Captain Dulube leaned on a cane with a half-smile and appeared behind the first mate. "Captain, you are here. Please forgive me for not being able to..."

Jiqiu turned the back of the console chair with a respectful look and wanted to get up to salute, but the severe pain from his lower body still made his face twitch.

The ghost Durubb waved his hands again and again and said in a low voice: "You are injured, so you don't need to be polite, just sit and talk. I just want to know how the situation is going. Please report briefly."

Jiqiu analyzed the data and then reported: "Yes. The images from the sent micro-detection devices show that the fleet escorting the Sea Prince seems to be on guard, with guards set up day and night. However, the main battleship is far away. The other party should not have noticed that we are tracking them under the sea. Captain, please instruct."

Captain Dulube nodded when he heard the first mate's report and decided: "I will not give up the crown of the sea, let me know. Don't do anything until I find Akesha. I will hunt down prey like a megalodon shark. Grabbing the 杌 will eat the opponent in one bite."

After speaking, he made a swallowing motion with his hands. "Eat it in one bite, eat it in one bite," the noisy crow resting on the crutch flapped its wings imitatingly.

"Understood, Captain. My subordinates are desperate to help you find the temple, and I am always looking forward to the moment of revenge."

Chief Mate Jiqiu clenched his fists and twisted the muscles on his face and said.

"Are you about to reach the temple? The smell of the treasure is getting closer and closer. You all forced me to do this. Don't blame me for taking the crown first."

The conversation between Jiqiu and Du Lubu completely angered the second officer. He thought in his heart, don't wait until later, if he doesn't seize power, he may never recover.

Most of the moon in the night sky has disappeared into the shadows, and the waves splashed on the reef from time to time, splashing waves. There was a pokemon sitting on the reef, and its melancholy expression could be seen clearly through the moonlight. The little guy didn’t understand , Why did the person closest to me suddenly avoid it? Thinking of this, tears of grievance flowed down. "Ah..." Mana Fei looked at the crescent moon in the distance and hummed a sad tune.The weeping melody attracted a large number of water elves to surface and stop to listen.I want to help the sad prince of the sea share his sorrow.

Miss Sakurai stood on the deck and said worriedly: "Does Akiba really want to keep ignoring it like this? It's the third day, and I feel so pitiful for Manafei."

Ever since the incident happened the day before yesterday, Qiuye began to deliberately avoid Manafei, no matter what the little guy did, she would ignore it.

Kona was silent for a while and then said softly: "Mr. Jack is right, Manafei is destined to return to Aksha, and the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. Now I just hope that both of them can come out of the hesitation and confusion as soon as possible." .”

In the observation room at the bottom of the cabin, Qiu Ye frowned and blamed herself in her heart: "You have an important mission on your shoulders, you are the prince of the sea. I'm sorry, Manafei forget me."

The little girl Guangmei quietly walked up to Qiuye, took off the bracelet made of blue shells from her wrist and bowed her body: "Sister Qiuye, thank you very much for everything you have done for Manafei. Our family is very grateful , please accept this, this is the water clan's token, I hope you can wear it."

Akiba took the bracelet from Hiromi and said excitedly: "Thank you Hiromi, I will take it as a testimony of my friendship with Manafei. Although it is very short, I will cherish this beautiful memory forever."

After a week-long voyage, the group finally arrived at the sea area where the underwater temple is about to appear.The Blue Lagoon docked on a small island with lush vegetation and beautiful scenery.In the captain's cabin, Old Man Shipp and Mr. Kay stared at the dashboard and waited. "The moment has finally arrived, and all the hard work in the past is due to the total lunar eclipse tonight."

Old Hipp stroked his beard and couldn't hide his excitement.

Mr. Kay suddenly pointed to the electronic chart and said, "With this small island as the center, the surrounding ten square nautical miles is the range where Aksha may appear. Father, can we come in a hurry?"

The old man looked at his son's puzzled expression and explained with a smile: "It's up to people to make things happen. We do our own work well, and the rest depends on Manafei's physical condition and the weather at sea."

The handsome Jack held his binoculars high and stood on the watchtower to patrol back and forth. Today is related to the success or failure of his important mission for nearly six weeks, and no mistakes will be allowed.

Long brought a plate of Pokemon food from the cabin, walked to the shore and shouted excitedly to the bottom of the water: "Manafei is eating, Hugh's favorite flavor of pink banana."

"Myrna, maybe, likes it."

The little guy swam over from the sea and looked around as if he was looking for something. His face was full of disappointment when he saw that the person who brought the food was not Qiu Ye.

Miss Sakurai, who came out with Long, sighed and said, "Long, you can't do this, this child still wants to find Qiuba."

Although it is no better than Akiba, Sakurai also feels a little bit reluctant when he thinks that he will say goodbye to the lovely Mana Fei after today.

Long stroked Manafei's head and said to Sakurai with a smile: "So even if it's for Qiuye, we must take good care of Manafei. If Qiuye knows that this little guy doesn't eat or drink for her, wouldn't he be more guilty?" ?”

"That's true, but we are not familiar with Manafei, do you have any good ideas?"

Miss Sakurai rubbed her head with a headache and said.

Long stroked his chin and said in a low voice: "Manafei is very resistant to any of us except Qiuye, but it's different for Pokemon, since it's a child, just play with it. Come out everyone!"

The dragon then took out a bunch of poke balls and released Menus, Bi Diao, Fossil Flying Dragon, Nido King, Kirulian and Electroshock Beast. After explaining a few words, he pulled Manafei in front of them.

Mana Fei looked at the faces of the big and small friends who suddenly appeared, with curious and suspicious expressions on their faces. Before the little guy could react, the Electric Shock Beast happily ran over to pick it up, and placed it on the slide that had built itself into a slide. King Nido.Manafei happily slid from the back to the tail, and when he was about to land, King Nido flicked his tail vigorously, and the little guy was thrown high into the sky.Brother Diao used the flash of lightning to accelerate, and Ling Kong connected it to his back.The fossil flying dragon took off at the same time and carried out a relay with Bi Diao in the air. They flew back and forth over half of the island. The exciting roller coaster made Manafei feel addicted.Menus gliding quickly on the surface of the water with the super-powerful young lady, rolling up beautiful liquid water circles like planetary halos wherever he goes.The Prince of the Sea jumped into the water from the air, gracefully crossing the water circle one by one.

Long snapped his fingers and said proudly to Sakurai: "How is it? My idea is not bad. You can see how much fun it has. The food is here. The little guy will come to eat when he is tired from playing. Let's go first." Collect firewood in the forest."

Sakurai nodded and followed quickly.

Akiba hid on the side of the deck and watched the little guy silently, with a look of relief in her eyes. She took out the bracelet of the Water Clan from her pocket and prepared to put it on. Thinking that Manafei could go home with a smile on her face, she could finally accept this formally. gift.Maybe it was because the deck had just been cleaned, Qiuye suddenly slipped and fell to the ground, and what was even worse was that the token fell into the sea and was washed away by the current.

All of this was seen by Mana Fei, and the little guy plunged into the water when Menus and the others turned around, frantically looking for the bracelet. Liked it just as much.The bracelet hung on the dorsal fin of a toothfish passing by along the waves, and Manafei chased after it without hesitation.


Menus and Super Junior looked at each other, at first they thought that Mana Fei was playing hide-and-seek with them, but after circling the nearby waters for a week, they still couldn't find the Prince of the Sea.Before the dragon left, he repeatedly told him to keep an eye on it. The two little elves, who knew something bad was going on, came to the bank anxiously and found the dragon who was chatting.

Long was still there to tell the girls about his good method, and successfully solved the problem that had been going on for several days.At this time, Chao Neng Xiaozheng ran over in a panic and gestured something.

Seeing Chao Neng Xiaozheng being too nervous, Long couldn't help but turned around in a daze and asked the Super Queen: "Nazzi, what is Kirulian talking about? I didn't understand it;" the Super Queen looked Ling Leng said: "Don't talk about your 'good idea', you know? You caused a big problem, and Manafei is gone."

Long was shocked and quickly took Menus and Kirulian back. How could this happen? It was too much to show off.Originally, he wanted Manafei to recover and return to Aksha smoothly, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected problems at this last moment.

The old man Xipu felt the dignified atmosphere in the crowd from walking in front of the crowd and said suspiciously: "Why are you so sullen, oh, I know that Manafei must be going back, everyone is reluctant, right, parting is always uncomfortable The... one" "Master, I'm sorry. Mana Fei it..."

Long told old Hipp what happened.

After hearing Long's statement, a look of astonishment flashed in the old man's eyes, and then he said in a concentrated voice: "Don't be sorry, Mana Fei will definitely save the day. We are now racing against time, everyone, come with me."

Old Shipp came to the bottom of the cabin, opened the iron door, and a brand new small yellow submarine appeared in front of everyone. "This is the Rael. Hiromi is responsible for driving it. It can carry five people in total. We must find Mana Fei before the total lunar eclipse. The hopes of the Water Clan rest on you."

The old man said earnestly.

After deliberation, it was decided that Nazi and Kona would stay on board, and Long took the other three girls to search for Manafei on the seabed.After the dragon and the girls packed up, they set off immediately. The hatch below the Blue Lagoon opened, and the Rael cruised freely in the ocean. The searchlights illuminated the sea area in front very brightly.It feels like the whole person is swimming in the water like a fish.

Long Wuxia took this wonderful feeling into consideration, and Shuangyu clenched his fists and said guiltily: "It's all my negligence that caused Manafei to get lost, Miss Guangmei, I'm sorry for causing trouble to you and your family. "

Qiu Ye repeatedly interrupted him when he heard Long's words: "Long, it's none of your business. It's because I've been too indifferent to this child these days, and broke his heart."

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