"This... what the hell is this!"

Long's face became very ugly, and he finally realized the seriousness of the situation, but it seemed too late at this time.At this moment, even if Long wanted to get out and leave, it was already impossible. The dense army of white blood cells surrounded him like a tide, completely impenetrable!

"Oh..." the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon wailed in unison, and the two Pokemon's physical strength was finally exhausted.Two fossil flying dragons in the shape of fossil flying dragons swooped down from the air and bit them with one bite. Soon, the body of the white blood cell fossil flying dragon wriggled little by little, and it was about to completely wrap the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon into its belly.

The dragon was surprised and quickly took out the elf ball to take back the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon, but the exit of the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon here is equivalent to putting all the burden on King Nido at once.Originally, the three Pokemon were struggling to resist the tide of attacks together, but now the departure of the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon made King Nido unable to stand up.

"Rui Duo people" Dozens of white blood cell fossil flying dragons and the ancestor Dawu flew towards the dragon and King Nido on the ground from several directions. This terrifying scene frightened the dragon's complexion and King Nido let out a roar , opened his mouth and blasted to stop a powerful destructive death light sweeping across the midair.

This move is very powerful, the destructive energy light swept through the air all the way, directly piercing through dozens of white blood cell fossil flying dragons and the ancestor Dawu, and wiped them out in a devastating manner.The golden energy rays tore a huge gap in the air, and a huge breach appeared in the white blood cell army's defense line.But it's a pity that the fire-breathing dragon and the fossil flying dragon are exhausted, and the dragon can't do it even if it wants to rush out.

King Nido, who had tried his best to attack with a powerful blow just now, was also temporarily unable to move due to the side effects, and the tens of thousands of white blood cell corps did not take King Nido into consideration and postponed the attack.This large group of white blood cells did not intend to let Long and King Nido go. The tide-like army of white blood cells rushed forward fearlessly from all directions.

Witnessing this horrific scene, Long had already prepared for the worst in his heart, and reached into his arms to take out the purple master ball, ready to reveal his last trump card.

But at this moment, three mighty and majestic figures descended from the sky, the water king surrounded by torrents, the thunder emperor with golden currents, and the fiery emperor Yandi broke through the encirclement of tens of thousands of white blood cells. The three holy beasts stood in a triangle with their backs facing the dragon. , the powerful water cannon trick and the thunder and big character burning tricks repelled this wave of troops again.

The dragon was really overjoyed, and immediately took out the poke ball to take Nido King back without any hesitation, and then turned over and jumped on Suicune's back.Lei Huang and Yan Di acted as flanking fire support in a tacit understanding, and the three holy beasts rushed and killed to help the dragon break out of the encirclement of the white blood cell army.

During the more than an hour when Long was besieged by the white blood cell army, Nazi and the others ran all the way under the leadership of Lucario.Although they were also being chased and intercepted by the white blood cell corps, they didn't care about fighting, and almost rushed directly to the heart of the tree of creation with a straight-forward attitude.

In a huge cave, a huge petal-shaped crystal bloomed at the top of the cave, and this crystal was even bigger than the crystal that Nazi had destroyed before.The blue crystal in the shape of a huge petal is emitting a burst of green light, and in the center of the flower, a light red slate-like object floats on top of the stamen and rotates gently, and this light red slate slabs from time to time There was also a faint halo waving towards the surroundings.

Lucario and the four women headed by Nazi stared blankly at this mysterious object. Miss Sakurai looked at the several holes behind her with concern, and finally decided not to catch up with the white blood cell army. Slightly breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Qi Duo curiously: "Are you sure this is really the heart of the Creation Tree, but why didn't you see Dream Ladias?"

Qi Duo was about to speak, but Lucario suddenly let out a cry of surprise and interrupted her, Qiu Ye and the other girls looked at Lucario curiously, but saw that he seemed to be stupid He staggered forward, stumbled as if he had lost his soul.

Akiba followed Lucario's gaze subconsciously, and saw a pair of blue gloves on a huge crystal pillar in the cave, which was exactly the same as the pair of gloves worn by the dragon before the dragon... 462 The truth after a thousand years, because of love "This is... one" Qiuye's expression was stunned, and she followed Lucario gently to the crystal pillar and carefully picked up the pair of blue gloves.Lucario staggered and almost fell, he took the pair of brave gloves in Qiuye's hand and muttered in a daze, "Master Aaron..." At this time, Qi Duo took a step forward and carefully stroked the crystal pillar, Suddenly, Qi Duo stretched out her hand to wipe the crystal pillar with the expression of the mayor's daughter, and exclaimed in surprise: "There is a figure here!"

Hearing Qi Duo's words, Nazi and Miss Sakurai surrounded her curiously, and Lucario hurriedly jumped in front of the crystal beads.Lucario stretched out his palm and gently attached it to the crystal pillar, and a ball of blue light was transmitted from Lucario's palm, and the blue crystal pillar passed through Lucario's palm. The incoming waveguide power becomes transparent.

Now everyone finally saw the appearance of the figure in the crystal pillar. Lucario stumbled and fell to the ground as if he had been struck by lightning. Akiba lost his voice and said, "Aaron!"

That's right, this figure frozen in the crystal pillar like a statue is the hero of the waveguide that everyone saw on the oil painting of the Orlando Palace.

Although it is said that Aaron sacrificed himself to quell the war, Lucario's awakening made everyone have some doubts about the authenticity of the legend, but now everyone's heart is clear after seeing Aaron's body.

Nazi said in a concentrated voice: "It seems that the legend is not wrong. After sealing Lucario, Aaron came to the tree of the world alone. He is a true brave man!"

"Ya... Lord Aaron..." Lucario, who was always strong and cold, was a little lost at the moment, his body staggered back and forth, and his arm accidentally touched a flower of time growing next to the crystal pillar.The blue-purple flower of time suddenly bloomed, and as a bright spot rose, the flower of time cast another three-dimensional image in this space.But this time, not only the video, but also the sound can be clearly distinguished.

"Come out, dream!"

Wearing the uniform of the brave, Aaron raised his head and shouted loudly, only to hear a phoenix cry, a colorful phoenix flapped its wings and flew down from a hole above the cave, a burst of white light flashed, and the dream came from the colorful phoenix. Transform back into your real body.

Aaron was very happy to see Mengmeng appearing after hearing his call. He raised his head and said in a deep voice, "Danmeng, I know you are one with this tree. So, please use your power to help the innocent kingdom of Orlando , save those innocent lives who are about to be massacred!"

After Aaron finished speaking, he stretched out a palm and said loudly to Dream: "Please accept my waveguide power. The waveguide power is in my heart!"

A dazzling blue light flickered between Aaron's palms, Dreamy stared blankly at Aaron, at Aaron's anxious expression and burning eyes.Mengmeng was finally moved by it, and stretched out his arm slightly, a burst of green light shone from Menglian's body, and then this burst of green light was transmitted from Menglian's body to the surroundings of the cave.At this time, the petal-shaped heart of the Tree of Creation glowed with a dazzling brilliance. At this time, Aaron's body slowly became stiff, and a crystal pillar climbed up his body layer by layer. Body.Starting from the legs and feet, Aaron's body began to freeze inch by inch and was slowly swallowed by the crystal beads.

There was a gratified smile on Aaron's face, ignoring his slowly frozen body, Aaron slowly took off the gloves and closed his eyes slowly and said in a low tone: "This is enough... All the way, Kaliou, I’m sorry, I had to deceive you, and it was a last resort to seal you up. Because I know that if I tell you my decision, you will never follow my advice, and I don’t want you to do something meaningless The sacrifice... [-]" "Lord Aaron... [-]" Lucario's voice choked up, and tears finally rolled down uncontrollably.

As bystanders, Akiba, Nazi, Sakurai, and Qiduo were silent. For them, the scene in front of them was not a scene from a movie.However, one thing is the same as the movie, that is, they can only silently watch this scene as a bystander without being able to change anything, whether it is sadness or pity, at this moment everyone's hearts are filled with a kind of mourning emotion.

"Thank you Lucario, you have always been with me no matter what time it is."

The crystal pillar has covered Aaron's chest, but Aaron smiled and said as if he didn't know, "I'm sorry, I have to leave you alone this time...I suddenly miss you so much, wandering I came to the Kingdom of Orlando and spent a good time here. This is the proof that I am alive. Even if I have another chance to choose, I will still do this. Your Majesty Lin, spend time with you I am very happy every day. Lucario, if possible, please help me continue to protect the Kingdom of Orlando, and Lin..." The crystal pillar finally covered Aaron's entire body, even his After finishing the words together...but, who knows?Perhaps at the last moment, what Aaron was thinking about was not the beloved Queen of the Kingdom of Orlando, but the woman he loved so much, Lin! The images transmitted by the flower of time ended here, and Lucario was stunned. He stared blankly at Aaron disappearing before his eyes, the outstretched palm wanted to grab but couldn't touch Aaron's body.Letting his tears wet the ground, Lucario was already sobbing, "Lord Aaron...I'm sorry, Lord Aaron...I...not only failed to fulfill your entrustment, but also failed to continue to protect His Majesty Lin...and... And I still suspect you... Lord Aaron..." "Damn me, I really deserve to die..." Lucario kept hitting the crystal pillar with his head, and tears rolled down the crystal pillar.But what can Lucario do at this time, apart from crying and blaming himself, he can't find any other way to vent his emotions.

Akihaba stretched out his hand in a daze, trying to grab Lucario, but the palm of his hand slipped powerlessly after touching his shoulder.Akiba silently picked up the pair of brave gloves that Aaron had taken off, looking at Lucario who was crying and thinking silently.Although Lucario found the truth it had been looking for, this was really cruel to it.This is not just a simple truth, Lucario will be guilty of self-blame for a lifetime... After a silent silence, Akiba and Nazi can only quietly watch the road in extreme sadness and self-blame. Kalio, for it at this moment, any words of comfort would seem pale and powerless.

At this moment, the heart of the petal-shaped Tree of Creation shone with dazzling light. Suddenly, everyone in the cave felt their legs and feet stiffen.Ms. Sakurai looked down, and she turned pale with fright.

A blue crystal pillar broke out from the ground at some point, and grew along Miss Sakurai's legs, slowly covering her body.Not only Miss Sakurai, but also Nazi, Akiba, Kiduo, and Lucario, even Lugia, whose body has been floating in the half room, suddenly couldn't move, a layer of crystals came from Luo Chia's wings and tail end continuously cover its body.

Little Rogia raised his neck and let out a long hiss, a white light suddenly flowed from his body, melting away the crystal that slowly covered like ice.

Qi Duo was shocked, "No, we are going to repeat the mistakes of Aaron!"

There is no need for her to remind, everyone has already known from the message sent by the flower of time before.Seeing his body being covered and devoured by crystal bit by bit, everyone was panicked, and even Lucario, who was depressed, came back to his senses at this time.

"It's okay, hurry up and escape from this place!"

Lucario yelled, but in such a situation where his legs could not move, it was wishful thinking to escape.

There was a burst of blue light in Nazi's eyes, and the powerful spiritual power fluctuated so that the entire body of the Super Empress was covered with a halo of spiritual power.However, the superpowers that Nazi could use freely at ordinary times were invalid at this moment, and the crystal pillar had already covered Nazi's body. The current super queen not only couldn't move her legs and feet, she couldn't even control teleportation!

"Angren" Little Lugia kept flapping her wings and watched Nazi make anxious calls, but the super queen who closed her eyes tightly and mobilized all the spiritual power in her body was already sweating profusely , and Nazi's face was also pale.

"Wuuuu, it's over now..." Miss Sakurai said in a sobbing voice, "I swear that I will never like crystals again, I don't want to become a crystal statue..."

Feeling the approach of death, no one can treat it calmly. Although Qi Duo and Qiu Ye did not cry directly like Sakurai, the panic expression on their faces and the fear in their hearts continued to increase sharply.Watching the crystal constantly devouring his body.The body also loses consciousness little by little. This feeling of watching one's life being lost little by little without being able to do anything makes one collapse.

Lucario also had his eyes closed tightly, concentrating all his strength to break through this predicament, but he encountered the same predicament as Nazi.Although Lucario had no love in his life after learning the truth thousands of years ago, he had promised His Majesty Irene before departure.So even if it really wants to disappear, it will bring everyone back to the Kingdom of Orlando safely!

The power of the waveguide and the power of the spirit filled the entire cave, and the crystal pillar that continuously devoured everyone's life had spread to everyone's waist.Suddenly there was a roar from the entrance of the cave, and a blue figure flashed past and stopped in front of the girls, it was Dragon and Suicune!

There were two roars again, and Emperor Lei and Emperor Yan rushed into the cave following the growler behind Shui Jun. The powerful thunder and lightning wrapped around the hot flaming column and instantly smashed the chasing white blood cell army behind them. Transformed into ancient fossil elves, the white blood cell corps crowded in a narrow opening was directly blasted to death by Leihuang and Yandi's move.

Long hadn't had time to say hello to the girls, because the scene in front of him had already short-circuited his consciousness, "This...what's wrong with you?"

Miss Sakurai's face was full of tears, and she cried and said, "Long, run away quickly, don't stay here. I am very happy to see you again before the temporary...""Say What nonsense, how could I leave you and run away, what happened!"

Long Wang watched in a daze as the bodies of Lucario and the four women here were swallowed up by the crystal bit by bit, while the little Rogia in midair was just screaming anxiously, suddenly his heart Filled with an indescribable panic.

Long turned over and jumped off Suicune's back, walked up to Nazi and gently supported her body, but the expression on Super Queen's face was anxiously pushing him hard with her still movable hands. Shouted: "Hurry up, or it will be too late!"

At this time, Qiuye and Qiduo also desperately urged the dragon, "Don't ask too many questions, let's go!"

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