It was a full three meters long, with a pair of gloomy eyes staring at Liu Qi on the flat inverted triangular head of the snake, spitting out snake apricots like a threat and making a "hissing" sound.

"It's just a low-level beast." Liu Qishun raised the knife and dropped it, the snake's head fell to the ground slowly, and blood sprayed on an unknown plant.

After Liu Qi took the honey moss, he walked away slowly, his figure turned into an invisible black dot, and followed Liu Qi's figure into the distance, what Liu Qi didn't know was that with the spray of blood, , the unknown plant began to emit a slight luster, and a faint white mist began to appear around it, drifting silently in this vast swamp.

An hour has passed.

On the way, Liu Qi encountered another low-level alien beast and three ferocious beasts, all of which were quickly dealt with by him. There was still no clue about the trace of the ghostly starfish.

Liu Qi couldn't help but wonder: "Why have I been away for a while, although I didn't expect to meet the ghost starfish so soon, but there is no trace of it at all, which is too strange."

"Although this psychedelic swamp is not as full of strange beasts as the Nether Sea, the level of the strange beasts encountered along the way is very low, which is a bit unreasonable, and the sudden appearance of white mist is really weird .”

"Could it be that the distribution of alien beasts here is divided into regions like the forest? Or..."

After having doubts, Liu Qi stopped and began to observe the surrounding environment.

Liu Qi first came to a weed by the water and cut off a piece of weed with a knife. The broken weed stood out from the dense vegetation around him. Liu Qi put away the knife in satisfaction and strode forward.

After half an hour, Liu Qi stopped slowly. Why is the surrounding scenery so familiar?

Liu Qi seemed to have a premonition, and looked not far away, and sure enough, the severed weeds appeared in front of him again.

"Sure enough, there are ghosts." Liu Qi narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Liu Qi thought about it carefully. When he first entered this area, the white mist hadn't appeared yet. When did something go wrong?

"That ferocious piebald python!" Bowing his head and thinking for a moment, Liu Qi's mind flashed.

After understanding what happened, Liu Qi suddenly felt that something was wrong.

In this endless swamp, who knows what accidents will happen, the most important thing at this time is to solve this weird white mist first.

Liu Qi tentatively used the spiritual energy body training method and began to gather the spiritual energy around him. Suddenly, the air vibrated slightly, and the vast white mist within ten meters seemed to fade a little.

"Huh" Liu Qi breathed out lightly.

It seems that the most effective way to deal with this weird white mist is spiritual energy.

However, the current situation is only that the surrounding white mist has faded, and has not completely disappeared. Who knows if the white mist will have other effects besides blocking the line of sight, and we must find a way to completely break it.

Liu Qi no longer moved forward, but slowly walked backward along the original route in his memory. This time, the familiar broken weeds did not appear in front of his eyes again.

"It seems that after gathering the spiritual energy, the influence of the white mist on me will also be reduced, and now I should be able to return smoothly."

After Liu Qi understood his situation, he stopped hesitating and began to speed up.

An hour later, although there were occasions when he went the wrong way and turned back, fortunately, Liu Qi's memory was not bad, and he finally arrived at the place where he killed the piebald python smoothly.

"This is……"

Liu Qi took a closer look, the snake's head of the piebald python fell to the side, blood was spilled all over, and a young grass seedling was slightly glowing with lavender light, and scarlet blood splashed on it, which looked extraordinarily strange.

This grass seedling is too young, if it wasn't for the slight luster at this time, you wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't look carefully.

"Different water chestnut?"

Liu Qi suddenly shrank his eyes and pupils.

Liu Qi once saw it in the introduction picture of the swamp. Although this Erythrophila is small in size and has no attack power, it is very dangerous. It likes to eat animal blood. It will release fog during the process of sucking animal blood, reducing the vision of other creatures. Creatures with low visibility and low abilities may even have hallucinations, and the spirit grass will take the opportunity to absorb its vitality when the mental state declines.

"What a sinister plant." Liu Qi murmured.

Although the Heterocarpus is powerful, it is not without natural enemies. Reiki is his best restraint, and a large amount of Reiki can cause the death of Heterocarpus.

Facing the Heterocarpus, ordinary attacks can only put it in a state of suspended animation, and only attacks with aura can kill it completely.

Liu Qi didn't hesitate at all, and swiped a knife at the demon grass while the spiritual energy training method was running, and saw that the water chestnut seemed to be burned, and sparks appeared all over his body. Although there was no wind, his body kept swaying.

A large amount of white mist suddenly gushed out, as if it was the last struggle to counterattack. Liu Qi had been prepared for a long time, and during the rapid retreat, the spiritual energy training method was exerted to the extreme. After a while, the white mist slowly dissipated, and the surrounding vision returned to clarity.

Liu Qi let out a deep breath, and his body gradually relaxed.

In this psychedelic swamp, such frightening things happened just after entering the periphery. It seems that in the future, we must act carefully.

Chapter 22 Psychedelic Starfish

Although the appearance of the different water chestnut grass has brought some troubles to Liu Qi, it also means that he is one step closer to the psychedelic starfish.

As far as he knows, the different spirit grass is one of the favorite foods of psychedelic starfish, and this strange spirit grass is still in a young state, which means that there must be mature strange spirit grass within 2 kilometers!

Liu Qi didn't dare to be careless, started the spiritual energy training method, and started to observe around.

Sure enough, one kilometer southeast of this strange spirit grass, Liu Qi found a large group of strange spirit grass.

I saw a group of strange spirit grasses about the size of an ordinary table growing in a low and muddy land. They were about half a foot high, and they were all verdant green. Each grass had about three An inch-long golden thread, this is the sign of a mature spirit grass.

"Found it." Liu Qi whispered.

Then Liu Qi lifted the spiritual energy body training method. First, it was too exhausting to do so for a long time, and second, because there was no other biological blood to irrigate, the strange spirit grass would not release a large mist, only when it was 2 meters away from it Within the range, the hallucinogenic fog attack will be released.

Liu Qi squatted in a safe area, using the surrounding weeds as a cover, quietly waiting for the arrival of the psychedelic starfish.

Liu Qi observed here quietly for a whole morning, but he didn't get any results. As the sky gradually darkened, Liu Qi had to go back to the dry woods to rest.

After all, it’s not a problem to soak your legs in muddy water all day. There are swarms of poisonous snakes and leeches in this swamp. Sleeping in this kind of place is not safe, and the psychedelic starfish will not go out for food at night. Might as well wait until dawn the next day to come here again.

The next afternoon.

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