Long You looked at Miss Yulong suspiciously, he didn't understand what Xiao Zhuang meant by saying this.

In recent years, the alliance has divided the Kanto region into two regions, Kanto and Chengdu, in order to balance development, and introduced stricter and more reasonable rules. There are three ways to succeed Master Tianwang: First, the winner of the annual alliance conference can challenge the region Champions League qualification.The second is to be like Nazi, as the strongest gym trainer in the region, randomly draw lots to defeat the opponent, and then become the new Master of the Four Heavenly Kings.Finally, each member of the current four heavenly kings of the alliance assigns a place every year. This trainer recommended by the current king and champion also has the opportunity to compete with the four masters.As regions connect with each other, cultures blend and promote each other.The Elf Alliance, which integrates legislative, judicial, and administrative functions, vigorously promotes the commercial operation model, and the Kanto and Sinnoh two pioneering areas have been established. Every year, Pioneering Brain and Zhiba have the right to challenge the alliance.

The Super Queen turned around and explained to Long who didn't understand: "Let me answer this question for Xiao Zhuang. When the Champions League was still called the pinnacle throne, there was a trainer who was crowned Not long after, Master Tianwang resolutely decided to retire and devote himself to archaeological excavation without distraction, and that person is Mr. Jindai."

Miss Yulong raised her brows and said in a deep voice: "Yes, the elder brother who just succeeded the first champion venerable also offered an olive branch to Mr. Jindai under the instruction of Chairman Damaranch, hoping that he can fill the gap in the Chengdu area. The Heavenly King was vacant, but because of his own insistence, he gave up. In desperation, the elder brother had to let Master Shiba serve as the Heavenly King of the two regions. So I think Mr. Jindai can not only rely on the legendary guardian Reggie to reach the height he is today. The three elves of Chikas. Dragon, don’t carry too much burden on your mind, everyone said these are definitely not trying to put pressure on you before the game..."

"Thanks to piercing this layer of window paper, I can face up to the opponent who will challenge tomorrow. It's so interesting, Mr. Jindai is actually a strange person who rejected the throne of the king twice? I really want to meet him right away, just listening to you Telling his deeds here, I am so excited that I am shaking!"

Long slapped the table excitedly and stood up, clenched his hands into fists and shouted firmly on his face: "The overall level of our group of trainers today varies from good to bad, showing an overall downward trend, and has been criticized and criticized by people from all walks of life. Among them are There are many factors, the most important being the change of the times and the development of science and technology that make human beings less dependent on the power of Pokemon. I am powerless to refute these voices of doubt, but I, Gongsun Longhui, will prove with practical actions that the land of Guandu is vast, rich in resources, rich in resources and outstanding in people. , is still the cradle of trainers, starting from dominating the battle frontier!"

She has never felt that the man in front of her is so charming, and that confident smile deeply touched her.A plain white jade arm rested lightly on the dragon's shoulders, Miss Sakurai took out five colored flags from her bag like a magic trick and distributed them to Kona and the others, and said to the dragon with a coquettish smile: "Don't worry, tomorrow will In the game in the morning, everyone will cheer for you as always. Pokemon battles are not just about winning, and trainers grow up through continuous failure step by step. So, don’t be afraid of failure, this is a famous saying from grandma Oh...'Come on!"

All the girls waved the colored flags in their hands and responded in unison.

"thank you all!"

Long was so overwhelmed that no matter who he was, he gave each of them a bear hug. The five women around him all had inexplicable ambiguous relationships with him. After eating the tofu, everyone's pretty faces turned red with embarrassment. Except for the Ice Queen and the Super Queen, the other three murderous eyes swept over his body as if they were real.

Long, who felt that something was wrong, suddenly showed an embarrassing smile, he laughed and waved his hands and said: "Uh, I almost forgot the business, didn't I say to go to the friendly store to replenish materials? Our portable fruit grinder seems to be not very good Forget it, I’ll buy a new one later..." "Okay, okay" Ms. Sakurai heard that the purchase was full of new vitality, and quickly grabbed Kona and Akiba and said, "Then let's go to the nearest famous place first. museum, let’s go shopping together by the way.”

It is a woman's nature that most of them cannot resist the temptation of shopping and shopping. Long once again admired his wit.

There is an old saying that people are not as good as heaven is. When he came out of the automatic door of the department store, Long deeply realized the wisdom of Chinese predecessors and couldn't help but deeply regret the proposal made two hours ago.Not only did he pay for all the shopping expenses this time, but he also contributed all the money he had recovered from the profiteer boss last time.

"Even if I ask you, Miss Ben. Last time in Tomoda City, because of the red lightning, I failed to buy a lot of things, so today I want to make up for it all at once."

Sakurai leaned in front of Long and said pitifully: "And don't you think that it would be detrimental to my image to let me, a famous Shuyuan, walk around the street with a bag? Could it be that you really have the heart to watch Am I, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, suffering?"

Looking at the seven or eight shopping bags in front of him, Long repeatedly said, "Nazzi use your material conversion ability to make the bags smaller, okay?"

"That kind of weight is no different from light and fluffy cotton to you. Within the range of your ability, it will trouble me to spend my mind. If I can't do it, I suddenly feel tired and mentally exhausted."

Nazi snorted and stuck out her tongue playfully at Long, seeing that he was in a mess, my God, my lord empress can't be so black-bellied.Jokes aside, Na Zi still paced forward, with a deep light shining in her eyes, a strange force controlled the large and small bags to slowly float into the air, and finally shrunk down to the size of a mobile phone pendant in front of everyone.

On the way back, Xiao Zhuang and Sakurai chatted and laughed, while Long walked in the front while happily nibbling sweet peach fruit.Miss Yulong suddenly remembered something and asked Long: "By the way, Mr. Xiaogang left his hometown to travel and was in charge of Xiaozhi's three meals a day. So who is running the Nibi Gym now? I remember he said I used to be a gym trainer."

Long stroked his chin and thought: "The specialty of the gymnasium in Nibi City is the rock department. It was originally established by Xiaogang's father, Uncle Wu Neng, and it can be regarded as a time-honored brand in the Kanto region. After the African boy set off, the gymnasium trainer's The position seems to be taken by his younger brother Jiro. If you come here, you might as well go and have a look, it’s just due west.”

Akiba raised a finger to his mouth and guessed, "I'm thinking, should I attribute Xiaogang-kun's excellent cooking skills to his mother? Auntie should be a capable housewife. In fact, if he Get rid of the bad habit of flirting with girls, and rely on your unique insights in cultivating elves, you will definitely be favored by girls."

"Akiba, you are wrong. On the contrary, Aunt Minase is a business type compared to doing housework at home... Can't handle pots and pans, and the ten children in the family were all raised by Uncle Wu Neng as a guest dad. Silver After the mountain conference ended, Xiao Gang specially invited me to his house as a guest..."

Long began to spout gossip news about Brother Gang: That day he and Shadong... No, Xiaozhi came to the African boy's house, and a pungent formaldehyde smell hit his face, and found that his aunt was happily decorating the gymnasium .Aunt Minase talked about the results of her work with relish, and once showed the two of her water arrow turtles, and said that the water-type elves are much stronger than the rock-type.Brother Gang asked his father why this kind of thing would happen, and Uncle Wu Neng said helplessly that he had to listen to his wife's conversion of the gymnasium into a water system.

Ms. Sakurai pursed her lips, and when she saw that Long wanted to show off, she immediately said dissatisfiedly: "Go on, it's really exciting to hear, how will it end, won't it turn into domestic violence in the end?"

Long saw that the girls were very interested, and even Kona listened happily. He cleared his throat and continued: "Look, I didn't say that you are so excited. Please listen to the next chapter to break it down." Aunt Minase and Uncle Wu Neng had a battle to decide who should be the master of the house. The uncle knew that he was at a disadvantage in terms of attributes and was bound to lose, so he had to fight under the pressure of the children. The result can be imagined, All three of his Pokemon have lost their ability to fight. Luckily, my brother got in the way, bah, strategized. He informed the uncle in advance and resorted to cruel tricks. He ran away immediately after losing the game, and pretended to fall into the pool by accident. Never thought that Uncle Wu Neng would be Knowing how to water, as the saying goes, a friend in adversity sees the truth. Aunt Minase rescued her drowning husband in a critical moment. After flirting and cursing, they understood each other's feelings better and agreed to hand over the management of the gym to Jiro. Story After the lecture, we're here too. Look, isn't this the Nibi gymnasium...Nani? What the hell is going on!"

643 Wonderful Decoration, Go to Battle Pyramid The iconic limestone columns that originally stood on both sides of the gymnasium are now lying quietly in a forgotten corner, replaced by neatly manicured garden-style walls.This is nothing, the more powerful is yet to come.A silk woven red carpet was laid out and stretched to the feet of everyone.The style of the newly decorated Nibi gymnasium is comparable to Mondrian's abstract painting. It boldly uses various types of paints and paints. Two elf patterns are depicted around the main body. The big rock snake and the rice spoon snake can be vaguely recognized and decorated with passionate bouquets of roses and pink hearts.The huge contrast caused by strong colors gives people both visual and physical oppression, and children can't hold it without mosaics.

"This... a Nibi Gym is too ostentatious. It is completely different from what I imagined. Except for the three rocky English letters of 'GYM', it shows that it has official qualifications officially recognized by the Kanto Federation. I really can’t see the appearance of a gymnasium at all.”

Miss Sakurai, who thought she had stepped into the grand contest venue, wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, and said a little speechlessly.

Seeing Sakurai and Akiha falling into petrification, Long smiled playfully and muttered in a low voice: "I want to say... I passed by here half a year ago. It's not like this. Could it be that Jiro borrowed from Hua? With the experience of remodeling the water ballet theater in Landao Pavilion, do you want to follow the example of that little girl Sakura and turn her property into a children's paradise for children to play?"

He intentionally elongated his voice, but he was clearly like a mirror in his heart; even though there was only a relationship between two sides, Long dared to conclude that the kid would never do such unprofessional things. He often shows a maturity and stability that is completely inconsistent with young people of the same age.

"Let me tell you what's good about you. Every time I talk about people's interests and hobbies. Nazi has already explained to me the review process of Hualan gymnasium in detail. Sakura has completed the project I tailored for her very well. The two sisters vowed to me before leaving that they would carry forward the Hualan gymnasium and become the first one-finger gymnasium in the Kanto region. Regardless of whether this ambition can be achieved. Just relying on this positive and progressive attitude to reopen to meet the challenge Or, as a master, I will be happy."

After all, there is a deep relationship between master and apprentice. Kona Chaolong snorted and played the role of the old hen guarding the calf, her face was full of relief, and the cute girl who said "Master" gradually began to be her own.

Perhaps this building is too mighty and domineering, and the super queen, who was worried about affecting the aesthetics, couldn't bear to look away, and said to everyone: "As long as the operation is regular and the software and hardware meet the standards, the Elf Alliance allows gym trainers Engaged in a second career. As of last year, the Nibi Gym has issued a total of 61 gray badges. Excluding weekends and a public holiday, there is an average of one trainer who succeeds in the challenge every week. In terms of this data, the performance of all 230 gyms is quite satisfactory , and Nibi City is located in the northwest hub, there is a great possibility of developing sideline business.”

When it comes to making profits, Yasi and Yaqi have their own unique business experience, and their annual net income of eight figures makes Long very satisfied.Gymnasiums are no more than battle facilities, and the amount allocated to support projects in the Alliance Headquarters is less than a fraction of the latter. It is barely enough for daily maintenance to pay staff salaries, but making money with money like a large and medium-sized enterprise is like a drop in the bucket.Everything you do these days is inseparable from promotion and publicity. Only those sponsors who are secretly watching to gain popularity will invest a lot of money. Since these two families took over the Dark Gym, they have been busy in building efficient contacts.

"What an accurate statistic."

Hearing Nazi's analysis, Qiuye said suspiciously: "Then, wouldn't it be too harsh for the challenger to have a heavenly king-level master like Senior Juzi act as the gym trainer, and who else can get the badge of the Viking Gym? "

Miss Yulong covered her mouth with a chuckle and took over the words: "Hehe, this is all according to her own wishes. During my brother's tenure as the trainer of the Yanmo Gymnasium, in most cases, he would not intentionally make things difficult, as long as he believes that the person has the right to join the alliance. The qualification of the conference will award the opponent's badge. If it happens that he encounters troubles for a few days, it will be miserable, and the challenger will have to find another way to collect badges from other gyms."

"Mr. Wu Neng, you big man, don't be always moaning, can you?"

The sudden female voice interrupted Xiao Zhuang and their endless conversation.A beautiful woman with short flaxen hair and wearing a half-yellow gown came out of the gymnasium, frowning and jumping to urge the middle-aged uncle behind her.

Probably noticing the existence of the dragon, the woman put away her angry expression in embarrassment, and then greeted everyone: "Ah, ah, what I said, the left eyelid kept twitching before going out just now, so there is a distinguished guest visiting. Hello everyone, I'm Xiaogang's mother Minase."

While speaking, Uncle Wu Neng finally appeared on the stage, and the cheerful Lotte Kappa was on the sidelines as a labor force, with three large suitcases of luggage on his green wide-brimmed hat, and he danced happily on the 1st, as if nothing had happened.


Sakurai, including Akiba and Xiao Zhuang beside him, was taken aback. This figure is no mother who has given birth to ten children.When the three women came back to their senses, the dragon had already stepped forward to greet him and said, "Long time no see, Aunt Minase is younger than last time."

Aunt Minase put her hands on her cheeks and said embarrassingly: "Dragon is still so cute when he speaks, no wonder there are always so many beautiful girls willing to be by your side. Our Xiaogang's mud can't support the wall, and he died before confessing." Begging to be ashamed when he actually got a girlfriend, just like his father when he was young! I purposely turned the gym into a house of love, and wanted to give him a big surprise! You said Xiaogang would be happy..."

Poor parents all over the world, sensing her heartfelt joy, and finally finding the crux of the problem, Long couldn't help but wonder to himself: Auntie and Uncle Wu Neng are planning to go away.They were thinking a little too much, the relationship between the African boy and Xiao Ji hadn't even been written down yet, so it might not be appropriate to discuss the new house for their son right now.

Minase shook his head and said in a concentrated voice: "It's just a coincidence that Auntie won a five-day, four-night charter flight to Mui Ne Island in a department store. We can't refuse it. How about I ask Jiro to show you around 7 "You don't have to be polite. Since the two of you are busy going to the airport, we won't disturb you."

The Ice Queen waved her hand and declined politely.

"Look at what I'm doing! It's rare for everyone to come to the humble house, but Mr. Wu Neng and I can't show our friendship as landlords. I'm so sorry that I can't entertain you well this time..."

Aunt Minase deeply regrets this.She is not only the hostess of the gymnasium, but also an elf trainer specializing in water. She regrets missing the opportunity to exchange ideas with Kona.

Nazi, who has been silent all this time, kindly reminded: "The Kanto Alliance has investigated and dealt with a number of unqualified gymnasiums after several months. However, there are still criminals operating against the wind with a fluke mentality, so the headquarters decided to take the last round. Severe crackdown does not rule out sending five-star super-high-level reviewers to participate in the action. Although Nibi gymnasium is not included in the above situation, in order to avoid unnecessary risks in extraordinary times, it is recommended that auntie restore the gymnasium to its original state as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the rectification notice The release is definitely not a joke."

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