However, in this Buddhist hall, apart from these eighteen golden Buddha statues, there is nothing else at all!

Liu Qi frowned slightly, the doubts in his eyes became more serious, and he couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Can we really find a way here?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Qi cautiously walked towards the depths of the Buddhist hall. At first he thought that these Buddha statues would attack him, but obviously he was overthinking. There was no danger in this Buddhist hall, but apart from the eighteen Buddha statues, There's really nothing to hide anymore.

In the end, Liu Qi still set his sights on the eighteen Buddha statues.

Since even Qi Ling cannot enter, there must be some mystery in this Buddhist hall, maybe the real secret lies above these Buddha statues.

Liu Qi searched for a Buddha statue for a long time, but still did not find anything unusual, so he couldn't help but frown slightly: "Could it be a special way?"

He tried to attack these Buddha statues, but his attack was like an ordinary person attacking a mountain, without causing any waves at all. Obviously these Buddha statues were just dead objects, and there was nothing special about them except that they were stronger.

Liu Qi paced back and forth in the Buddhist hall, and as time went by little by little, even though his state of mind was already very strong, he became a little impatient.


He took a deep breath, sat cross-legged in the middle of the Buddhist hall, and said to himself secretly.

After he calmed down a little, he looked at the Buddha statues again, concentrating on them.

And a statue of Buddha flashed through his mind quickly, and soon each of the seemingly weird movements became smooth, and every movement flowed smoothly, as if this should have been a complete set of movements in the first place!

Liu Qi suddenly slapped his forehead, and suddenly said: "Maybe the mystery here lies in these movements!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this guess might be true. After all, it is impossible for ordinary Buddha statues to perform such weird movements, but the movements of these Buddha statues are connected to form a complete set of movements.

Maybe, this set of movements was originally a set of exercises!

Thinking of this, Liu Qi quickly stood up, half-twisted his body, and punched backwards. This was exactly the posture of the first Buddha statue.

At this moment, only a "boom" was heard, as if an extremely heavy mountain was pressing on his body, and his body also suffered from an incredible force, and it also began to collapse.

Liu Qi was startled, and quickly activated the healing talents and immortal talents, and immediately gave up the previous actions. With the change of his actions, the previous pressure also disappeared. Afterwards, his physical body also gradually recovered.

"Damn, just one movement almost killed me!"

Liu Qi glanced at the Buddha statue with lingering fear. If he didn't have so many healing talents and immortal talents, if he were replaced by another son of the Supreme, his physical body would collapse completely!

But he really didn't understand, it was just a very simple action, why did it cause such a big reaction?

"No... No, if you make such an action from the outside world, it is impossible to have such a big reaction. It should be the reason for this Buddhist hall!"

Liu Qi glanced around, it was obvious that the mystery of this Buddhist hall lies in the movements of these Buddha statues, and this is just one movement, if he can complete this whole set of movements, he might be able to unravel this Buddha statue. Don real secret!

In order to confirm this conjecture, Liu Qi waited for his injuries to fully recover, then set his sights on another Buddha statue, and when he made the same movement again, that terrifying pressure struck again.


Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and there was a hint of anticipation in his eyes.

What is the real secret of this temple?

Is it really possible for him to take away the Buddha's relic?

Thinking of this, Liu Qi no longer hesitated, and began to imitate the poses of Buddha statues, making weird movements one after another.

Physical collapse!get well!continue...

For several days, Liu Qi kept imitating these movements. He did all the movements of the eighteen Buddha statues, and each time he waited until his physical body was about to completely collapse before starting to recover again.

However, he still couldn't connect all the actions together.


Liu Qi let out a deep breath, and made the first move again. When his posture perfectly matched the Buddha statue, the terrifying pressure struck again.


His physical body began to crumble again, and just when he was about to lose his hold, he immediately changed his posture, and that incomparably terrifying power also disappeared.

recover!Go on!

Over and over again, Liu Qi kept repeating the first movement, and as he performed this movement more and more proficiently, he began to gradually understand the real intention of this movement!

A hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times!

As time passed, Liu Qi also found that he was able to hold on to the first movement for a longer time.

And most importantly, his physical strength has increased!

In the time of collapse and recovery, his physical strength is also constantly increasing!

"Sure enough, this action has no meaning!"

Excitement flashed in Liu Qi's eyes. These movements were obviously a form of cultivation. As for whether it was a real exercise, I'm afraid he would have to wait for him to connect all the movements together!

"Perhaps these movements can cooperate with the Hongmeng Body Training Technique!"

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he immediately took out the little white flower that he got when he just entered the world of relics from the small world with him.

Originally, he planned to use this primordial treasure to improve the primordial body training formula, but now he wanted to experiment with this new idea!

Under Liu Qi's refinement, the little white flower turned into a mass of lavender liquid, which he swallowed in one gulp. Immediately afterwards, he immediately made the first move, and the terrifying force crushed it again come.

With the change of Liu Qi's posture, that power disappeared again, but Liu Qi discovered that a small amount of energy of the primordial treasure that he had swallowed before had been absorbed by his body, and the primordial body training formula was not activated by him. Under the circumstances, it is running at an incredible speed.

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