"That's why she summoned a powerful magician from another world—His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, and Aziz Dakaha is the legendary familiar, God's Left Hand Gundaruff!"

Osman told the truth, and Anrietta finally understood.

"And more importantly, there is a prophecy that when the descendants of nothingness appear, the world will usher in a disaster, and the descendants of nothingness will reappear to fight against the disaster. Now it is better to leave one directly, let alone a disaster, His Excellency Aziz Dakaha who has gone away is a moving disaster, maybe, before the legendary disaster comes, His Excellency Aziz Dakaha will bring a series of disasters to our continent first!"

Osman's idea was right, Azi Dakaha had already cut open one of Albion's largest warships when Osman thought so.

"The world will usher in disaster?"

"That's right, the world will usher in..."


There was a terrible roar, and all the glass on the bed shattered.

"What! What's the situation!"

Osman's familiar mouse got into his sleeve in fright. Fortunately, Osman deployed the shield in time, so the broken glass did not hurt him.

"This terrible, terrifying feeling..."

Osman looked out of the window in surprise, looking at the clouds in the sky outside the window, all the movements were moving in one direction, the obvious wind suddenly changed direction, and the same was true for the birds in the sky, each of them was desperately moving towards the other. Flying in the same direction, it is estimated that the animals in the forest are doing the same at this time, because my familiar is in a state of extreme fear now.

"Could it be that... this is the legendary disaster coming!"

Osman widened his eyes and looked at the direction the wind was blowing. There was an evil atmosphere there. As a matrix-level magician and the oldest existing magician on the mainland, he could clearly see Something very scary exists, to be precise, it has appeared!

"This terrifying breath is definitely the scariest breath I've ever seen. It's impossible. It can't appear right now. At this juncture, it's impossible!"

Osman shook his head frantically, denying his thoughts.

"Principal Osman, what's the matter?"

"This is a disaster! The predicted disaster has appeared! It's too early! There is no time for us to resist and prepare! It's too early!!!"

Osman yelled like crazy, and then turned to look at Anrietta.

"Quick! Princess Anrietta! Hurry up and let everyone in the country take refuge, and tell Louise to call back immediately, we need her, now we must hurry up, the time we have left is already left A little bit!"

The entire Magic Academy is in chaos, and everyone is busy. Dean Osman has not concealed any facts. What is needed now is not concealment and appeasement, but to find a way to deal with this terrible disaster, which may destroy the world. !

And in the source of all these disasters, outside the huge crater.

Az Dakaha is opening the Shadow of the Dragon, looking at the situation below.

The huge extinct volcano began to become active under his blow, and it became what it is now. Black miasma is constantly overflowing from it, and the terrifying breath is leaking out together with the miasma. with.

And not only that, this extinct volcano has completely turned into an active volcano, with boiling magma flowing around.

A black shadow is slowly emerging from it.

Az Dakaha can be sure that this is definitely the disaster in the legend, but what surprised him is that the disaster in the legend that can bring destruction to this world does not seem to be very good.

That is, the bottom of a five-digit figure.

That's right, it's the standard bottom five-digit number. To be precise, it doesn't necessarily have a five-digit number, because it feels too weak.

The black shadow slowly floated up, and finally broke through the magma and appeared in front of Aziz Dakaha. It was a giant dragon, a black dragon, to be precise, it was similar to a dragon made of stones. It's just a huge black stone, but it can move.


After the black dragon rushed out of the magma, it yelled at Azi Dakaha.

"Hmph, at first I thought there would be something that surprised me, so I came here to wake you up, but I didn't expect that you are just such an existence. Is this a huge disaster in this world? Disappointed."

Az Dakaha looked at the black stone dragon roaring at him below and shook his head regretfully.

At the beginning, I even thought that there would be a final human trial in this world, but it turned out that I was overthinking all this. The other party was just a giant dragon that could pose some threats to the world, and it was also a giant dragon with magic attributes , and not much ability.

But the dragon below doesn't seem to think so.

He is the biggest in this world, so when he came out, he saw a bald man floating in the air and shook his head at him.

As the big boss of this world, he opened his mouth directly to Aziz Dakaha.

Terrifying fireballs began to gather in his mouth, and then violently sprayed towards Aziz Dakaha.

Az Dakaha didn't even move, but the shadow of the dragon fanned it, and it directly blew the thick pillar of fire straight to the side. The pillar of fire showed a 90° bend and shot towards another place where there was no one. .

"Not only weak, but also irrational?"

Az Dakaha commented on the giant dragon.

"The ability is basically to use the miasma produced by oneself to control some weaker dragon species around, and then let them fight for themselves. It can be said to be an infection-like magic, and then there is a black rock magic barrier all over the body, and finally that is completely unsightly. Breathing out, your ability is only so small."

"It's ridiculously weak, and I even start to regret it now."

Aziz Dakaha really regretted it. When he accepted the call to come to this world, Aziz Dakaha wanted to find the meaning of his current existence and survive for the new meaning, so he accepted Louis However, when he came, he found that Louise was not what he thought. After learning that Louise had the mission of saving the world, Aziz Dakaha still had a lot of expectations. This world The final trial, no matter how it suits his taste, and then let the demon show there, let yourself perform, sorry, Azi Dakaha doesn't have that preference, and then kills an intruder by himself, Louis Si simply started to teach herself a lesson.

All this was seen by Aziz Dakaha. In Aziz Dakaha's eyes, Louise was not qualified to grow into a hero who could save the world, so he simply left Louise. See around the world for yourself.

But now he really regrets it. The biggest disaster in this world is that only five digits are not enough. How weak this is.

Does this kind of world allow him to live in this kind of field?

Aziz Dakaha said it was unacceptable.

"Since this world is so boring, it won't allow me to find the meaning of existence."

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