The five black shadows struggled at the same time, but the long rope that bound them did not shake at all, and as they struggled, the long rope became more and more tightly entangled.

Heiyu and Heifeng looked at each other, and then, the two of them moved at the same time, turning into a cloud of black mist and breaking away from the bondage of the black rope.

At this time, the other three also turned into clouds of black mist.

The rope lost its target and turned into a white light again, dissipating in the void.

And at this moment, Tianying Tianzun also caught up in an instant, landed in front of the five black shadows that were heading straight for the entrance of the underworld, and asked coldly: "You are so brave, who are you?"

Chapter 980 Three finger snaps?

The leader of the black shadow did not speak, but quickly sent a sound transmission to the two subordinates beside him: "Hurry up, there is no time, you two go over first, and the rest of you will entangle me with this Tianying Tianzun!"

There was still no answer or staring at each other, only two black shadows quickly disappeared in front of Tianying Tianzun.

"Want to run?!"

Tianying Tianzun frowned, but just as he was about to catch up, the man in black at the head quietly approached his body like a boneless black snake, and the pitch-black dagger struck fiercely. Aimed at his neck to stab.


Tianying Tianzun snorted coldly, turned his body to one side, and passed the dagger, and then waved his big sleeve, the white light in his hand turned into a long rope again, and quickly entangled towards the two black mist in the distance.

However, at this moment, it is already too late!

The two streams of black mist split into two in an instant, and before the long rope transformed into white light had time to get close, it was cut in half by the dagger in the hands of the head man in black, and the two streams of black mist also separated from each other in a blink of an eye. Both sides circle towards the direction of the entrance of Huangquan.


Tianying Tianzun's complexion changed, and there was a hint of eagerness in his eyes.

He had to stop these two people, otherwise His Highness Jiuxuan was really in danger!

At this moment, Heiyu and Heifeng also chased after them, and they quickly surrounded Tianying Tianzun with the leader of the men in black.

A total of eight black shadows, like the poison of the tarsus, tightly entangled Tianying Tianzun.

Even if Tianying Tianzun slaps all these black shadows to death, these black shadows can quickly condense into a human form and entangle him again.

Especially the black shadow at the head, whose figure is more flexible.

Almost every time, he was able to avoid Tianying Tianzun's attack, and then tried every means to personally assassinate Tianying Tianzun.

Even Tianying Tianzun had a helpless expression at this time, secretly anxious in his heart.

For a while, he had nothing to do with these black shadows, he could only watch helplessly as the two streaks of black mist quickly approached the Lei Mang at the entrance of the underworld.

the other side.

Liu Qi's body was lying flat in the air. Although he was still in a coma, his breathing gradually calmed down.

And the glowing red heart absorbed all the wrapped blood, and turned back to dark black again.

"Bang, bang... bang!"

The heart was still beating, beating with a very special rhythm.

At this time, the black-robed man standing beside Liu Qi stared at the dark heart with shock, doubt, and helplessness in his eyes.

Originally, he just wanted to use this human race to bring the devil's heart out of the small world of Hongmeng.

Now, the devil's heart is stained with the blood of this weak human race, and unexpectedly has a slight connection with this human race.

Even he didn't expect such an accident to happen!


At this moment, the man in black frowned slightly, and looked up into the void, but then, he raised his eyebrows, and a faint smile hung on the corner of his mouth: "Huh? Contains a trace of devil blood? Interesting!"

Although the breath is very thin, but his induction is definitely not wrong!

In this world, there is such an existence, even he was very surprised.

I don't know whose descendants are left here?

The blood-red eyes of the man in black moved slightly, but the interest in his eyes became more intense.

There are so many things that surprised him!

It seems that this world is more interesting than he imagined.

He suddenly felt a little reluctant to leave here!

It's just that leaving must be leaving, but definitely not now!

Now that Demon Heart has a slight connection with this human race, it absolutely cannot let this human race die.

Otherwise, everything he had done before would be in vain!

As for these two descendants who have been passed down for many years...

The man in black touched his chin with his pale hand, and immediately snapped his fingers towards the two streaks of black mist that were coming straight.

Although he didn't know who sent these two people, and he didn't even know why these people wanted to kill this weak human race.

But this human race can't die now!

As for these two people, what does it have to do with him?

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