
A force of space and time instantly spread throughout Qiuyun City.

Everyone in Qiuyun City was startled, and felt that the space around them had solidified. At this moment, they seemed to be stuck in the concrete floor that had just solidified, and they couldn't even move.

However, their thinking is like a broken clock, unable to turn around for a long time.

The group of immortals gathered in the tea house before was a little better at the moment.

It's just that their thinking is also extremely slow, and they can only stare at their eyes, watching the golden spear reach the chest of Venerable Leng Yue.

At this moment, the only ones who were shocked were those venerables who were hiding in mid-air.

Although they have been greatly affected, they are venerables, and they still retain some ability to think.

It's just that the freezing of the surrounding space also brought them a great sense of oppression.

Asking them to raise their arms feels a bit difficult!

They can even feel that even if they use all their strength, it may be difficult to quickly break through the confinement in this space!

What's more, there is also the influence of thinking!

What exactly is this ability?

To be able to combine time and space abilities so perfectly?

The first thousand and 180 chapters are still alive? !

"This...this is..."

A venerable muttered for a long time, but in the end he didn't say a complete sentence, but his eyes were round and full of horror.

In a real decisive battle, let alone a second, even a delay of 0.01 second may cause earth-shaking changes!

It can be said that with these two abilities alone, His Highness Jiuxuan can become invincible at the same level!

It's just that he couldn't figure it out, how could His Royal Highness Jiuxuan control the two rare powers of time and space so freely?


Simply unheard of!

At this moment, Venerable Leng Yue was in mid-air, watching the golden spear sinking into his body little by little, but when he was powerless to stop it, there was also a touch of fear in his eyes.

If he wants to kill Jiu Xuan, it is naturally impossible not to make some preparations!

Although he knew that Jiuxuan possessed the two rare talents of time and space, he never thought that Jiuxuan could combine these two abilities so perfectly!

Also created such a terrifying move!

It seemed that at this moment, his blood condensed with the space.

Not to mention stopping it, even if he wanted to block it with his hands, it would be too late!


Venerable Leng Yue only felt that his whole body was completely frozen.


Venerable Leng Yue stared with eyes almost crazy.

Although the golden spear made him feel the crisis, he never expected that the golden spear would directly pass through his defensive armor and break through layers of his defenses!

He even felt that the vitality in his body began to dissipate!

That Jiuxuan is obviously just a Shangxian, how could it be possible to have such a strong power?

Is it...

Venerable Leng Yue suddenly shuddered, and murmured in disbelief: "Could it be that he is not some kind of immortal at all, but a Venerable?"

If this Jiuxuan is not the Venerable, how could such a powerful force erupt?

You know, there is an insurmountable gap between the Immortal and the Venerable!

Although it is not impossible to challenge beyond the level, but at most it can only be a tie!

Killing a venerable with the power of the above immortals is simply a fantasy!


In an instant, a powerful force exploded in his body.

And the world in his body is also undergoing earth-shaking changes at this moment.

Continents collapsed in an instant, and the originally calm rivers were violently turbulent at this moment, like a flood of beasts, instantly submerging forests, countless grassland flowers, valleys and mountains.

The world inside him is ruined!

"Do not--"

Venerable Leng Yue's scarlet eyes were full of deep fear, and he suddenly let out a hoarse exclamation.

He regrets it!

Why did he do it now, without waiting for Yuanhan Tianzun to come?

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