Long put on a gesture, straightened his collar and said solemnly: "It's really not the time to fight, let's go over quickly. I have been curious about the Phantom Pokemon device mentioned in the email on the way here." What kind of thing was that?"

After Long finished speaking, he took the lead and walked quickly towards the castle. Miss Sakurai punched Long fiercely behind her back twice and let out a playful snort.

Afterwards, the three women headed by Nazi followed the dragon and walked towards the castle.

The floor tiles are completely paved with bluestone, but the middle of these bluestone floor tiles is covered with round devices similar to floor lamps. As for the lighting equipment of these things, the dragon is still unknown.But soon, Long looked at the doctor in the white coat standing in the courtyard with surprise, "Dr. Oki, long time no see!"

Dr. Oki turned his head and looked at Long with a smile and said, "Your movements are really fast, and I have just arrived."

At this moment, Nazi, Ms. Sakurai, and Akiba also walked in. The three women greeted Dr. Oki one after another, and Dr. Oki joked: "It was originally entrusted by Dr. Jung to invite excellent trainers. That's why I specially sent an email to Long, but now seeing Master Nazi, the Four Heavenly King, I suddenly feel that Long doesn't have to come."

Hearing Dr. Oki's teasing words, Ms. Sakurai and Akiba couldn't help covering their mouths and snickering, while Ryu looked at Dr. Oki with a puzzled expression and complained: "I said, Doctor, my position should be wrong when you say that. How embarrassing, is this considered crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

Dr. Oki and Nazi couldn't help laughing. At this time, a young scholar with short blue hair and wearing a white coat, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and walking out of the castle said, "Welcome to my research institute. My honored guests!"

Looking at this young scholar who was about 27 or [-] years old, Qiu Ye whispered, "Is this Dr. Jung? He really looks very young."

Dr. Oki greeted the young scholar with a smile, "Dr. Jung, it's been a long time since we met. I heard that you have been researching the theme of the Phantom Pokemon series for these years. I saw that you sent me I thought it was a bit unbelievable, but I didn’t expect you to actually succeed in your research.”

Dr. Jung smiled modestly, then turned his gaze to Long and said with surprise on his face, "You are Mr. Long, right? It's a pleasure to meet you. Nice to meet you!"

Dr. Jung stretched out his hands and held Long tightly. The joyful expression on his face and the unexpected enthusiasm made Long feel flattered.Not only Long, but Dr. Oki and Ms. Sakurai could see that Dr. Jung's attitude towards Long was a little too enthusiastic, which was not at all like the behavior of two people who met for the first time.

Looking at the young doctor who was holding his palm tightly, Long felt that he couldn't turn his head around, and he couldn't help but wondered in his heart: "Does this Dr. Jung know me, but it's not right, here But there is such a serious Kanto Alliance Four Heavenly Kings, it doesn't make sense for a big man to show such enthusiasm for another big man. Could it be..." A sudden thought in Long's heart made him feel shuddering , Immediately, he calmly and slowly withdrew his palm back.So rubbed, I'm sweating, so it's obvious that I'm just taking advantage of it. Does this Dr. Jung really have a special hobby?

Thinking of this, Long subconsciously opened the distance between himself and Dr. Jung by one meter, but even so, the hot eyes of this young scholar still made Long feel overwhelmed.Damn, this is the first time Long has encountered such a situation, between two big men, please can you be so ambiguous, even if you are not afraid of being misunderstood, but I still want to preserve my reputation.

Dr. Jung seemed to have noticed that everyone was looking at him strangely, and he might have realized that his behavior just now was inappropriate, so he immediately rubbed his hair and laughed, "To tell you the truth, Mr. Long is my A Pokemon trainer I admire very much, I have always wanted to meet with him but I have no chance, I never thought I could get my wish today, so please don’t forgive me for any failed actions in a moment of excitement.”

"So Dr. Jung is a fan of the dragon?"

Ms. Sakurai said in disbelief when she heard the young scholar's unsparing exaggeration: "No way, is this guy really that powerful?"

Everyone likes to hear some compliments. It turns out that this Dr. Jung is not inclined in that direction, but a fan of himself.Thinking of the fact that the guard in the dragon's heart finally let go, not only that, but also a little proud in his heart, Dr. Oki's friend turned out to be his fan, what a matter of face!

496 Phantom Device, Fighting Phantom Elf Dr. Oki turned around and said, "Dr. Jung, let us see your latest research results first. I can't wait to see it."

Hearing Dr. Oki's words, Dr. Jung said with a smile: "This is of course, and we are all in it now."

Long, Dr. Oki, and Ms. Sakurai looked around, but found nothing.Dr. Jung took out a controller-like device and said, "It's just that you can't see anything like this, let me show you."

Dr. Jung operated on the controller, and at this moment, the round devices on the ground that looked like floor lamps opened the top covers, revealing five-sided crystal devices, surrounded by light white fine lines. line connected.Not long after, the ground of the entire castle shone with a faint white light. Such a change made the dragons in it feel like a science fiction.

"what is this?"

Dr. Oki looked at Dr. Jung in surprise and said, "Is this the phantom device you have developed?"

Dr. Jung nodded with a smile and said: "Pokemon living in this world, whether on land, in the air or in water, need a soil and space suitable for their survival. The same is true for Phantom Pokemon, all of you The place where I am now is the unique living space I provide for the phantom elves to live in."

Dr. Jung manipulated the controller again with his fingers and continued: "The Phantom Pokemon inside can move freely and survive, just like other life forms in this world, but Phantom Pets Pokémon have one more advantage over them. Because they are phantoms, these Pokémon do not need to drink water and eat, and even have eternal life!"

At this moment, the crystal device on the floor emitted three beams of dazzling light, and then the figures of three Pokemon were outlined out of thin air under the extremely shocked and surprised eyes of Long, the crowd.The sickle helmet, the spiny ammonite beast, and the ancient armor. These three ancient fossil pokemon are lifelike, but they look like images in a real [-]D stereoscopic projection. It always feels like the real sickle helmet and spiny chrysanthemum There are some differences between stone beasts and ancient armor.

Dr. Jung raised the control device in his hand and said: "In the phantom field, I can use this system to generate any Pokemon. They have the same voice, intelligence and body as real life forms, because these are all based on real life. It is compiled from the data. Although they are phantom Pokemon, they are almost the same as the real individuals that exist in this world!"

When Dr. Jung said this, his tone was quite smug, while Dr. Oki frowned, and then walked up to the three fossil phantom Pokemon, stretched out his hand and rubbed their bodies, "It looks like It’s a three-dimensional image, but this kind of touch is real, and it’s almost no different from the real sickle helmet and spiny ammonite.”

Hearing Dr. Oki's words, Long and Qiuye couldn't help but leaned forward and stretched out their hands to caress the phantom Pokemon. Long couldn't hide his amazement, and said in admiration: "This is science. And the power of civilization, in my opinion, these Phantom Pokemon are just like clones, it is really incredible!"

Qiu Ye said: "Even clones can't stop eating and drinking, and they don't have eternal life. These phantom Pokemon are really shocking!"

Dr. Jung said with a smile: "Whether it is an extinct Pokemon or a rare Pokemon or even a legendary Pokemon, you just need to name it and provide me with the corresponding data, then I can use it The phantom system and device will generate it. The field of Pokemon science is about to enter a new starting point based on a leap in understanding. My phantom system can create all Pokemon, nothing is impossible! "

Dr. Jung flicked his fingers on the controller, and the three phantom fossil Pokemon disappeared quickly, and another burst of dazzling light flashed, and a boscodora roared and appeared in front of everyone.Not only the appearance, but also the roar and momentum just now seemed very real.

At this moment, even Miss Sakurai couldn't help but let out a burst of exclamation. She thought that the Devon Manufacturing Company had spent a lot of effort and cost and finally developed a method and machine that could revive the ancient fossil spirits.But now that I have seen the Phantom Pokemon system developed by others, I suddenly feel a sense of inferiority.

Dr. Jung patted Boss Cordora and smiled at Duolong and said, "It's just that there is still an empty display, so you can't see the excellence of Phantom Pokemon. How about Mr. Long, are you interested in sharing my Phantom Pet with me?" Will the elves come for a one-on-one fight?"


The dragon said with a look of astonishment: "Let me fight against the Phantom Pokemon? Hehe, it sounds quite interesting. I accepted this challenge. Just now I was thinking about the actual combat of this so-called Phantom Pokemon." What is the ability, let me experience it now, and see how strong this Phantom Boss Kedora is!"

Dr. Oki turned to look at Dr. Jung and said, "Is this the purpose you specifically asked me to invite excellent Pokemon trainers to visit your phantom system?"

Dr. Jung nodded with a smile and said: "This is one of the reasons. Although I am full of confidence in my Phantom Pokemon, their real strength has yet to be identified through actual combat. Dr. Oki, I and the dragon I will trouble you to be the referee in this battle, Mister."

Dr. Oki thought deeply, and then led by Dr. Jung to a huge open space inside the castle. The floor here was also covered with phantom devices, but the difference was that a standard pet puppy was placed in the middle. The battlefield of elves.

Dr. Jung and Long stood on both sides of the battlefield, and Phantom Boss Kedora walked directly to the battlefield with heavy steps.Dr. Oki, who was in charge of the referee, said loudly: "Now the battle between Dragon and Dr. Jung's Pokemon will begin. There is no time limit for the game, and the rule is one-on-one battles. Then, the battle begins now!"

Long looked at Boss Kedora in front of him with a smile and took out a Poke Ball from his body, "Let me verify how much Phantom Pokemon weighs, come on, King Nido∥'Rui Duo ^" King Nido roared loudly, his huge body stomped heavily on the ground with the poke ball bouncing in mid-air, and then roared to the sky. As long as he was fighting, this guy would never be unhappy.

Akiba looked at Nido King and Boss Kedora on the field and said: "I didn't feel it before, but it didn't become obvious until Nido King appeared and made a comparison. The phantom Pokemon and the real life form There's not a particularly noticeable difference."

Nazi, who had been watching the changes from a close perspective, suddenly said, "I'm angry, no matter how real the Phantom Pokemon are, they are just lifeless individuals after all. This is the biggest difference between the two!"

When Nazi said this, everyone understood, yes, no matter how real the Phantom Pokemon is, it still does not have the characteristics of life.Whether it is the previous three fossil Pokemon or the current Boss Kedora, the most straightforward difference is lifelessness.

On the field, Dr. Jung signaled the dragon to attack first. I don't know if it was an illusion. When he saw the dragon take out the Nido King, the young scholar showed an imperceptible disappointment on his face.

It doesn't matter whether the dragon is the first to attack or not, even if the other party is courteous to him, then there is no need to be polite. Immediately, he waved his arm and shouted loudly: "King Nido, the wave of water∥'Rui Duo people'" King Nido roared angrily, The pair of fists hit the chest and quickly condensed into a condensed energy water polo the size of a volleyball. With a wave of Nidowang's arm, he directly pushed the condensed wave of water towards Boss Kedora.

With a loud bang, the wave of water hit Boscodora, and the blue energy water polo exploded, and a rush of water continuously washed over the body of this Phantom Pokemon.Boss Kedora just took two steps back, then suddenly raised his head and roared angrily, and then cut the angry stream like a heavy tank and crushed King Nido in front of him.

Qiu Ye covered her mouth in surprise and lost her voice: "You're not mistaken, the water element's unique move should be very effective for Boss Kedora, but just now Nido King's water fluctuation seems to be wrong How much damage this Boss Cordora has caused!" Dr. Jung showed a smug smile, and then shouted: "Boss Cordora, Frozen Punch!"

"Bodoraman" Boss Kedora swung his thick arm violently, and a layer of blue-coloured frozen white glow instantly condensed on that huge fist. This big guy moved towards Nido without fear. Wang launched a frontal and powerful charge.

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