Liu Qi returned to the team and continued on his journey.

As the setting sun slanted, the golden sunlight evenly sprinkled on the ground through the gaps between the trees. On the side of a certain boulder, the Fengxing team and Liu Qi had been exploring here for more than half a month.

Seeing that it was getting late, Feng Xing gave an order, and the team members quickly set up a simple tent, intending to rest here for the night.

Liu Qi was not idle either, he shot a few wild animals and came back, after cleaning, they put them on the fire and turned them back and forth.

After a while, there was a burst of meaty aroma, Liu Qi sprinkled the seasoning evenly and distributed it to everyone.

A team member took the barbecue, sniffed and took a bite: "Hiss, it's hot, Liu Qi, your skills are really getting better and better."

After several months of contact, Liu Qi and the group were completely familiar. The team member who spoke was called Chen Xiao, who was in the early stage and had the best relationship with Liu Qi besides Feng Xing and Lei Ting.

After Fengxing heard this, he hurriedly swallowed the meat in his mouth: "That's right, it's many times more delicious than Jiaojiao's."

The woman who was named was Hao Jiao, a middle-aged person, and she thought she was a soft girl just by hearing her name.

But those who are familiar with her know that she has a fiery temper, but she has a very bold temperament. She has curly long hair like seaweed, black hair and snowy muscles, and eyebrows like distant mountains. She is an out-and-out royal sister.

Feng Xing's words hit her sore point, she raised her fist, and slammed Feng Xing on the head: "How about I make you a table full of Chinese people next time?"

Feng Xing thought about the scene for a while, then shook his body: "Forget it, then I'd rather go on a hunger strike."

Not surprisingly, Hao Jiao's fist was drawn again, causing everyone to laugh.

Liu Qi curled his lips. During the few days he was in the team, he completely fell in love with this team. Although the captain Feng Xing is powerful, he never puts on airs and gets mixed up with the team members.

And the team members often help each other, harmonious and loving, unlike other teams that often have intrigues.

When everyone was laughing together, Lei Ting muttered something: "Liu Qi Liu Qi, why does this name sound so familiar?"

Seeing this, Feng Xing bumped Lei Ting with his leg: "Lei Ting, what are you muttering about?"

Feng Xing's words caught everyone's attention, Lei Ting slapped his thigh and stood up abruptly: "Liu Qi! I remembered! Then the Qi family is looking for Liu Qi!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like a thunderclap on the ground, causing people's ears to hurt.

Liu Qi was shocked when he heard this: "Oops! I didn't expect to be exposed so soon! Ling'er is still there!"

He was so anxious that he wished he could run home immediately.

But soon, he calmed down: "No, before I left, Ling'er had already temporarily lodged in the school. Fortunately, the school I was looking for was strong and had many masters. Outsiders were never allowed to kill students at will. Ling'er With the protection of the school, the Qi family should not take the initiative to provoke her."

Liu Qi was a little relieved, in this swamp, the Qi family would not be found for the time being, and they still continued to improve their strength, and the Qi family must be pulled out as soon as possible!

Just, what are they looking for?so important?

It took only a blink of an eye to turn a thousand thoughts, but when they heard Lei Ting's words, everyone immediately burst out laughing.

"Hey, what did I think you were going to say, Lei Ting, you must be thinking too much. There are no less than a hundred people named Liu Qi in this Yunfu alone."

"Besides, I heard that the one who killed Qi Yu before was just a high-level physical apprentice, and our Liu Qi is already in the middle stage of physical fitness, and the gap between the two is like a natural moat. , Even for a genius, it will take several years to cross over, this thing has been less than a month, from a high-level apprentice to a mid-stage one? Impossible!"

Hearing that, Lei Ting scratched his head, as if it made sense.

He chuckled: "We shuttled in the swamp all day. I heard about this from others, and I haven't seen the arrest warrant. When I go back, I will definitely take a look. It's so easy to sneak into Qi's house and kill Qi Yu." Man, what does it look like!"

Hearing this, Liu Qi secretly felt bad, but he had no choice but to speed up his progress and find what the popular marching team needed as soon as possible.

Feng Xing frowned secretly. He also had this kind of speculation before. Hearing what the team members said, it seemed to make sense. There is no such thing as a coincidence in the world, but...

If it is really the same person, how terrifying is this person's talent?

Feng Xing looked at Liu Qi who was silently eating barbecue, his breathing was stagnant, his face changed, he didn't dare to continue thinking, because he didn't know what to do.

Although Feng Xing's complexion changed extremely quickly, since the team members guessed, Liu Qi focused on him. After all, Feng Xing was the number one expert in the team.

At this moment, looking at Feng Xing's appearance, Liu Qi also felt uneasy, did he guess it?

But looking at his own talent, Liu Qi lowered his head and his eyes flashed. Fortunately, I still have the cards.

Chapter 35 Attacked!

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, and the breeze was blowing slowly. The Fengxing team was stationed beside the boulder, and the tent was surrounded by the bonfire. Everyone had already fallen asleep, and only one team member was left on guard, looking around vigilantly.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chen Xiao rubbed his eyes, yawned and walked out of the tent: "Hey, Ye Yuan, the guard has changed."

The wind marching team changes every two hours to ensure everyone's sleep.

Ye Yuan stretched and was about to enter the tent, but he seemed to hear something, he waved his hand: "Chen Xiao, did you hear anything?"

Chen Xiao listened intently.


The sound of Xixisuo was very obvious under the quiet night sky.

Chen Xiao's complexion changed, and he shouted: "Captain! Thunder! Get up, everyone, we have encountered a strange beast!"

Resting in the swamp, everyone was sleeping lightly. Feng Xing Lei Ting quickly opened his eyes when he heard it. He was dressed in unlined clothes, and he didn't even have time to put on his coat. He immediately raised his weapon and rushed out.

Liu Qi heard the noise outside, picked up the dagger and went outside.

At this time, the team members have all assembled, staring at the shadows in the dark.

Under the firelight, the five unknown beasts gradually revealed their full appearance.

Five meters in length, light blue skin covered with wrinkles, a huge poisonous sac on top of the head, thick limbs, hissing at the moment, 10 cm long fangs covered with saliva, staring at everyone covetously .

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