An uncle at the scene was moved to tears by Long Gang's words.

Ms. Sakurai hugged Casey and said with a smile: "I have no objection either, as long as I'm satisfied with the [Elf Best Friend] medal, this is the result of my joint efforts with Casey."

Ms. Joy hung the golden medal around Miss Sakurai's neck. In the middle of the medal was a quick photo. The moment when Sakurai smiled and hugged Kathy was permanently fixed in this medal.

"Great, great! This is what I wanted, Kathy and we finally made it."

Ms. Sakurai, who won the medal, jumped up and down happily holding Casey like a child who got candy. "Kai..." The little guy in Sakurai's arms also let out a cheer, showing a cute smile for the first time.

Akiba was also happy for Sakurai's success, and holding the mimosa she said in a deep voice: "We can't use so many special fruits as additional prizes. After I pick some, the rest of the fruits will be shared with everyone present here." Let's share it together!"

The audience cheered again.

Long and his entourage, who returned to the elf center, were sitting around eating fruits and chatting happily about the interesting things that happened today.

Long took a bite of the fruit in his hand and said with a smile: "In the end, all three of our participants became winners. It was really an interesting competition, and I didn't expect that the mysterious prize that Miss Joy mentioned at the beginning turned out to be The Awakening Stone."

Kona joked with a smile: "What's the matter, do you want your Kirulian to evolve into a super fighter with dual attributes of super energy and fighting type Elledo?"

Long put away the awakening stone, shook his head with a smile and said: "Although I really want to do that and make it stronger. But I don't think the right time has come yet. Besides, this time I still want to respect Kirulian himself There is really no way, I was also infected by that guy Xiaozhi before I knew it."

Akiba smiled and said, "It's good to participate in events like this once in a while, and Mimibu is also very happy today."

Ms. Sakurai, who was feeding fruit to Casey, nodded and said, "Well, it feels really good to work hard with Pokemon."

At this time, the Super Queen gave Sakurai a thumbs up and said: "I tried to communicate with Casey just now, and it told me what it saw and heard today. Sakurai, your performance this time is really good!" I am impressed by it. I was a little worried at first, but now it seems that there is no need for it. I am also happy that Casey can find a trainer who loves it like you, keep going!"

Miss Sakurai said excitedly: "Is it true? Did Casey really admit me? Nazi, thank you! Thank you for telling me."

The Super Queen nodded slightly and gave Sakurai a look of approval.

Miss Yulong took a bite of the apple and sighed: "Hey, after hearing so many interesting and touching things from you guys, I suddenly feel that it's a pity that I didn't go to the competition with you today."

Qiu Ye said playfully: "Isn't Xiao Zhuang taking care of the elves in the nursery next to the elf center? And if Xiao Zhuang participates in the competition, the three of us will have no chance with your good physical strength and motor nerves. Last time In the beach volleyball game, the small stakes beat the dragon all over the place."


The girls looked at each other, and Hui Qi laughed out loud.

As night fell, everyone returned to their rooms.Kona pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in surprise: "Sakurai, you won't be sleeping with Casey every night from now on?"

Miss Sakurai made the bed and nodded and said: "Yes, after today, I feel that I will never be able to live without this child. And the night is very dark, and I don't want Casey to face this darkness alone again. Because being alone is really scary, scary. Good night, Kathy."

After saying that, Sakurai hugged Casey and fell into a deep sleep.

Kona looked at the sleeping Sakurai and said with relief, "Sakurai, this is the original you."

The busy day finally passed, and Long and his party fell asleep one after another with exhaustion all over their bodies.

Early in the morning, the dragon and the girls ate something casually, and said goodbye to Miss Joy from the elf center.He couldn't wait to rush to the pier of Bedokali Island.

"Hey! Are we leaving here now?"

Ms. Sakurai, who just won the cross-country race yesterday, obviously still has something to say.

Long spread his hands helplessly and said, "I'm here to challenge the Kanto Battle Frontier Zone, not here for sightseeing. If it wasn't for participating in the Pokemon cross-country race, we should have set off yesterday."

The Ice Queen frowned and said: "Senior Yukang said before that after transferring to a large cruise ship here, you can go directly back to the port in the big city of Kanto. The location of the sixth battle facility, the Battle Tower, is in the forest of Mangcao Town. If nothing else happens, this should be the last stop on our Kanto voyage."

Ms. Sakurai said with a little disappointment: "That's such a pity, I finally fell in love with this feeling of sailing on the sea."

In the blue sky and the boundless sea, a cruise ship sailed towards Bedurulli Island through wind and waves.When Ms. Sakurai boarded the ship, she did not forget to stop and take a look at this small island that left her with fond memories.

At this time, in a dark alley in a big city, gusts of gloomy wind blew over, and the three little boys shivered uncontrollably.

A child in Ganzhong, wearing a hat and shorts, pushed the shoulder of his companion next to him, and said in fear, "Forget it, Ah Hong, are we really going to fight against that guy?"

Between the lightning and the flint, a red figure descended from the sky and appeared in front of the three of them with a cold snort.

The boy named A Hong raised his hand and shouted: "Has it finally appeared, the hateful red lightning!"

A strange creature covered under a red cloak stared into two golden eyes and said coldly: "Hehe, since I have heard my name, it seems that I am quite famous in this area."

A Hong roared at the red figure: "Of course, there is no one who doesn't know you, you bastard."

"Ah Hong, I think it's better to run."

"Yeah, it's too strong, and the people who fight it are in bad luck."

The two companions dissuaded.

Ahong clenched his fists and shouted with a righteous face: "No! How can we escape, let me beat this guy."

The red figure stepped forward and said in a cold voice: "Hehe, what a courageous young man, but courage does not mean strength. Then according to the rules of elf trainers, facing each other is a signal for battle. Let's fight Win or lose, take out your Pokemon!"

Ahong put his hands in his arms and took out a Poke Ball and said in a concentrated voice: "Okay, come out, please, Mosquito-repellent Tadpole∥'Gumo" Mosquito-repellent Tadpole stood up full of fighting spirit and stared at the red figure. "Come on Red Lightning."

the boy yelled.

"It looks like I'm ready, then I'm going to attack!"

The red figure roared and immediately jumped up and flashed in mid-air. The crimson creatures turned into afterimages and quickly approached the mosquito-repellent incense tadpole.

"Ah, so fast, it's too powerful!"

The two friends were stunned when they saw the red figure rushing towards them, and took a few steps back in a panic.

Ahong raised his hand and shouted: "Go to the mosquito-repellent tadpole, knock it down, and use the wave of water∥'gumo" The mosquito-repellent tadpole raised its body high, and spit out a dark blue round water ball at a very fast speed and rolled towards the flying dragon. The attacking red figure.Hong Ying roared angrily and swung his arms, splitting the water polo in half.

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