The dragon general Bangira, the flaming monkey and the wind speed dog took back the pokeball and turned and left. "What, wait for me."

When Junsha saw the dragon greeting, she walked away without turning around and immediately jumped on her feet.

"Hehe, we will meet again."

Banmu looked at the dragon's back and smiled, "Wait, my gym."

Banmu came back to his senses, but found that his gym, which had been destroyed by Bangira, the blazing monkey and the wind speed dog, had to be renovated and was suddenly depressed.

"Hey, wait for me."

Junsha caught up with the dragon panting.

"Huh? Are you okay?"

Long asked, "Also, how did you come out dressed like this? Where's your police uniform?"

"It's not appropriate to wear a police uniform right now."

After Jun Sha finished speaking, she felt inappropriate and quickly explained, "No, I'm on a special mission and it's not suitable for me to wear a police uniform."

"Special mission?"

Longhu said suspiciously, "Even so, why did you stop me?"

"It's not because of you?"

Junsha rolled her eyes, "Me?"

Long Hao said with a smile, "You don't mean to say that because this young master has captured your heart, you want to arrest me and bring me to justice."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Junsha blushed and spat, "That's good."

Long patted his chest and said, "My young master's dream is to become a champion trainer and then to court the young and beautiful champion Miss Xirona, and her achievement as a champion couple will go down in history."

"So you like Miss Shirona?"

Jun Sha said sadly, "But why are you... One" "Are you okay?"

Long didn't notice the strange expression on Junsha's face, "I will rush to Nibi City as soon as possible to get the next badge."

"Well, you have to take good care of the wind speed dog."

Jun Sha showed a reluctant smile, "Of course."

Long suddenly remembered that it was a bit unreasonable for him to subdue the wind speed dog without the consent of others, "I'm sorry about the wind speed dog, I will catch another elf for you."

"Really? I want the very powerful one."

Jun Sha's enthusiasm is not very high, "Of course, if there is no powerful helper, I am afraid that you will be caught by the thief if you catch the thief and fail to catch it."

Long joked, "Okay, let's come out, Fengsugou and Junsha say we are friends... Wang Wang" Although Fengsugou had no feeling for Junsha, he said goodbye to her by barking twice.

Junsha stroked Fengsugou's head and said reluctantly, "Fengsugou, you have to work hard and win more victories with the dragon... Wang Wang" Fengsugou kissed the dragon.

"Okay, the wind speed dog, let's go, target, the Viking Forest."

Long turned over and rode on the wind speed dog and waved goodbye to Jun Sha, and set off like a wind in the Vibran forest.Junsha turned and ran back to leave a bunch of tears. She originally wanted to travel with the dragon, but now she doesn't need it anymore.

And what about the dragon's situation in the dragon's situation in the Viking Forest at this time? "Come on, get lost again, can't find the road."

Dragon is a road idiot and it is serious enough to only walk on one main road. If there is another one, he will ±{±E "Damn, this place is not only full of insects but also many small roads. If I knew earlier, I should not just plunge in like this. I was on the same road earlier, I don't know where Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia are? It's going to get dark soon." Long kept pushing the weeds with a stick and turned around in a dejected manner.

"Bi" A crisp black cry came to mind on the dragon's head, "Who is that?"

Long wondered, "Bidiao? Golden?"

The blood of Long's body was boiling with excitement, flashing elf. "Feng speed dog, come out."

The dragon called out the wind speed dog, "catch up with that bi eagle."

"Wang!" The wind speed dog barked and chased after Bibi Diao.However, the speed of the eagle is too fast. Although the speed of the wind speed dog is very fast, there are many people on the back, so the speed is brought down. "No, it won't be good when the sun goes down. Go, Flaming Monkey, stop that Bidiao for me."

"Lie" Flaming Monkey nodded towards the dragon and rushed out more than ten meters away. After [-] times of rapid speed, the Flaming Monkey finally caught up with the Bidiao. Beagle was suddenly attacked by a flash of electric light, which was enough to avoid the attack of the flaming monkey.

"Bi" Bidiao found the flaming monkey that attacked it with a dive of steel wings and attacked the flaming monkey. After the blazing monkey used the speed for several times in a row, the vigor was a little weak, and after the spraying flame just now, it really needed to take a breath. , so it was too late to dodge in and was split from the tree by Bi Diao. Seeing that he did not defeat the Flaming Monkey with one blow, Bi Diao took advantage of the situation and resorted to Yan Hui, and the "Lie" Flaming Monkey was slammed into the tree.

"Bi" Bi Diao didn't expect this flaming monkey to be so resistant. Usually, it only needs one move to solve the battle. "Bi" Bi Diao's mouth began to condense golden energy, "Bangira, follow that destructive death light."

The dragon finally arrived just in time when Bidiao's destructive death light took shape, and "Ban" Bangira took the destructive death light of Bidiao with both arms. "Good chance Bangira, Rock Blade."

Long commanded.

"Ban" Bangira roared up to the sky, and the sharp stone blade directly hit Bi Diao, whose body was stunned after the destructive death beam was fired. "Bi" Bidiao fell from the air with a whimper. The dragon was about to throw the pokeball and woke up when he was about to fall to the ground. "Bi" was a low-altitude flying body wrapped in blue flames and slammed into Bangira. Long was shocked, "Bangira, that's Yongwu to avoid it."

But it was too late, faster than the eagle in the state of Yongwu, and the eagle slammed into Bangira, and Bangira was slammed into the tree.

"That is?"

The dragon was shocked, and the appearance of Bi Diao didn't seem to be hurt by Yong Wu at all. "Bi" Bi Diao stared at Bangira and kept flapping his wings. The flames around him continued to converge on Bi Diao. This dragon was shocked. Yes, the flames collide.Yongwu is flying at a high speed and rubs against the air, and his body will be covered with a layer of cyan flames, but this time, Bi Diao is surrounded by flames that converge on it and wrap it with red flames, which is obviously a prelude to the collision of flames. It's the same as when Flaming Monkey and Wind Speed ​​Dog use this move.

"Could it be that this eagle is... one?" Long guessed. "Roar" Bangira didn't have as much thought as the dragon. When he saw Pidiao gathering flames, it began to gather energy, "Boom" billions of shock waves and flames collided fiercely, and the "Right" Flame Monkey did a backflip. Going to the dragon's side, I watched a non-fire-type elf use the ace skill in the fire-type.

"Ban" Bangira roared with a roar of golden energy that suppressed the flame tornado after only a stalemate with the flame tornado for a moment. The power of the flame collision was not comparable to the flame monkey's wind speed dog.Bangera finally stopped after knocking down four big trees in a row. "Ban" Bangira looked at the swirling eyes of the eagle and roared up to the sky. "Go, Poké Ball."

The dragon threw the Poke Ball, which stopped after shaking it three times.

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