"It's amazing, Long Xiaoyou, did the attack just now make my old buddy retreat?"

Mr. Yukang's expression was as calm as before, and he continued to praise Long.

Eager to win, Long obviously had no time to listen to the old man's words of appreciation, and observed everything that happened on the field.This is the dragon feeling that the time is finally ripe, he clenched his fists into the air and shouted: "Such a good opportunity can't be missed, all the previous efforts are for this moment, fossil flying dragon show your full strength! Million evolution!"

"Roar" the fossil flying dragon in the air roared loudly, and then its body was shrouded in a purple cocoon of light.Then the wings became wider, and the original sharp claws became sharper rock claws. The corners of the back and lower jaw were covered with rock thorns and spikes, and the whole body seemed to grow together with sharp and solid rocks.The eyes changed from brown to dark brown.After completing the evolution, a huge million mark appeared above the head, and then disappeared.

"Wow..." The evolved fossil flying dragon continued to burst into the air.Long looked at the fossil flying dragon in the air and was still very excited: Although it was not the first time he saw the fossil flying dragon in such a posture, whenever he saw the fossil flying dragon awakening, Long felt his trust in the fossil flying dragon Not in vain.Fossil Flying Dragon, you must have had a hard time fighting the Tropical Dragon last time, but this time the Frog Flower must be very to your liking.

"The fossil flying dragon has finally completed a million evolutions!"

Akiba said. "It seems that Long's hard work during this time has not been in vain."

Miss Sakurai agreed.

"The sense of oppression shown by the dragon's fossil flying dragon just now is not inferior to that of my brother's." Miss Yulong praised.

"Hmph, from the sneaky look of the dragon on Baigan Island last time, I guessed that he must have successfully evolved the fossil flying dragon last time, and this guy actually kept it from us. Senior Yukang must have also There is a trick, I think it must be the best touchstone for dragons and fossil dragons!"

The super queen said with a cold snort.

"Another million evolution? The surprise brought to me by the dragon is really uncertain when it will come!"

Uncle Ahida said happily.

Mr. Yukang smiled and said, "It's interesting. It seems to me that you really love your Pokemon very much, Xiaoyou Long. Otherwise, you won't be able to trigger this ancient inheritance from the Kalos region, so let's go!"

Long suddenly waved his hand and shouted. "Senior, let's take a look at the bond of friendship between me and the fossil flying dragon. The fossil flying dragon uses the powerful flame fang∥'roar." The million fossil Yilong roared, and a row of burning flaming teeth exploded. When it came out, it was tens of centimeters longer than the one that just crushed the vine!The Million Fossil Flying Dragon turned into a flash of lightning almost directly at a speed unobservable by the naked eye.The fangs of the flame bit directly on the huge petals of the Frog Flower, and the flames exploded and splattered and burned quickly, making the Frog Flower a huge guy. It doesn't think that the petals and leaves added after the Frog Flower's million evolution are just simple. Decoration only.

The dust settled on 575, the first defeat in the pioneering area. "Is that the Million Miao Frog Flower? It's really extraordinary."

Akiba couldn't help but admire.

"Judging from the survey report of the Kanto Alliance on the evolution of the million, the million frog flower has a very strong ability to hold 9 battles. In this battle, the dragon must be resolved quickly!"

The Super Queen said with a solemn expression.

The dragon raised his hand in the air and shouted: "Then let me see the strength of Miao Frog Flower after awakening. The fossil flying dragon uses the fire teeth again∥'oooo" The fossil flying dragon opened its mouth burning with flames again, The flaming fangs are extended from the upper and lower jaws of the fossil dragon, and once again meet the wonderful frog flower below the field.

The second characteristic of the million-evolved fossil flying dragon is the same as the X form of the ferret, which can greatly increase the damage of melee attacks.This makes the dragon very happy. For the fossil dragon that has been armed to the teeth, it is very good at melee attacks, not to mention the wings, claws, head and tail attacks.And the use of Fire Fang against the grass-attribute Miao Frog Flower has made the dragon try it repeatedly!

Mr. Yukang raised his hand and said in a low voice, "Miao Frog Flower, bear it, and then use it to grow!"

"Bana" Miaowahua roared angrily, and used her body to catch the domineering flame tooth of the fossil flying dragon.Unexpectedly, this time, the attack of Yanya only left some burn marks on the leaves of the Frog Flower.Then Miaowahua's body emitted a light green light, and its body grew rapidly, and its size became even bigger in just a moment.

"Growth is an enhanced trick for grass-type Pokemon to improve its physical attacks and special attacks. This trick will double the benefits of this trick on the seaside where the sun is strong now. If the Frog Flower is allowed to continue to grow, The situation in this game can get out of control very quickly."

Miss Yulong said in a deep voice, Xiao Zhuang also had a solemn face at this time.

Surprise flashed across the dragon's face, but he quickly said to the fossil flying dragon in the sky: "What's going on? The fire teeth didn't work. Could it be that it is as resistant to heat as the bronze clock? The fossil flying dragon used the ice fang Tooth Attack∥'Roar" The terrifying fangs of the Million Fossil Wyvern instantly turned into ice blue, and the icy fangs exuding a slight chill rushed towards Miao Frog Flower.

Mr. Yukang said calmly, "Miao Frog Flower. Bear it again! Then use Sacrificial Impact."

"Bana" Wan Miao Frog Flower roared to meet Bing Zhiya and resisted again without pain or itching.Then a flash of white light flashed from his body and he flew towards the million fossil flying dragon in front of him. The powerful force knocked the fossil flying dragon several meters away after using the ice teeth.However, the fossil flying dragon quickly adjusted in the air, nodded towards the dragon below, and said that he was fine.

At this time, the dragon raised his head and clenched his fists and said: "I understand, the thick fat of the second characteristic of the million-dollar frog flower! It can greatly reduce the damage to the body during the attack of the ice and fire attribute special moves, so the ice and fire teeth just now are the best!" It will be greatly discounted. What a miscalculation!"

"Oh my god, this wonderful frog flower is not afraid of the two attributes of ice and fire, so doesn't it have no natural enemies?"

After hearing what the dragon said, Ms. Sakurai looked stupidly at the Frog Flower on the edge of the field.

The three girls next to her looked at Sakurai as if they were looking at Deoxys. Sure enough, the lady's knowledge of Pokemon was not ordinary.Uncle Yashida also wiped the cold sweat off his brow. It was difficult for him to answer the "problem" of the eldest lady. After thinking for a while, the chunky uncle said: "Miss Sakurai, I will answer this question." You, although the Million Miao Frog Flower is not afraid of ice and fire attacks due to its characteristics, but because its own attributes are grass and poison, attacks with flying attributes and super energy attributes can still restrain it."

After hearing Uncle Ahida's answer, Sakurai-san lowered her head in thought and then nodded in satisfaction.

The dragon said with some headaches: "The tooth advantage of the fossil flying dragon is completely useless now. In this case, the fossil flying dragon uses the unique skill of flying! Wing attack∥'roar" The million fossil flying dragon flapped its wide wings, Then he turned around from the air and charged at Million Miao Frog Flower again. "Bana!"

Miaowahua cried out in pain, obviously the flying-type tricks were still very effective against it.

Mr. Yukang clasped his hands together and said to Miao Frog Flower in a deep voice: "Miao Frog Flower calm down, don't be affected by the opponent's rhythm, use parasitic seeds on the fossil flying dragon!"

Million Miao Frog Flower spurted a series of seeds from the flower core in the center of the huge flower on its back, and attacked the fossil dragon flying in the air one after another.

Long hurriedly waved his hand and shouted at the fossil flying dragon in the air: "Fly faster and fly the fossil flying dragon, avoid all the seeds!"

It was hard to use the speed of the million fossil flying dragon to temporarily dominate the game. If it is parasitized by seeds at such a critical time, it will be over!

Mr. Yukang waved his cane and shouted loudly: "Don't even think about flying out of the old man's palm! Miao Frog Flower uses its sweet breath!"

Frog flower 'Bana' emits a large amount of pink pollen from the flower core, and the pollen quickly fills the air around the beach.The fossil flying dragon in the air couldn't help being intoxicated when it heard such a sweet fragrance of flowers, and its body became much sluggish.

Mr. Yukang raised his hand and shouted: "The opportunity has appeared, now is the parasitic seed!" The "Bana" wonderful frog flower once again launched continuous tree species from the flower core at the opening of the fossil flying dragon.

The dragon waved his hands anxiously on the ground and shouted: "Hurry up, the fossil flying dragon, get out of the way!" "Roar!" The fossil flying dragon roared angrily to recover from the scent of pollen, and then avoided the second wave of tree species.Although he tried his best to dodge, a seed was parasitic on the body of the fossil dragon.

The seeds germinated and grew rapidly on the fossil dragon's body, and the tiny green vines wrapped around the fossil dragon's abdomen and began to erode the physical strength of the million fossil dragon.

"Senior Yukang seems to want to be dragged into a war of attrition, which is very bad for the fossil flying dragon!"

Miss Yulong said worriedly.

Mr. Yukang stroked his beard and said in a deep voice: "Very well done, old man. Next is hypnotic powder!"

Frog Flowers blows out a mass of green sleeping powder from the central flower core.The old man really wanted to drag himself into the rhythm of his own war of attrition, and let Miao Frog Flower use tricks to limit opponents one after another.

The dragon raised his hand and shouted at the fossil flying dragon: "Don't let it succeed! Blow the powder away! Then fight back with the swallow!"

The fossil flying dragon spread its wings and flapped violently, and the strong wind it created directly blew all the green powder towards the direction of the sea.Then he used Yan Fan again, his body turned around like Thomas, and then quickly rushed to Frog Flower in a flash, just like a low-flying fighter plane flapped its wings again to Frog Flower.

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