That's right, the one that appeared in front of everyone is the most beautiful Pokemon in the world, which is called the most beautiful Pokemon in the world in the encyclopedias and pokebooks, but it's a Menus with a different color from the same kind!

Long suddenly remembered the mysterious figure he saw through Ladias's dream projection at the bottom of the water just now. Long thought it was Hacklong before, but now it seems that it should be this Menus without a doubt!

"Meinas with golden scales, this is the first time I've seen... But, it's really beautiful..."

Xiaozheng said dazedly for a while: "This guy is as big as a kid, and Xiaozheng seems to have fallen into the charm of Menus's extreme beauty. Everyone, including the dragon, the bald tycoon, and Miss Asaki, is an idiot." I looked at this beautiful figure in the water with infatuation."

The bald tycoon murmured, "I haven't thought that there is such a beautiful Pokemon hidden in this water area, I really want to have her..." Regarding the bald tycoon's words, the dragons are directly selective. Ignore it, everyone sneered at this businessman who is full of money and mercenary.It's just that the words of the bald tycoon speak to everyone's heart. No one can match the beauty of such a beautiful Pokemon, which makes people feel an urge to subdue and own it from the bottom of their hearts.

Ms. Asaki said blankly: "I never knew that such a beautiful Pokemon lived in this water area. It has never shown its real body in front of people."

"Oh...--" Menus lifted his neck and let out a melodious hissing sound that was deeply rooted in people's hearts. This wonderful sound was like fairy music, and everyone suddenly felt as if they were being nourished by the spring rain and warm current.Sadness, anger, jealousy and other emotions slowly disappear with Menus's ecstasy-like voice. This is the power of Menus that can calm negative emotions!

At this moment, water-type Pokemon such as mosquito-repellent incense tadpoles, yo-yo balls, Ubo, etc., emerged from the trees and grass on the shore of the water area, and one or two water-type pets The elf jumped into the water, as if appearing in response to Menus' call.

The expression on Ms. Asaki's face gradually changed from astonishment to surprise, "This...these are the water-type Pokemon who left the water area before, and they are back!"

Xiaozhi lost his voice in surprise: "Is this group of water-type Pokemon all coming back because of Menus? This... this is really a spectacular scene, it's too powerful..."

Xiaozheng smiled happily and said: "In this way, the water area will definitely be restored to its original state, as long as no one uses despicable and indecent means to destroy it."

This little guy who is as big as a little ghost deliberately glanced at the stunned bald tycoon beside him. Feeling the eyes of Long and his group, the bald tycoon took out a blue coin from his body as if he had suddenly made up his mind. The colored fishing net was thrown towards the ironclaw lobster.The poke ball bounced off and sucked the iron claw lobster in directly, and the blue net made a crisp sound, and then completely returned to calm with the sound of ding dong.

Long and Xiao Gang rolled their eyes at the same time, this time their opinions were surprisingly unanimous, "This guy just said that he doesn't have a poke ball on his body, he can really talk nonsense with his eyes open."

The bald tycoon carefully picked up the netball on the ground, then closed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "I have given up on my previous thoughts. This peaceful and peaceful water area is the home left by nature to the water-type Pokemon. Humans should not take it away casually." their living space."

"Besides..." the bald tycoon turned his head to look at the golden scales in the water and said, "I never knew that there has always been a beautiful Pokemon here as a patron saint in this water area, so everything is as it should be." Let's call it a day."

After the bald tycoon finished speaking, he looked at Menus with nostalgia, then turned and left.Watching the awakened bald tycoon leave, Xiaozheng said with some concern: "Is what this guy said really credible, and I don't know if he has really awakened."

Ms. Asaki said in a condensed voice: "I think he really won't come back again. Now that the iron claw lobster is subdued by him, it is no longer considered a wild Pokemon, so he has no excuse to come here again to make trouble, and..." "And there is such a beautiful patron saint as Menus in this water area, right?"

Xiaogang took Miss Asagi's words directly with an excited face, and said excitedly while holding her hand.

Ms. Asaki gently pulled the palm out of Xiaogang's Chengzhu hand, then looked at Menus and said with a smile: "It is my mission and responsibility to protect this water area, and I cannot place the responsibility on others and Menus. On the boat, this is a sign of weakness and incompetence. This incident was a test for me and gave me a lot of inspiration, so in the future I must shoulder the burden of guarding this water area by myself..."514 water system The main force, Menus Under the call of Menus, groups of water-type Pokemon returned to this water area again, and the bald tycoon who had always wanted to occupy this place and transform it into a water park also gave up his idea.For this, Miss Asagi is of course full of excitement and gratitude, although she never knew where this Menus came from from the beginning, and she never even heard about it from her grandma.

The matter should have come to a perfect end here, but at this moment, the golden-scaled Menus suddenly swam towards the group of people on the shore.Seeing this, Asaki and Long, who were about to leave, stopped, and everyone turned their eyes to this beautiful and unusually beautiful Menus with dazzling golden scales.

"Oh, man." Menus stared at the dragon with a pair of beautiful eyes and kept looking up and down. This situation made the people on the shore a little confused. However, the more surprising thing is yet to come. This golden Meenas that mysteriously appeared from the bottom of the water suddenly swam around and climbed up the shore. Its beautiful body like a snake gently wrapped around the body of the dragon, and its head gently rubbed on the dragon's cheek.


Xiaozheng, Xiaozhi, and Xiaogang looked at Menus in surprise, not understanding why it behaved so intimately towards the dragon, and Miss Asaki was also deeply surprised.

Feeling Menus' intimate behavior, Long was also deeply puzzled, "This is this?"

"Nani, I can't believe it!"

Xiaogang pointed at the dragon with trembling fingers, and Menus shouted in shock: "Could it be...Could it be that Jackie Chan's charm has reached this level!"

The African boy's words attracted everyone's sideways glances, and then Xiaozhi and Xiaozheng looked up and down at Long with scrutiny.Although Xiaogang's words are a bit of nonsense, but everyone really thinks about it in their hearts, not to mention that a large group of wind speed dogs and fork-winged bats under Long's hands have asked for leave and the kings have come to vote. The Pokémon, the actions of this Menus alone are worth pondering.

Xiaozheng pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said thoughtfully: "Most wild Pokemon don't like to be close to humans, and there are so many of us here, why does Menus only get close to dragons?" Well... I really can't figure it out, it really makes people envious and jealous!"

"Oh ^" No matter what Xiaogang and Xiaozheng say, Menus is the only one who is close to him as if he is glued to a dragon.But the dragon who was the person involved understood a little bit. Looking at the golden scales of Menus, he suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

Sensing the caress of Menus' cold and wet body, Long asked uncertainly, "You... are you my Menus?"

"Oh man" Menus squinted and smiled and rubbed his head against the dragon's cheek. At this point, the dragon was finally convinced that this Menus with only golden scales was his belated partner, the main force of the water system!

This was really an unexpected surprise. Long didn't expect that after returning to Kanto, he would meet two old buddies one after another, first Nido King, and then this Menus.

Moreover, compared with the undisciplined King Nido, Menus' attitude towards dragons is completely different.

Seeing the surprise expression on Long Tusha's changed face, Ms. Qianmu said doubtfully: "I am getting more and more incomprehensible now. Mr. Long seems to be acquainted with Menus for just one day, right? Have you been here before?"

Long smiled and stroked Menus' head to the curious Ms. Asaki, "We are indeed 1st-day acquaintances, but I have never been here before. As for Menus, it fell into this water due to some special reasons. Unexpectedly, today we are reunited here after a long absence under the arrangement of fate."

"A special reason?"

Xiaogang and Xiaozheng, the big ghost and the little ghost looked at the dragon curiously, but the reason for this is that the dragon will never reveal it easily.

Long smiled and said: "You don't have to look at me like that. I'm not a novelist, so I didn't think of making up a story to tell you. For me, the result of being able to meet Menus again is very good. Makes me happy and satisfied, doesn't it, Menus?"

"Oh man" Menus looked at the dragon with a smile and squinted. This kind of look is not like a wild Pokemon at all. But the dragon suddenly turned around and looked at Ms. Asaki and said: "Although it is a bit difficult Excuse me, but I still have to say it.Miss Asaki, I must take Menus away. Since we meet again under the arrangement of fate, there is no reason for us to pass each other like this again. So, I hope you can understand! "

Looking at the dragon with a sincere face, Ms. Asaki lowered her head for deep thought, and after a while she finally raised her head and said with a smile: "Meinas is just a resident of this water area in my house, it is not my Pokemon, so I I have no right to decide whether it will stay or not. Moreover, judging from the intimacy of Menus towards Mr. Long, I have no reason to forcefully keep it. I am very confused about what happened today, Mr. Xie Long and everyone's help, and finally defeated Ironclaw lobster and Menas who summoned many wild Pokemon back, I sincerely thank you all."

Hearing Ms. Asaki's sincere words, Long had no scruples at the moment, and took out an empty elf ball from his body. Long smiled and said to Menus: "Are you still willing to walk with me?"

"Oh man" Menus smiled and narrowed his eyes, then tapped his head on the button of the poke ball, a flash of red light pulled Menus into the poke ball. The red and white poke ball lightly Shaking, accompanied by a crisp sound of ding dong, the poke ball completely quieted down.

The dragon kissed the elf ball in his hand and said with a smile: "Meenas, I'm subdued!"

Xiaozhi opened his mouth in a daze, pointed at the dragon and said, "Is this okay?"

Looking at Xiaozhi's jaw that was about to dislocate, Xiaogang hurried over to help him close his mouth, "Forget it, this is not the first time you have encountered this kind of situation, and among the elves you tamed, there have been similar Is this the case, so don’t be so surprised that your jaw will drop!”

The little ghost-headed Xiaozheng pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in conclusion: "In the final analysis, this Menus is really too good, so it makes people feel that this way of taming is a bit unexpected and too much." For a little bland."

Long raised his hand to signal the elf ball in his hand, turned his head and looked at Xiaozhi provocatively, and said, "You should still remember our previous contest, and now it seems that I am the winner. What am I talking about? It is absolutely impossible for me to lose to Xiaozhi no matter what, this is not a level of strength contest at all. But then again, it seems that winning Xiaozhi has no sense of accomplishment."

"Nani, what do you mean by that?"

Xiaozhi immediately stood up and clenched his fists and glared at Longdao: "Whoever said that I have surrendered, I haven't given up yet!"

"Is that right?"

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