Pokemon Champion Author: Ueda

There really is a god in this world, and someone was transported to the world of Pokemon by an enthusiastic god just because of a joke...

I'm good at games, take those who have fought in the game to dominate the whole league, the six gods of Ryukyu, Dialuka, Palukia, Giratina, Sekrom and Reciram Out who to fight with.

But there is a secret to the road to success, but there are no shortcuts. To achieve an unprecedented champion, his opportunities and legends start from here...

This story and characters are purely fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

Chapter 001: Travel with the game

"Finally, this 649 Pokemon black revision has also been cleared, and it took more than 200 hours to collect all the illustrations."

Tang Xing was still sitting in front of the computer desk with a toothpick and picking his teeth. A blue NDSI was placed next to the HP 4421S business notebook.

"It's better to change it than Diao, um, the individual value and effort value are changed to full, the characteristics are changed to stone head, the skills are high-voltage electric shock, flame collision, Yongwu plus sacrifice collision."

While muttering, Tang Xing was using the computer to modify the game save file, "Damn, Nintendo is so shameless, the image of Brother Diao is so mighty but with such a rubbish racial value, it's a pity that this modifier can't modify the racial value."

Well, let's ignore this shameless guy's shameless remarks, regardless of the high-voltage electric shock, flame collision and Yongwu, which were not part of Bie Diao's skills, were forcibly installed by him. What's more shameless is that he even used Bie Diao's skills. The feature is changed to a stone head, so that Biaodiao will not be attacked by these high-damage but highly reactive skills.

After tinkering for a long time and after a series of shameless revisions, Tang Xing successfully used Bidiao, Bangira, Gengar, Kuailong, Giant Claw Mantis and Flame Monkey to explode the Four Heavenly Kings and the Champion without taking any medicine.After successfully challenging again, Tang Xing didn't have much joy, just more emptiness. No matter how many monsters and powerful PMs he had in the game, they were all empty, every time he watched Pokemon Anime is very hot.

There is no other reason, the TV version of Xiao Zhi is really worried, his aesthetics really dare not let Tang Xing compliment him.Look at Xiaozhi's PMs, most of them are cute elves, that is, PMs with low racial value, not to mention divine beasts. Every time he is humiliated by a strong enemy, Tang Xinghuo is very big. Tang Xing believes that only evolution is king. He wouldn't think that Jenny Turtle and Frog Seeds can challenge the Heavenly King or even the champion.

"Nani? What's going on here?"

Tang Xing looked at the screen of NDSI. The login screen that originally entered the hall displayed the words "shameless" and "Damn."

Tang Xing immediately pointed his middle finger, "If I were shameless, I would use the six dragons to challenge it, Kakuzuo, Diasound, Palukia, Giratina, Sekrom, and Reciram."

"Shameless and despicable" Tang Xing disdain "I, if Xiao Zhi uses Jenny Turtle, Frog Seed, Bikachu and the like to fight the championship, unless he takes medicine crazy, then it will be 2. Is the champion so easy to be? Look at Dudu. The fast dragon, Hirona's tyrannical dragon, which one doesn't have two brushes?"

Tang Xing pointed his middle finger again.

"Young man, it seems that you have a lot of ideas about this game."

A line of words is displayed again on the NDSI screen.

"Young man? Nani? Don't tell me?"

Tang Xing was stunned for a while and then pointed at the game console and roared, "You game console is so arrogant and still calls your grandfather 'young man', etc."

Tang Xing patted his head desperately, "Is this a game console? It has been talking to me just now?"

Tang Xing jumped back in panic, but unfortunately he forgot that he was sitting on a chair, and it turned out to be a cup. Unable to react from the super-era intelligence of the game console, I simply fainted.

"Ah" Tang Xing rubbed his nose with his hand, "Where is this? It's dark."

Tang Xing struggled to get up from the ground, scanning the surrounding environment with his eyes, it was pitch black all around. "I'm dead, is this hell?"

Tang Xing was furious, "Damn it, it must be the damn old ghost of the game console, this young master was killed by him, it must be him."

Tang Xing knelt on the ground and cried, "I don't want it, I don't want it, sir, I don't want to die young when I'm young..." "Ow, ooh... One" A bright light shot from a distance, Tang Xing was sluggish. Looking at the past, a blue light appeared, a blue figure, noble and elegant.

"That is?"

Tang Xing was stunned, "Shuijun?"

"Ow" Sui Jun came to Tang Xing's side in an instant.

"Who are you?...Ow" Shui Jun cupped Tang Xing's body with his mouth in a very intimate manner. "Although I don't understand the situation, but,"

"Sui-kun, it's really Sui-kun."

Tang Xing was stunned for a while, then he got excited and hugged Shui Jun and kept stroking him. Shui Jun was more and more happy to use his head to hold Tang Xing on his body and keep running around with Tang Xing on his back.

"Great, great. Sui-kun, I'm not dreaming, Sui-kun is so close to me."

Tang Xing felt that there was an indescribable joy at this time, and he just wanted to shout at the sky. "Falcon light people are unstable."

However, the excited Tang Xing directly ignored the sudden voice.

"Hey, my old man is getting old. If you want to be happy, you have to wait for me to finish talking, can you? Hey, there's nothing you can do, Suicune."

"Ow!" Sui Jun was so shocked that Tang Xing danced and hugged Sui Jun's neck to avoid kissing and kissing the earth's cup again, "What's the matter, Sui Jun?"

"Ow." Shui Jun arched Tang Xing with his head, "Who are you?"

Tang Xing looked in the direction of Sui Jun's head, "Old man? What kind of elf is that?"

"What? You bastard, it's so rude to the old man."

An old man dressed in a Chinese long gown with a dignified and immortal style rushed over with his skills that did not match his age and directly knocked Tang Xing off his horse with a shudder, "Oh, it hurts."

Tang Xing held his head and swayed from side to side, "Ow" Shui Jun used his head to hold Tang Xing's tongue and put his head on Tang Xing's head.

Tang Xing felt moved by Sui Jun's concern, "Thank you Sui Jun, although I don't know why you are so kind to me, but I am really happy to have your friendship."

Tang Xing couldn't wait to cry while hugging Shui Jun's neck.

"Hmph, I don't even know my own elf."

The old man hummed disdainfully from his nose.This time Tang Xing finally heard, "Shuijun, is that my elf?"

Tang Xing was stunned, staring at Shui Jun dazedly.

"Ow!" Shui Jun seemed to understand Tang Xing's voice and cupped Tang Xing's head as if he was saying something.

"Could it be that?"

Tang Xing suddenly remembered NDSI, "Aren't you?...Ow" as if in response to Tang Xing's words, Sui Jun happily danced around Tang Xing.

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