Long Xiu frowned secretly, if that Nine Profound Power was here, it would be a bit difficult.

Judging from this, the Nine Profound Power is very likely to be the master of the Dragon Clan.

Although its strength may not be weaker than Jiu Xuan Da Neng, but once it makes a move, it will definitely attract the attention of other humans, and its mission will fail!

Suddenly, Long Xiu's face changed suddenly, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he immediately ordered to Guang Yushan: "Let's leave Shuangtai City first, and you take me to other places."

Although the opponent is extremely weak, he is also a purebred dragon, and he may have sensed his own existence.

If so, then you are likely to be exposed!

Immediately, one person and one dragon flew towards the outside of Shuangtai City at high speed.

After a long time, Long Xiu didn't feel any aura chasing him, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and brought Guangyu Mountain to an open space.

But at this moment, Long Xiu saw a human walking towards them leisurely.

Long Xiu's complexion changed slightly, his eyes became more solemn, and he quickly asked Guang Yushan, "Who is he?"

"He is the Nine Profound Power." Guang Yushan replied.

Long Xiu stared at Liu Qi relentlessly, without the panic he had before, his whole body was full of murderous intent, he looked at Liu Qi proudly and said: "Human, since you have discovered me, you can only die!"

This is the wilderness here, no one passes by at all, so what if Jiu Xuan Da Neng finds out?

In such a short time, he didn't have time to notify other people. Even if he did something here, he wouldn't be afraid of revealing his identity!

This Nine Profound Power is only the strength of the sixth-level combat power, but it has top-level claw talent, so there is no need to be afraid at all.

As long as he is killed, it doesn't have to worry about the failure of the mission, and the purebred dragon will be liberated, which kills two birds with one stone!

Seeing that the dragon didn't escape, Liu Qi sneered. The reason why he didn't make a surprise attack was because he was afraid of hurting the nearby Guangyu Mountain, so he deliberately suppressed his breath in the Nascent Soul Realm.

Just when Long Xiu was about to make a move, it suddenly saw that Nine Profound Power, and slowly raised his right hand. In an instant, it felt that the surrounding space was frozen, making its movements slow.

"Not good! Space ability at this time!" Long Xiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and his face changed drastically.

That person actually has such a rare talent, I was careless this time!


Long Xiu immediately showed his original shape, and the thousand-meter-long dragon tail ruthlessly swept around, as if to shatter the entire space.


A huge dragon claw, carrying the sound of piercing the air, directly attacked Long Xiu's body.

"This is the dragon clan's claw technique, how could he...!"

"His strength has reached level eight!"

Long Xiu looked at the giant claw in horror, his heart was full of fear.

That is a strong man who has broken through the tribulation period and reached the eighth level of combat power, an existence that he cannot resist at all!

That damned Guang Yushan doesn't even know the true strength of Jiu Xuan Da Neng!

If it knew this earlier, how dare it be so arrogant, it would run away the first time the other party found itself!

But at this moment, he wanted to escape, but it was too late!


The dragon's claw swept across in an instant, leaving a [-]-meter-long gully on the hard ground, and Long Xiu's breath became extremely weak.

This was also because Liu Qi had no intention of killing it yet, so he withdrew his power in time.

There are still many questions in his mind. He has been thinking about a question before, why didn't the immortals of those foreign forces directly occupy the earth?

At that time, he thought that maybe the earth had some influence or restriction on them, preventing them from entering.

If this is the case, will the immortal level of the dragon clan also be unable to enter the earth?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Qi slowly walked to Guang Yushan Daneng's side, stretched out his hand and tapped his eyebrows, and forcibly lifted Guang Yushan from the hypnosis.

If the hypnotist was here, he might not be able to break the hypnotic state, but the other party only left a hypnotic force in the soul of Guangyu Mountain, and he also possessed top-level hypnotic talents, so he could lift the hypnotic state like this. Get up, it's much easier.

After a while, Guang Yushan Da Neng's eyes regained clarity. When he saw Liu Qi in front of him, a trace of strangeness appeared in his eyes. Just as he was about to ask questions, a picture before he was hypnotized suddenly appeared in his mind, and he immediately said in panic : "Jiuxuan Da Neng, I saw a strong man with dragon horns before, and then I lost consciousness!"

Now he doesn't know at all what happened after he lost consciousness, and why he appeared here!

"Don't worry, it's all right now!"

Liu Qi waved his hand, then a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Do they look the same as humans?"

Guang Yushan heaved a sigh of relief, nodded solemnly, and replied affirmatively: "Yes, except for the pair of dragon horns, it looks no different from ordinary humans."

Since Liu Qi said that he was fine, it seemed that he hadn't made any mistakes before, so he felt at ease.

But now he is even more curious, who is the strong man with dragon horns?

Could it be the legendary Dragon Clan?

The more Guang Yushan thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he vaguely felt that the matter was a little complicated, so he couldn't help becoming nervous.

"It seems that the fairy-level dragons have the ability to transform into shapes!" Liu Qi frowned slightly, secretly saying.

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