If one can find an undiscovered relic inheritance, its value is absolutely immeasurable!

After all, it can be preserved after the death of the world, and there are not many relic inheritances that have not been discovered by the major races!

During these long years, this relic world has been opened countless times, many of which have been acquired by major races, but there are still some treasures and relics that have not been taken away, because only With their supreme sons at this level, it is impossible to take away these relic inheritances.

In fact, the human race had also discovered the location of some relic inheritance before, but even with Liu Qi's strength, they could not get any benefits from it, so the Supreme Hall did not inform the sons of the Supreme of the inheritance of these relics.

If they want to obtain real benefits, they must find those undiscovered relic inheritances!


Liu Qi hurriedly activated the Wufeng Orb, and quickly flew in the direction of the phantom.

After a while, Liu Qi came to a deep valley.

In the misty smog, the figure of an ancient pagoda can be faintly seen, piercing into the sky like a pillar of the sky. Diffuse out.

Liu Qi continued to fly towards the depths of the valley, the closer he got to the ancient pagoda, the more oppressive he felt.

Gradually, the ancient pagoda was clearly reflected in his eyes, and there were various Buddha statues carved on the pagoda, but after a long period of time, coupled with the shock of the silence of the world, the pagoda is now very dilapidated. The originally lifelike statues have also become somewhat blurred.

Obviously, this is a pagoda!

At this time, Liu Qi also noticed the existence of several supreme sons, two of them had two pairs of white wings growing on their backs, while the other two had black wings, obviously they were the angels that Wuchen Tianzun had highlighted before Clan and Demon Clan!

As for the remaining two, they were Orcs and Romons.

But no matter which side it is, the relationship with the human race is not very good!

Liu Qi landed quietly, looking at the angels and demons with a touch of dignity in his eyes.

He has not forgotten Tianzun Wuchen's reminder, even if he has reached the top level of the earth-level combat power, he still has to be careful with these two races!

Of course, he does not intend to let go of the inheritance of the ruins in front of him, and he is not afraid of the other party. After all, his strength lies there. With many life-saving methods, even if he loses, his life will definitely not be in danger!

When the supreme sons of these two clans discovered Liu Qi's arrival, they just smiled contemptuously and didn't pay much attention. Obviously, they didn't think that a small human race would pose any threat to them.

At this time, the supreme son of the Romon tribe came to Liu Qi, and said with a smile: "Friends of the human race, this pagoda has just appeared, and I don't know what's going on inside. Why don't we form an alliance?"

"No need!"

Liu Qi directly refused. He had heard about this Romon tribe for a long time, and he was extremely cunning by nature. If he formed an alliance with the supreme son of the Romon tribe, he might not even know how he died!


The Romon glared at Liu Qi, and finally flung his sleeves and stepped aside.

On the other side, the half-orc had been watching Liu Qi covetously, but now that the inheritance relic was in front of him, he still held back the impulse in his heart.

At this time, together with Liu Qi, seven supreme sons gathered in the entire valley.

But no matter which side it was, they all stared at the pagoda closely, and Liu Qi did not act rashly, because Tianzun Wuchen once reminded him that if he encounters the inheritance of the relics, he must not rush into it. These supreme sons below the immortal level don't even have time to escape!

After a while, the sons of the supreme ones took out stone puppets one after another, preparing to let these stone puppets go to the ruins to investigate the situation, and Liu Qi had also exchanged for one in the supreme hall just in case. The Stone Puppet also came in handy at this time.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The stone puppets were activated and quickly flew into the pagoda. After a while, the stone puppets came back safely.

Obviously, there is no danger to this ancient tower!

"Whoosh whoosh—"

The sons of the supreme ones rushed into the pagoda, and Liu Qi also rushed into the pagoda immediately, but what caught his eyes were white bones, all of which were sitting cross-legged, exuding a trace of aura. Very old atmosphere.

At this time, the supreme son of the half-orc family accidentally touched a white bone, and immediately the white bone turned into a pile of dust.

Liu Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he said with emotion: "It seems that these are all strong men from the previous world, but it's a pity that these long years can't preserve their flesh and blood, and even their bones will dissipate when touched."

It can be seen that these people were not killed by anyone, and it is very likely that they died due to the impact of the silence of heaven and earth.

In fact, he has always had a question in his mind, since this ruined world can withstand the impact of the death of the world, why is there no strong person in the previous world that can survive?

But what he can be sure of is that this pagoda has never been discovered before, otherwise these bones could not be so intact!

If so, the chance this time is really not small!

With hot eyes, Liu Qi walked towards the upper floor of the pagoda, while the other sons of the Supreme also quickly walked towards the second floor of the pagoda, and soon a huge Buddha statue appeared in front of everyone.

Liu Qi didn't pay too much attention to the Buddha statue, but looked at the monk who was wearing cassock and sitting cross-legged under the Buddha statue. Although the monk's body looked intact, he could feel that there was no damage on the other side's body. Not a trace of life.

A supreme son of the angel family stepped forward and touched it lightly with the weapon in his hand. To everyone's surprise, the monk's body did not turn into smoke and dust, and there was indeed a blow Very vast breath.


Everyone's face changed drastically, and they couldn't help but secretly cursed the supreme son of the angel clan in their hearts.

But then, there was only a "buzz", and a picture filled their minds...

Chapter 690 The Secret of the Ninth Body?

A monk wearing a cassock floated in the endless void. With his palms folded, he looked at the collapsing heavens and the countless souls crying and dying. His eyes were full of sadness and despair.

He seemed to want to stop everything in front of him, but he was powerless.

Not far below him, a continent began to crumble, and countless strong men were annihilated in an instant.

On the mainland, in a majestic pagoda, Buddhist and Taoist disciples sat cross-legged. They put their hands together and continued to read the scriptures, but their eyes showed a look of panic and despair.

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