it is the best time to launch an attack!"

"You don't need to remind me, this is my battle as a coordinator."

Student Xiaoguang didn't appreciate the kindness of the dragon, and waved his hand to point the round penguin and said loudly: "Attack with foam∥'bahamo people'" The round penguin opened its mouth and fired a series of blue waves towards the mimosa in mid-air. Bubble, copycat Doraemon thought that he could bully him by finding an opponent smaller than himself, but he didn't expect to be overlooked by others again.

The bard smiled lightly, and gave instructions calmly on the 1st, "The seed machine gun ∥ 'Misluman'" fell lightly in mid-air, and the mimosa opened its mouth to shoot out a series of faster and more powerful guns. The seed machine gun, this series of attacks quickly burst all the bubbles spit out by the round penguin and counterattacked back.

The copycat Doraemon repeated the mistakes of the purple scorpion before, and the densely falling seed machine guns hurriedly dodged left and right with their short legs.However, with the agility of the round penguin, it is naturally impossible to avoid the continuous attack of the seed machine gun. With a few crisp puffs, the whole body of the round penguin was blown away by the seed machine gun.

"This is not possible. As a water-type Pokemon, it doesn't have a powerful long-range attack trick, and it has no advantage at all when it comes to attacking."

Long Xi sighed: "Let's not talk about the water cannon, even if you don't know how to use a water cannon, how can you compete with others' unique moves?"

Qiu Ye lightly tapped on the dragon's head, "Since you are watching the battle, can't you stop shaking your head and commenting on others here?"

Well, the dragon owes again, but this guy is such a character.Some people are inherently lonely, and they don't care whether others like it or not. Anyway, they can't control their talkativeness when they watch people play cards and chess.

"Chamoren" Yuan Penguin panted heavily, the grass-type seed machine gun trick is undoubtedly very effective against the water-type copycat Doraemon, and Mimosa's counterattack caused more damage to Yuan Penguin The previous missile needle of Zhizi Scorpio is even bigger!

"Sunshine Flames!"

Zhizhi lightly plucked the strings, and finally launched the grass-type ultimate move on Yuan Penguin. The two entangled small buds on the top of Mimosa's head slowly opened to absorb the energy of the sun's rays.

"Sunshine Flame needs a long time to accumulate solar energy before attacking, just in time to knock it down before Mimosa launches."

Student Xiaoguang thought to himself, and then happily waved his hand to signal Yuan Penguin to come forward and attack.Although he is also a newcomer, Xiaoguang's understanding of Pokemon is obviously better than Xiaoyao's novice stage. When Long was traveling in the Fangyuan area, Yao's father was a gym trainer. Xiaobai, and was often taught by her own brother.

"Chamoren" Yuan Penguin regrouped, picked up the pecking attack again and rushed towards the Mimosa. However, the copycat Doraemon still failed to run in front of the opponent this time, and a blazing white beam was shy The buds shoot out in a straight line and devour the penguins on the way whole.

There was a dry bang, and the power of this move was great, and the round penguin was directly swept away by the shock wave generated by the violent explosion.The copycat Doraemon opened its mouth and couldn't make a sound. This time it completely lost its ability to fight. This little guy is also a sad reminder today. How many times has he been abused?

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