Everyone in the arena, including the noble Queen, focused their eyes on the dragon and Ladias. The atmosphere became more and more heated, and everyone began to count each scene in their hearts.Until the last challenger appeared on the stage, everyone's heartstrings were tightly pulled up, and they had to win this last victory to be done.

The people of the Kingdom of Orlando, including their Majesty the Queen, are looking forward to it. They really want to see if a new waveguide hero will be born today after more than 200 years!

The first challenger to play is a female knight in silver armor, and the Pokemon she uses is a Manula, which is just right to restrain Ladias, who has dual attributes of dragon and psychic. .Although Long and Ladias had defeated several opponents whose attributes restrained them before, this time was clearly different. The strength of the opponent was beyond Long's expectations.

At the beginning of the game, Manula suppressed Radias, and Manula's attack with extremely fast speed put Shuidu sister in a very passive situation.

At this moment of the battle, Ladias was completely at the end of his strength. Whether it was physical strength, speed, or the power of his tricks, he was much worse than before. It felt that Ladias' movements had become extremely uncoordinated, and his body's reaction Her movements can no longer keep up with her thinking speed; Ladias's movements stagnate very much in the arena. Although Sister Shuidu has been resolutely implementing the dragon's tactical instructions, she is often slow in her actions because of her powerlessness. Get caught by your opponent.In this way, Ladias easily dodged several attacks by Manula, not only that, but was also seized by the opponent twice to fight back.

The trainer on the opposite side seems to have seen the current dilemma of the dragon and Ladias, so she is not in a hurry to launch an attack, but is constantly looking for the flaws of the dragon and Ladias to counterattack. This tactic is completely acceptable. It is said that he grabbed the painful feet of the dragon and Ladias and ate them to death.

After a few tentative attacks, the dragon was very angry and depressed, and the opponent was playing with them in a way that was more than enough.The dragon is really about to spurt blood three feet. I thought it was just a small kingdom isolated from the world, so there would not be many powerful trainers, but I didn't expect that I cheated myself this time.Needless to say, those opponents in front of him, Nima has already reached the final final battle, so what's the matter with suddenly appearing a trainer who is stronger than the previous ones.In front of him, there is only one last step away from victory, but Long feels that he might not be able to hold on at this last moment... an unexpected change, if Mengmeng still has a glimmer of life, then Long will definitely fail even if he fails. Give it a go, but the situation on the court has been developing in the worst direction.It's not that Ladias is powerless to fight again, but he has already shown that he is powerless in the face of this Manula.If Ladias is in his prime, of course he won't be afraid of him, but Long can be sure that the last guy who came out of nowhere is more than enough to participate in the league competition, and he is also a seed-level player!

Ladias, who had been gritting his teeth and persevering, was accurately hit by Manula's evil wave. Sister Shuidu groaned and fell from the air and fell heavily to the ground.Seeing the embarrassment of Ladias, Long screamed in his heart, while Sister Shuidu struggled with all her strength, as if she still didn't give up trying to get up from the ground again.

Nazi shook her head and sighed, "It seems that the outcome has already been decided. Ladias' ability to fight is already very remarkable. However, this last opponent is not easy. It seems that this woman had planned it long ago. Hiding in the crowd all the time, and then jumping out suddenly when Ladias is weakest, giving the dragon a fatal blow."

Hearing Nazi's words, Qiuye sighed in disappointment and said: "It's really a pity, the final victory is only short of the last victory, I think Long and Ladias will definitely feel very sorry."

Akiba was not the only one who felt sorry, the audience and Her Majesty the Queen of Orlando all had expressions of regret on their faces.The referee who had not raised the flag for a long time looked at 7 and even struggled very hard. Radias finally raised the flag in his hand, but just when he was about to announce the result of the game, an accident happened.

A burst of emerald green light suddenly flowed from Ladias, who was powerlessly lying on the ground, and a low-pitched singing came from above the arena.The layer of green light wrapped around Ladias seemed to contain infinite vitality. Ladias' body slowly floated into the air, and a dazzling green halo centered on Sister Shuidu's body. Expand all around.

The entire arena was bathed in this green light, and the exhausted Long suddenly felt as if he had been in a sauna and then took a comfortable hot bath and fell asleep beautifully. expand.An indescribable feeling of comfort pervaded the whole body, all the fatigue was swept away immediately, and the whole person seemed to be reborn.Everyone in the huge arena felt this way, but other people didn't feel it as deeply as Long. After all, he was the most tiring person besides Ladias.

The green light that nourished the heart gradually dissipated, and everyone's faces showed a look of incredible shock.On the playing field, Ladias, who had been unable to move before, was suspended in the air again. The scars and dust on Sister Shuidu's body seemed to have been washed by green light, and her whole body was rejuvenated. Looks a little tired.

Tens of thousands of people were a little confused, and Ladias, who was looking at the mid-air, had no idea what happened all of a sudden.The dragon, on the other hand, let out a low voice in shock: "This skill...is clearly a prayer for healing. Is this a masterpiece of Ladias?"

Long immediately denied this idea in his heart, not to mention that sister Shuidu would never use this strongest recovery skill, and it was very difficult for Ladias to move even in the state just now, so how could she use such a powerful skill? skills.Finally, the most important point is that although prayer for healing is the strongest recovery skill, it cannot be used on oneself at all!

"If it wasn't Ladias, then who would have used this trick?"

Long Yi was full of doubts, turned his head around and guessed curiously: "Could it be Celebi or Kiraqi?"

The dragon patrolled around, but the sky above the arena did not find the shadows of these two Pokemon at all.Not to mention Celebi and Kiraqi, there is not even a bird. It seems that the mysterious person who used the healing prayer just now did not want to expose himself in front of others.

The eyes of the super queen who had been standing on the stand suddenly flickered, as if feeling something, her body disappeared out of thin air with a swish.Akiba and Miss Sakurai, who hadn't recovered from the shock just now, were taken aback again. Of course, there were all the audience rubbing their eyes desperately behind them. A big living person suddenly disappeared under their noses. , if it is not presbyopia, then it is a ghost!

Miss Sakurai and Akiba felt the shocked eyes from behind them. They felt that they couldn't stay here any longer, so they winked tacitly and slipped away guiltily.Ms. Sakurai couldn't help complaining in her heart, and Nazi really did, she disappeared as soon as she said she disappeared without even saying hello, didn't this make them not even prepared.

This small episode in the stands did not affect the rekindled enthusiasm of the arena. Although everyone didn't know what happened, what they saw before their eyes was that Ladias was miraculously rejuvenated ; People who don't know it take it for granted that this is Ladias' hidden special ability, so the game continued amidst the shouts of the audience.

Now it was the turn of Manula and its trainer to feel extremely depressed. Under the treatment of the healing prayer, Ladias was swept away from both physical trauma and mental exhaustion.In the face of Ladias who is in full condition, even Manula, who has an advantage in attributes, is at a disadvantage in an all-round way.The speed advantage that Manuela had relied on before disappeared immediately, and Manuela retreated steadily in front of Radias, who showed his high-speed flying ability.

Under the cooperative command of Long and Ladias, the victory of the game that had already flown away was brought back by them.At the moment when the referee announced the result of the game, the audience in the entire arena began to boil, and many people had already started to shout for the brave of Bird!

It is no surprise that the people of the Kingdom of Orlando are so excited. It has been 200 years, and the kingdom finally gave birth to a new "Brave of Birds". How long is 200 years?His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of Orlando has changed six times in 200 years. If the next waveguide hero has to wait until 200 years later, then even the grandson of the youngest guy here will not be able to witness the next generation. The birth of a brave man.Therefore, for the people of the Kingdom of Orlando at this moment, their excitement and agitation are comparable to the moment when the queen is crowned.

At this moment, Long finally felt the fiery enthusiasm of the people of this small kingdom. Just when he was about to wave to the enthusiastic audience around him, he was immediately taken away by Her Majesty's nanny.The old lady with presbyopic glasses said that she wanted to take the dragon to change clothes, and then at the dinner, Her Majesty the Queen would personally meet him and award Bird the title of Brave Yun.

On one side, the dragon was forcibly taken to bathe and change clothes, while on the other side, the super queen who disappeared in the stands appeared on the roof of the amphitheatre.Nazi looked around, and finally found the target she was looking for in a corner.A little guy who looked like an onion head and had a pair of skinny wings was curled up in a corner sweating profusely. When he saw Nazi approaching suddenly, the little guy suddenly showed a look of panic, as if he was very frightened.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I just want to make friends with you."

Nazi smiled and stretched out her palm and said, "Hello, my name is Nazi. The healing prayer just now is your masterpiece, Celebi?"

"Rabbi" Hearing Nazi's words, the little guy's tense expression relaxed slightly, but then the little guy's body shone with white light. Under Nazi's astonished eyes, the little guy's body actually changed. , turned into a cute little rascal in pink with a long tail.


The Super Queen didn't expect such a thing to happen. It turned out that the one just now was not Celebi at all, but the legendary dreamy Pokemon!

"Meowen" Mengmeng seems to think that he has successfully frightened Nazi, so the little guy is very happy. Mengmeng watched the dragon there laughing non-stop. The little guy swam around, and then gently floated to Nazi. He stretched out his hand beside Na Zi and gently tapped Na Zi's palm.

The Super Queen didn't care about Fantasia's prank, but said happily: "Except for that little naughty dragon, you are the second Dreamer I have seen in this world. Little guy, why did you suddenly take action just now? How about helping Ladias?"

"Meow^ Mio...--" Mengmengfei yelled cheerfully around Nazi, the super queen smiled and listened to the little guy's words, and finally nodded and said with a smile: "I understand, you are yourself You have been sneaking to the arena for a long time and have been watching Ladias's game, because Ladias's body contains a huge amount of spiritual power that makes you very curious, right?"

Meng Meng laughed, and then the little guy flew to Na Zi's side and rubbed his little head against the Super Queen's head affectionately.Nazi showed a rare charming smile and said, "Are you asking me why I am different from other human beings you have met, and there is a strong spiritual force in my body?"

Nazi stroked the little guy's head thoughtfully and said with a smile: "Sorry, I can't answer your question. Because I don't even know where my power comes from. I should say It’s because I’ve been different from other children since I was born. I have inhumanly powerful superpowers, and as I grow older, my spiritual power becomes stronger and stronger…” Nazi leaned on her dream I sat down slowly in the corner of the roof, and the expression on my face was slowly immersed in memories, "Although I have powerful super powers, it doesn't make me feel happy and happy. Since I was born, my world has only super powers. Tomorrow, I will be immersed in a closed and self-contained world, with no relatives or friends. My ability makes others awe and fear. In everyone’s eyes, I am a monster. No one dares to stay with me, just like a A lonely wandering soul."

"Mio...one" seemed to feel Nazi's extremely depressed mood, there was a trace of expression on Mengmeng's face, and the little guy stretched out his slender tail to gently wipe away the tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes.Mengmeng squeezed her body into Nazi's arms, as if comforting an unhappy friend.

Sensing the little guy's thoughtful gesture, a smile appeared on Nazi's face again, and the Super Queen gently stroked Fanta's little head and said, "Don't worry, these sad memories are all in the past. As you can see now, I have completely come out of the closed world. Not only do I have very good friends, but I also have a lover who is more important than my son..." Speaking of this, Nazi's eyes are full of love , while stroking the dreamy little head of the curious baby, he said reverently: "It is he who opened the door to the closed world for me, allowing me to see the sun, and making my world no longer lonely, full of love and affection. He is mine. sun!"

"Meowman" Hearing Nazi's affectionate words, Mengmeng showed a puzzled expression on his face. The little guy scratched his head, as if he couldn't understand the complex emotions of human beings. Nazi didn't care, either. Touching Meng Meng's little head in a funny way, he said, "He's not the sun in the sky, hehe, he's just an ordinary human being... Forget it, it's hard to explain it to you.However, if you want, I can tell you bit by bit what I have collected and his memories. Would you like to be the object of my narration? "

"Mio people" Mengmeng clapped her palms happily and called out. This little guy obviously met Nazi for the first time and they have only been together for less than half an hour, but their relationship has developed very rapidly. If this It would be impossible for someone else to do it. Maybe Nazi and the Pokemon with superpowers can share the same mind, allowing Mengmeng to feel the pure inner world of the super queen, so this makes him keep a small distance from humans. The guy let go of the vigilance in his heart.

Whether on Earth or in the Pokemon world, humans are definitely the best at deceiving and disguising creatures.However, no matter how clever he pretends to be, his inner world cannot be faked.It is precisely because of this channel that Nazi can establish a friendly relationship with all superpower Pokemon, and this dream that does not know where it came from is definitely not the first, nor will it be the last. ...

452 Aaron, the legend of the waveguide hero It is a legend that began in the very, very distant past. A long time ago, it was an era when there were no Pokemon balls.Human beings have not yet formed a unified alliance, and there are many independent countries on each continent, and they attack each other, and even the war between human beings also involves Pokemon.

In that war-torn era, the Kingdom of Orlando was at the junction of the borders of two great powers. Under such circumstances, the Kingdom of Orlando, which advocates peace, finally ushered in its own calamity.In ancient times, the two superpowers on the Kanto Continent exhausted all their strength, and each sent almost all of their troops to the border area to prepare for a decisive battle with each other. However, the Kingdom of Orlando, which bore the brunt, became the two major powers at war. battlefield!

Disaster is about to come, and the huge Pokemon armies of the two big countries have already marched to the territory of the Kingdom of Orlando. The Kingdom of Orlando, which advocates peace but is weak in national strength, is unable to prevent this disaster at all.Everyone fell into despair, even the tree of creation couldn't bear to see the same race between humans and humans, and Pokemon and Pokemon wanted to kill and cried.

The two huge armies finally fought, and a cruel and fierce fight was staged in the Kingdom of Orlando. At this time, the formerly beautiful land became a place of purgatory.Although unable to change the status quo, Her Majesty the Queen of the Kingdom of Orlando is determined to lead the people to live and die with the Kingdom. We cannot abandon our homeland, especially as it is being baptized by the flames of war and weeping helplessly. .

The people of the kingdom of Orlando had already prepared for the worst, but at this moment, the tree of creation suddenly emitted an astonishing brilliance, and the green brilliance full of life and vitality spread throughout the land and spread to the entire area battlefield.The two huge armies that were fighting bloody stopped their respective movements. Under the brilliance of the Creation Tree, the hostility of the two fiercely fighting armies was washed away, and they let go of their hatred and anger and returned to peace.

All the Pokemon suddenly stopped obeying the command and retreated back to the place where they used to live, and the two big countries that lost their huge Pokemon army were no longer able to start a war, and this land was able to restore the peace and harmony of the past. state of tranquility.

One day after the war, the giant eagle flew back to the palace, and handed a jeweled cane in its mouth to Her Majesty the Queen.It wasn't until this moment that Her Majesty the Queen finally understood that it was Aaron who asked Dream to let the Tree of Creation inspire its own power to stop the war, but Her Majesty the Queen has been waiting for a long time and has not waited for the hero of the kingdom.

Her Majesty announced an important order when she was dying, and since then, Orlando has held a grand festival every ten years.Aaron, the greatest hero in the history of Orlando, is also the brave man who has been called Bird since then!

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