"Nido King, Charizard, and Zapmon didn't want to bully a wild Pokemon, so they unanimously pushed out the most useless fossil flying dragon to fight one-on-one with the tropical dragon."

Little Arceus explained solemnly: "If the fossil flying dragons lose to Nido King, they will give up the place to the tropical dragons. If the fossil flying dragons win, the tropical dragons will leave."

Hearing little Arceus' words, a row of black lines appeared on the dragon's head, "What are you talking about? What is the most useless fossil flying dragon? Isn't this a blow to people's self-esteem. The guys like King Nido are really too It's too much, it's simply not clean up. I originally pointed out that they can get along with each other and help each other, but I didn't expect this group of guys to be lawless."

Long squeezed his chin and thought deeply: "It seems that I have been too negligent in disciplining them. This kind of bossy behavior really affects the unity of the team. It seems that I have to summon Bangira. Must You have to kill the arrogance of such guys, otherwise this group of guys are used to rampant and domineering, so it's time to discipline them!"

Little Arceus, Ladias, and Kirulian tilted their heads to look at the dragon hanging there thinking alone, and under the hillside, the fossil flying dragon and the tropical dragon finally started fighting after nearly 3 minutes of stance. And as soon as the two sides came together, it became real.

The first to attack was the fossil flying dragon. As soon as it made a move, it showed its two rows of extremely sharp teeth and rushed to the tropical dragon in front of it to launch a powerful bite attack.It is relative to say that the fossil flying dragon is useless, and it is also seen by the opponent.Didn't the fire-breathing dragon become less and less confident and finally won a hearty victory in the Rainbow Gym, which made it regain its confidence and successfully awakened and evolved into a million form?What the fossil flying dragon lacks is just such an opportunity!

"Hey people" the tropical dragon didn't rush forward to fight head-on with the fossil flying dragon that was rushing straight at it. The four banana leaf wings flapped rapidly to avoid the crushing attack. The fossil flying dragon flapped quickly after failing to hit it. Chasing after the tropical dragon with its wings, this time the fossil dragon's mouth was filled with a burst of hot flames, even using its teeth of fire.

In terms of flying ability, although tropical dragons have four wings, and each wing is larger than that of fossil flying dragons, but the size of tropical dragons is too large, and there is no fossil of these four banana leaf wings. The two wings of the flying dragon are easy to use.So even though the tropical dragon tried its best to get rid of the fossil flying dragon but failed, in the end the fossil flying dragon caught up with it from behind and bit the tropical dragon's slender neck viciously with its fangs of fire.

The effect of the fossil flying dragon's attack on the fire fang was very obvious. The tropical dragon howled in pain. Its huge body shook repeatedly in mid-air, and its slender neck kept flying, as if it wanted to throw the fossil flying dragon away.The flames exploded, and the fossil flying dragon let go of the tropical dragon's neck and hurriedly flapped its wings to fly away, while the burn effect added by the fire fangs spread throughout the tropical dragon's body.

"Hey man" the tropical dragon didn't let the fossil flying dragon fly away. The four plantain wings flapped rapidly, and the unparalleled green-lighted flying leaves rolled up layer by layer, forming a violent hurricane towards the fossil flying dragon. Sweeping away to pull it into it, just after being attacked by the fire fangs, it immediately counterattacked the fossil flying dragon with a green leaf storm.

Flying Leaf Storm is definitely one of the most powerful moves among grass-type skills, even better than Sunshine Flame.The flying leaf storm, which is more than ten meters high, is cruising around in mid-air. Countless sharp blades are constantly cutting the body of the fossil flying dragon. At this time, it finally replaced the fossil flying dragon, screaming and hissing in pain. Howled.

The flying leaf tornado with a length of more than ten meters exploded, and the body of the fossil flying dragon fell heavily to the ground. Seeing this situation, the Nido King and Electroshock Beast on the ground started yelling, one by one scolding the fossil flying dragon for failing to hit the ground. No, only Long Longyan, who had tasted the power of tropical dragons before, remained silent.

The Tropical Dragon took advantage of the situation and launched a pursuit immediately after it succeeded in one blow. The four banana leaf wings quickly flapped its huge body and fell straight down from the air.The fossil flying dragon just looked up and felt that the situation was very bad. It was too late to take off, and it rolled on the ground with its body propped up, which barely avoided the trampling and heavy blow of the tropical dragon.

I don't know if it was burned by the fangs of fire, but it aroused the ferocity of this tropical dragon. After the grass-type Pokemon didn't step on the fossil dragon, it rushed all the way with a burst of rapid steps. Before the flying dragon had time to adjust, it raised its head and sent it flying with a head hammer.Starting from the counterattack with the flying leaf storm, the continuous attack of the tropical dragon was actually hard for the fossil flying dragon to parry.

The dragon watching the battle on the hillside frowned tightly. Although it was only a wild Pokemon, the strength of this tropical dragon should not be underestimated.Since it can become the boss of a group of armored rhinos, the tropical dragon must have its own shortcomings.On the other hand, the fossil flying dragon lost its calm because of its eagerness to win, so it was caught by the tropical dragon and chased after it.

Down the hillside, the fossil flying dragon that was thrown out by the head hammer was finally able to readjust its body shape reluctantly by taking advantage of the interval of respite after the opponent's continuous attacks.Flapping its wings and flying again, the fossil flying dragon looked at the tropical dragon's eyes and wanted to spew fire. It's fine if it can't beat Nidowang and them. If it loses to this grass-type tropical dragon today, it will really feel ashamed .

"Aww man!" The fossil flying dragon roared loudly, a pair of bat-like wings flapped continuously, and two circles of staggered sharp rock blades flew around the fossil flying dragon. With a sudden flapping of its wings, The fossil flying dragon rolled up the countless sharp stone bullets and shot them fiercely at the tropical dragon on the ground. Without the command of the dragon, the fossil flying dragon only wanted to use powerful tricks to severely injure the opponent.

Facing the rock-blade attack from the fossil flying dragon, the tropical dragon fired a powerful purple shock wave as soon as it opened its mouth.There was another violent explosion, and the attack of the fossil flying dragon was blocked by the powerful dragon wave of the tropical dragon.

Frustrated by successive attacks, the fossil flying dragon was about to go crazy, but at this moment, two light cables that shone like green lights like rattan whips suddenly flew out from the dust and mist generated by the explosion to bind the fossil flying dragon tightly.Immediately afterwards, a huge force pulled the fossil flying dragon down from the air and hit the ground heavily. The other end of this green light cable was impressively connected to the tropical dragon.

"Oh...--" The fossil flying dragon wailed loudly, and its physical strength was being absorbed by the tropical dragon bit by bit through this light cable. This move was absorbed by hundreds of millions of power.Grass-type Pokemon are good at using recovery tricks, such as photosynthesis by absorbing the energy of the sun to restore physical strength, rooting tricks that take root in the ground to absorb the earth's nourishment to restore themselves, and absorption of billions of power. Classes supplement their own unique moves by absorbing the opponent's physical strength.

The tropical dragon roared, and the two green light cables wrapped around the fossil flying dragon finally dissipated after absorbing enough energy.The supplementary tropical dragon has more legs, and with a flick of its head and mouth, it launches a series of bullet-like seed machine gun attacks.

The fossil flying dragon was hit hard again, unable to avoid the attack of the tropical dragon, it could only cover its body with its wings to resist the opponent's attack.The raindrops of seed machine gun attacks fell on the fossil dragon's body, and the crackling sound was like the sound of plantain leaves hit by heavy rain.

Looking at the roaring fossil dragon on the hillside, the dragon finally felt a little bit unbearable. The fossil dragon had lost its normal mentality. If it continued to fight, it could only be crushed and beaten by the tropical dragon. It was only a matter of time before it lost.Whether it is for humans or Pokemon, losing self-confidence is the most terrifying thing. It seems that his previous thinking was wrong. The battle against the frontier is not a kind of tempering for the fossil dragon. Power backs up.

"If today's battle against tropical dragons is lost, it will definitely be a major blow to the confidence of fossil dragons, and it will even sink and it will be difficult to recover."

Long Shensheng said: "Although the proud Pokemon has stronger self-esteem, I must help the fossil flying dragon. At this moment, it is still as unruly as before!"

As Long said, he quickly jumped down the hillside with Kirulian in his arms and ran towards the two Pokemons who were fighting fiercely. The so-called trainers should play their role at this time... A 555 heart attack Difficult to cure, the fossil flying dragon in the rectification team panted heavily, propping up its body with its wings with difficulty, and then looked angrily at the tropical dragon in front of it.The opponent who was thought to be easily defeated in one go, but it turned out to be such a difficult opponent, this is undoubtedly another huge blow to the self-confidence of the fossil dragon.Originally, it was unfavorable in all battles against the pioneering area, but now it has suffered a heavy setback. The frustration of the fossil flying dragon can be seen.

The tropical dragon stomped on the ground one after another with its footsteps, looked straight at the fossil dragon and roared loudly.Nido King and Charizard here are extremely disappointed to see the behavior of the fossil flying dragons one by one. They should not have let this guy go up if they knew it earlier. dull.

The atmosphere on the field was a bit stalemate for a while, but at this moment, only a pleasant hissing sound like music was heard.The Pokemon on the grass turned their heads, and saw Menus cruising gracefully and sliding all the way, the golden scales shone with dazzling and charming light under the sun, which made people feel very attractive from time to time. King Nido, Tropical Dragon and the armored rhinoceros were dazzled for a while, they are really beautiful and charming!

And behind Menus, the dragon walked slowly step by step with a calm face, his eyes swept over King Nido and the fire-breathing dragon one by one, and finally stopped on the fossil flying dragon.The character of the dragon is doomed that he is rarely really moved, but this time Nido King and the fire-breathing dragon feel a sense of fear and dread. The Electric Shock Beast flinched unconsciously.

The dragon turned his head and said to the sister of Shuidu and the super-powerful young lady beside him: "Ladias and Kirulian, please use the healing wave to help the fossil flying dragon regain its strength. Xiaochuang, please help the tropical dragon Heal them with Iron Rhino."

Hearing the dragon's words, Ladias and Kirulian didn't hesitate at all, and then each of them stretched out their hands, and the two balls of green fluorescence continued to flow, and then wrapped the fossil dragon in the bath.Ladias and Kirulian shot at the same time, helping the fossil flying dragon to fully recover within a short while, and even the wounds on its body were slowly repaired.

On the other side, a light red slate directly appeared on the body of the little Arceus, and then a faint light red halo suddenly circulated under the feet of the tropical dragon and the armored rhinoceros.Xiaochuang directly borrowed the aura of the earth to help the tropical dragon and several armored rhinos to heal. This group treatment not only helped the group of wild Pokemon to fully recover their physical strength, but even the burns of the tropical dragon were healed together. Even better than Ladias and Kirulian's healing waves.

The tropical dragon and the armored rhinoceros looked at the dragon with doubts and suspicions. These wild Pokemon really didn't understand the motives of the human being in front of them.From the words and deeds of the dragons and the performance of the Nido Kings just now, the tropical dragons can guess that the humans in front of them are the trainers of the group of Pokemon who seized their territory, so the behavior of the dragons is even more puzzling up.

Compared with the doubts and precautions of the tropical dragons, the fossil flying dragons seemed a little listless.Although the physical strength of the fossil flying dragon has been restored, its self-confidence that has been hit cannot be repaired easily. This guy is suffering from a heart disease now, and he is even more respectful than the fire-breathing dragon back then.It's a pity that there are few psychiatrists in the Pokemon world. In the case of a fossil flying dragon, even Ms. Joy at the Pokemon Center may be helpless.

The dragon sighed, then walked to the fossil flying dragon lying on the ground and said, "I think your mental state is very different from when we met in the Grand Canyon. When you woke up from a deep sleep, you were supercilious. I don???t even pay attention to anyone. I remember that I had to use Bangira???s power to suppress you and make you tame, but look at your current mental state. You don???t need Bangira to fight Kirulian, you are no match anymore."

The expression on the face of the fossil flying dragon was slightly moved when he heard the dragon's words, and his big head rubbed against the ground. It seems that this guy is indeed extremely unconfident now.Even the dragon didn't care a bit when he said that it was not Kirulian's opponent. Alas, if it was the original fossil flying dragon, how could it have endured such a stimulus, it would be strange if it didn't go crazy immediately!

Witnessing the performance of the fossil flying dragon, the dragon had a headache. At first, he thought that as long as he could use the aggressive method to stimulate this guy, and then command the fossil flying dragon and the tropical dragon to fight again to help it regain confidence.But now it seems that this plan may not work. I have never seen a fossil flying dragon plowing the ground with its head to hold an ostrich. How can it continue to fight in such a state that it dare not stand up?

Whether it is a human or a Pokemon, this heart disease is always very difficult to treat.Seeing the appearance of the fossil flying dragon now, the dragon couldn't help wondering if it was a wrong choice to give it a mega evolution stone and take it out to challenge the frontier.

"Come back, Fossil Flying Dragon, go to the poke ball and have a good rest first."

For the time being, there is no other way to stimulate the right flying dragon to regain its strength. The dragon had to take it back first, and the queen's stern eyes swept over King Nido and the fire-breathing dragon one by one, and then snorted coldly: "You are doing well now. Oh, you actually learned to beat and crowd out your companions, do you think that no one can control you, so you are too presumptuous?"

Long Leng snorted and said again: "Well, since everyone is in a panic, it's time to ask Bangira to help you cure it. It's too embarrassing to learn all the stinky problems!"

Hearing the mention of the dragon's banjila fire-breathing dragon, his face suddenly changed, but Electroshock Beast and Nido King were somewhat disapproving, while Long Longyan had no chance to speak.But you can't blame them. After all, except for the fire-breathing dragon, these guys don't know how powerful Bangira is. up.

It's not good for the fossil flying dragon to lose self-confidence like this, but it's also not advisable to be too arrogant. It's just that after winning two games in the battle against the frontier, one by one began to be proud and carried away. There are still battles against the palace, What about the battle tower and the boss-level battle pyramid, so that they will become arrogant, and when the time comes, let them fight the Four Heavenly Kings, isn't it just looking for abuse!

After taking Nido King and them all back to the poke ball, the dragon turned around and said to Tropical Dragon, "I'm really sorry for disturbing you this time, and we didn't mean it. Let's stop here for today's battle. I think we will meet again opportunity."

After the dragon finished speaking, he took little Arceus and left the grassland. The tropical dragon and the armored rhinoceros looked at each other with puzzled faces and looked at the distant dragon.Pokemon don't have such complicated thoughts as humans, but after a while, they stopped thinking about it and cheered that the grass was taken back again.

And here, Long didn't want to continue his lunch break. After leaving the grass, he went straight to Baiganwu's Pokemon Center.Long first entrusted the Pokemon ball on his body to Ms. Joy for help, and then called home to ask to send Bangira over, and heard the housekeeper say that Bangira often competes with the armored Tyrannosaurus recently. He simply asked Bangira's big guy to be sent along with him.The big body of Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and Long Longyan can just fit together, otherwise it is really not so easy to find a suitable partner with these two bodies.

Although he was sneaking away alone, Long didn't think about finishing the rest of the journey alone. He did this to avoid the annoying woman Aya and the naturally dumb girl Axing.Moreover, Long knew Nazi's temper well, how busy she was as the super queen of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Kanto Alliance, she was able to drop everything and ran to accompany him on a trip.Long could imagine that if he really dared to abandon Nazi and went on his own way, he would definitely die in a very rhythmic way. At that time, he would not have to challenge the pyramid pharaoh and the four heavenly kings, and he would be cleaned up by the super queen first.

After sending an email to the otaku Miss Sakurai to report his whereabouts, the dragon can finally settle down and prepare to deal with the Fossil Wyvern and King Nido.Long has already decided to stay on Baigan Island for a few days. Before challenging the battle palace, he must first deal with internal affairs and conflicts. As the saying goes, you must first settle down when fighting against the outside world. Long wants to put an end to all disharmony and internal fighting.

In an empty meadow in the Pokemon center of Baigan Island, Long threw four Pokeballs with two hands. After a flash of red light, Nido King, Fire-breathing Dragon, Electroshock Beast and Longlongyan jumped out one by one.Before the four came back to their senses, the dragon threw another elf ball, and only heard a huge roar, a huge body as high as two meters jumped heavily in front of King Nido and them.Seeing the appearance of this big guy, the expression of the fire-breathing dragon immediately changed, and there was a look of shock on his face.

"Old man, long time no see, I will trouble you this time."

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