"Roaring people" The big brother roared loudly, broke away from the billions of power absorbed by the earth turtle by taking off the armor of flames, then shook his head and opened his mouth to shoot a fiery stream of flames towards the ground. There was a loud bang, A group of high-temperature flames instantly dissipated the raging sandstorm like a tornado, and the hot flames surged out and rolled towards the ground. The dazzling fire group was like a meteor falling into the atmosphere, and the momentum was extremely terrifying!

Seeing this situation, Shinji quickly turned his head and shouted at the tortoise: "Use hardened plants to block the opponent's trick∥'Ruiboren'." After a loud bang, countless huge thorns harder than steel broke through the ground and protruded from the top of the turtle's head, interweaving and forming layers of thick plant vine walls.

The scorching fire ball condensed into a huge "Heaven" character during the falling process, and with a bang, the flames of the "Heaven" character hit heavily on the plant vine wall constructed by the earthen turtle.The high-temperature flames burned and pierced these thorny vines that were as hard as steel in an instant, and went straight to the earth turtle hiding at the bottom of the thorn bushes.

Hearing the huge bang and explosion that was even better than before, the "sky" flame quickly broke through all the barriers and finally hit the earth platform turtle heavily. The huge impact caused the ground under the earth platform turtle's feet to collapse instantly.With a bang, the "Heaven" flame that had condensed into a solidified state almost pressed down on the earth platform turtle and carved its own mark on a flat piece of land, leaving a still burning "Heaven" on the ground. Character!

"Ao Miao Ren" Flaming Monkey turned over and jumped down from mid-air. On the ground, the huge flaming "Heaven" character finally slowly restrained the fire until it was completely extinguished. There is a huge pit with the word "heaven" in it, and the earth turtle buried in the huge pit, of course, lost its fighting ability as expected, and was killed in one blow!

Standing proudly behind the flame monkey, Long said with a smile: "To further enhance the power of the big character burn and present it in a solidified form, and then sublimate it into a 'heaven' character explosion, it can be said that this is something that only we can create." The astonishing trick!"

"The Terra Turtle loses its ability to fight, and the Flame Monkey wins."

After Dr. Qiduzao pronounced the result of the competition, Yiyi looked at the huge "天" character left on the ground with a shocked expression on the 1st and murmured: "It's really a great trick. It is very appropriate, it is unimaginable that the flame can create so many changes after being solidified and applied to the battle!"

Seeing Shinji-kun take back the bruised tortoise without saying a word, Xiaoguang couldn't help hugging the round penguin in his arms tightly. The girl couldn't imagine being crushed by such a huge burning text condensed by flames. What will it feel like.When she looked up at the flame monkey again, the newcomer girl felt that this elf was refreshing her perception of horror every minute, it was really scary!

While watching the battle, only Xiaozhi was under more pressure than the others. Seeing the endless attack methods and increasingly powerful ultimate moves of the flame monkey, his heart would become heavier; He was severely beaten by a dragon once, but the dream in his heart has never changed. This is a passionate young man who is never afraid of strength and failure.In his heart, no matter how powerful the opponent is, he wants to challenge again and again, because his goal is to become the world's number one Pokemon trainer.

However, the sense of awe brought by such a powerful performance of the flame monkey weighed heavily on Xiaozhi's heart. He turned his head and looked at Pikachu on his shoulder. To be stronger, you must defeat the dragon!"

Long didn't know that Xiaozhi's determination to challenge and defeat him was strengthened because of the extremely powerful performance of the flame monkey. At this time, he put all his thoughts on the cold-blooded boy in front of him, "You only have the last card left , now it’s a complete one-on-one duel... Well, if you continue to insist, it seems that we can still end this competition before dark, well, it’s time for you to speak!"

Shinji-kun clenched his hands into fists, and stared straight at the calm-faced dragon. The even queen boy still took out his last poke ball.There was a muffled bang, and a huge guy whose body was longer than the Gyarados and weighed more than the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus roared and hit the ground heavily.A huge head was raised high, and with a sudden roar, two rows of frightening big steel teeth were exposed.

"It turns out that your last elf is a big steel snake with dual attributes of steel and ground. In terms of attributes, this one is even more unfavorable than the earth turtle just now."

Long smiled and said to Shinji: "No wonder you put this elf until the end. It is indeed very similar to your style of action. It's just that from the super iron tyrannosaurus, the desert dragonfly to the earthen turtle and the big steel snake, You seem to like the ground-type Pokemon, so you don't want to replace Master Kikuno as the ground-type king of the Sinnoh region?"

"Oh, it turns out that's the case."

Long's words actually convinced the few people watching the battle, and they all looked at the cold and silent Shinji-kun with their original eyes.And Akiba, Saori and the others even thought that although this young man's current strength is still far behind the master of the Four Heavenly Kings, who can say for sure what will happen in the future.Moreover, even Xiaozhi can shout the slogan of becoming the strongest trainer all day long. If Shinji-kun's dream is to become the Four Heavenly Kings, then it really can't be considered too much.

Even though it is obvious that the teasing meaning in the dragon's words is understood, but now Shinji is not the time to care about these things.Although this crushing defeat made him feel tremendous pressure, he still didn't want to give up even at the last step.

"Eldest brother, the last blow!"

This time, the dragon did not wait for Shinji to speak first, but suddenly stretched out his finger and shouted loudly: "Du Zhan Buddha...'Ao Miao Ren'" Flame Monkey raised his head suddenly, and a pair of scarlet eyes shot out an incomparably frightening light .

Flame Monkey lightly leaped into the air, and with a huge beast-like roar, the elder brother suddenly shot out an extremely hot raging flame all over his body.The billowing stream of flames entwined round and round, and the crowd looking up at this time clearly saw a huge "Dou" character transformed from flames floating behind the flame monkey.

"This... what is this?"

The scorching breath erupted by the senior brother made everyone on the ground back away again and again, and the beauty breeder shouted out in surprise as he watched the senior brother's momentum rising steadily.However, even Qiu Ye, who was traveling together, had never seen the big brother perform such a move.

"Wuqia people" Flaming Monkey roared, and the huge "Dou" character floating behind instantly turned into a flame form again, spinning and condensing into a ball of blazing white flames to envelop the big brother. With a bang, the Flaming Monkey Stretching its body, it rushed towards the big steel snake with a speed like a shooting star. The blazing white flame dragged a dazzling long tail behind the flame monkey, and the dazzling white light made everyone look straight at it. Cover your eyes one by one to avoid being stabbed by the white flames.

"Oh...--" the big steel snake roared angrily, and before the flame monkey got close, it felt a scorching breath coming from its face.The big steel snake only felt as if its whole body was being burned, and the dazzling white light made the big steel snake couldn't help closing its eyes, even though it knew how dangerous this was in such a battle, "Bai! People'' Flaming Monkey roared loudly. At this time, it was like a focus in a magnifying glass focused on the sun and stabbed fiercely at the big steel snake. Immediately, an extremely painful cry was heard. Wrapped in dazzling white flames The flaming monkey suddenly flashed like a ball of hot flames piercing through the body of the big steel snake that is harder than diamonds.

The white light dimmed instantly, and the flame monkey kneeling on the ground with one hand and one knee suddenly stood up, and behind it, the huge body of the big steel snake, which was as high as ten meters long, fell down, rubbing the flame monkey and hitting the ground heavily.After the bang, the steel snake, which was still motionless, obviously had no possibility of moving again, and the crowd who just opened their eyes didn't see what happened just now.

However, the big steel snake that fell to the ground made everyone realize that the winner had already been decided when they closed their eyes... Let's join together in 009, the battle between Mengmeng Daguangdianlong and Shinji has finally come to an end However, if we only look at the results, the Flame Monkey has one against six, and the battle presents a one-sided situation. If we study the process of this battle, then the powerful combat power shown by the big brother is even more shocking and daunting.Especially the last move, so far no one understood how the big steel snake was defeated.

Facing the doubts raised by Dr. Qiduzao, Long patiently explained: "The inspiration for this unique move comes from the absolute zero in ice-type skills. The accumulated energy focuses on the absolutely high-temperature flames to deal a thunderous blow to the opponent. At the same time, use The way of Flame Clash is to bring out the power of this unique move, in order to avoid the possibility of the opponent dodging as much as possible. Therefore, this can be said to be a one-hit kill in the flame-type unique move, and I call it Fighting Buddha!"

"So that's how it is..." Dr. Qiduzao pondered for a while, and then asked Long his own question, "Your idea is certainly very good, but what you said just now seems easy, but it should be very difficult to do it, right? "

Dr. Qiduzao continued: "Even if it is a Pokemon of the flame type, the temperature of the flames that can be emitted rarely exceeds 2000 degrees Celsius, and the flames of the flame monkeys have turned white just now. I really can't think about it." How does it do this, and even if the flame monkey can gather absolute high temperature, how can it release it in a way similar to the flame collision. Even if it is a flame-type Pokemon, its body may not Can't bear this god level flame?"

People engaged in research are like this. When they encounter something they are interested in, they like to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.But in the face of Dr. Qiduzao, Long could only try his best to explain: "I can only say that before the power of passing on the bell of life, the Flame Monkey would never be able to do this. Although as the trainer of the Flame Monkey, but I don't know the specific situation very well, but every time the flame monkey uses this move, it will cause a great burden to the body, and its side effects are more harmful than the flame collision."

"Well... one" Dr. Qiduzao nodded and pondered: "Is it the power of the bell of life? A lot of impulse."

sweat!Hearing Dr. Qiduzao's words, Long suddenly regretted it. He knew that he shouldn't have kept the elder brother with reservations just now, so he was showing off too much.Fortunately, Dr. Qiduzao didn't ask Long to lend him the flame monkey for research, but pondered: "Even if it is an ice-type Pokemon, if it is hit by absolute zero, it will lose its fighting ability instantly. And your absolute high temperature Although the idea is good, I think it’s too aggressive to cast it in close contact, if it’s launched as a special attack like Absolute Zero, wouldn’t it reduce the burden of the flame monkey?”

The suggestion made by Dr. Qiduzao made Long ponder. It is true that close-contact attacks are better controlled and greatly increase the hit rate of the trick, but the price paid is also very high.If the hit rate is not considered, it is indeed feasible to emit an absolutely high-temperature flame in a special form like Absolute Zero.

Just when Long bowed his head and pondered how to optimize the super nirvana of the flaming monkey, Shinji, who had received a big defeat in the battle of Koya, suddenly interrupted him, "That's it for today, I will take care of myself." Study your tactics, and I will challenge you after I come up with a countermeasure."

"Oh, are you still coming?"

Long really had his patience worn out by this cold-blooded boy, who would say in front of his opponent that I will go back and study you carefully, and continue to challenge you when I am ready next time... I will go, even if you have any ideas If you can't put it in your heart, aren't you afraid that your opponent will take precautions after seeing your thoughts?

Therefore, cruel people are usually very proud and confident. Shinji bowed to Dr. Nanatozao, said some words of thanks, turned and left.At this time, Xiao Zhijun, who finally saw the opportunity, ran forward and said loudly: "Hey, Shinji, let's compete with me, I want you to see my battle!"

As expected of the fighting maniac Xiao Zhijun, no matter how many times he was ignored and rejected, he still tirelessly sent out challenging requests.But Xiaozhi met his nemesis this time. Even though Xiaozhi repeatedly harassed the cold Shinji, he still ignored him and left Dr. Qiduzao's research institute without looking back.

Xiao Guang, a newcomer girl holding a round penguin in her arms, said blankly: "This guy is really cold. I just thought he was hard to get close to. Even the Pokemon as a companion also behaved very cold."

"It is indeed, what a rare boy."

Saori nodded and said: "Only a person with such a personality can recover immediately after a big defeat. There is no negative emotion such as depression and frustration on his face, which is really scary."

Qiu Ye picked up the GPS navigator in his hand and asked: "It will be dark soon, we need to arrange accommodation as soon as possible. Long, do you have any plans?"

Hearing the question from the beauty breeder, Long said without hesitation: "Our goal is the Pokemon Gym and the Gorgeous Contest, so the journey naturally revolves around these two. Just look at the weather today. It's early, so let's rest in Zhensha Town for a night, and set off tomorrow morning!"

Qiu Ye nodded and then checked on the navigator: "The nearest town with a gymnasium to Zhensha Town is Steel City, and before that, Changshou Town will hold a gorgeous contest, we can turn to Changshou Town first and then Then go to Steel City."

Saori laughed happily and said, "I didn't expect that I would be the first to meet the challenge. In this case, I must prepare well. After all, it is also my first round in the Sinnoh region, so it is best not to mess it up. "

Saori said goodbye to Dr. Qiduzao hand in hand with Akiba, and Long also politely declined Dr. Qiduzao's kindness to let them stay overnight in the institute.Long always felt that the doctor's assistants saw him as a class enemy, so he stayed here to get other people's eyes, and his appearance was also a big deal for these Sirona fans. No small thrill.

Long was dragged by Akiba and Saori and reluctantly left Dr. Qiduzao's research institute. Looking at the two beauties, Long, who turned his head three times, he was very puzzled. Did this guy leave something behind? What expression is that?

It's a pity, Qiuye and Saori don't know that Long didn't forget to leave something in the research institute. As an Uncle Chengshi whose lolicon soul is slowly awakening, what he can't bear to part with is the cute Guangdian.But you can’t say such words, otherwise, not to mention the assistants of the research institute, even the two beauties Qiuye and Saori would despise him fiercely. They didn’t realize that this guy Long was still hiding With such an evil attribute, it's not suitable for children!

The research institute of Dr. Qiduzao.Xiaoguang bid farewell to the doctor and left in a hurry. The girl who rushed out of the research institute looked around and finally found Long and his group who had not gone too far. Xiaoguang happily chased after him and shouted: "Please wait a moment!" ,senior!"

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