Summoned the Strongest Villain
Page 1069
The ministers in the hall had already guessed His Majesty's thoughts. Although they were unwilling, they could only acquiesce.
Not long after, the guard came in with two men.
Among the two men, one of them glanced over with a pair of sinister eyes, which made people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts, while the other was a handsome young man, but although the young man was handsome, there was an unruly look in his eyes. color.
Neither of them felt good.
After the two entered the main hall, the king of Qi quickly stepped down from the throne of the king, and said to the shady man with a smile, "It turned out to be the guardian of the eagle. Because of some things in the country, I was far away, and I hope to forgive my sin."
Guardian Eagle nodded slightly, "I came here today, I believe Lord Qi should know what's going on, and I don't know what your decision is?"
Lord Qi nodded quickly, "Guardian Eagle, I've already thought about it, and I agree with the decision of the sect."
Seeing Lord Qi so happy, the young man behind Guardian Ying couldn't help but chuckle.
"I think it's not that the Lord Qi has figured it out, but that the Lord Qi has something difficult to do?"
The young man said lightly.
When the Lord of Qi heard the young man's words, he couldn't help being stunned, and then said, "Young master, what are you talking about, this is the decision of all of us in Qi."
"The noble sect is powerful. I have already figured it out. It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. It is also a good decision to seek refuge with the noble sect."
The young man shook his head slightly, "I'm on my way to your country, but I heard that both the Qianqing Kingdom and the Zhangzhi Kingdom were wiped out by mysterious forces. According to my guess, it should be the work of a strong man invited by the Yongsheng Dynasty from somewhere. To make such a quick decision this time, I think Lord Qi felt the pressure, so he had to do it as a last resort."
Lord Qi was taken aback by the young man's words.
But before Lord Qi could speak, the boy continued to say, "Okay, Lord Qi, no matter what it is, since you have decided to take refuge in my Asura Sect, we will help you solve any problems you have, according to the itinerary of the mysterious strong man." From the looks of it, it should be coming to your country of Qi soon, Guardian Eagle and I happened to catch up, and we will meet that strong man here for a while."
The Lord of Qi was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he quickly thanked him and said, "Thank you son, my Lord has thanked you here."
The young man waved his hand slightly, "Master Qi is not as polite as this. I believe Lord Qi should know what to do in the future. I don't want things that I, the Asura Sect, don't want to see happen."
Lord Qi repeatedly said, "I dare not."
Chapter 492
就在修罗宗来人进入到齐国之内时,楚枫等人已经进入到齐国之内。 齐国在他欲要出手灭掉的三国之中,是最为弱小的,也是实力最差的。 所以楚枫并没有急于出手,而是抱着游玩的心态,在齐国之内静静欣赏着异域风情。 “父亲,这浩天神域确实是武者的圣地,只是一个小小的诸侯国,没想到就已经如此繁华,甚至要比我们的燕国还要繁华。” 燕国在神州之上已经是一个绝世皇朝,整个神州都是燕国的疆域,但与这个齐国相比却还要相差许多。 楚枫淡淡一笑,“浩天神域乃是赤炎星域的核心星域,强者如林,强大的势力更是比比皆是,甚至疆域面积,都是我们神州几百倍,能够在浩天神域立足的势力又怎么可能弱了?或许这齐国曾经也繁盛过,可不要小瞧任何人。” 听到楚枫的话,楚晨微微颔首,他出生就是巅峰,那时的燕国已经是神州强大的势力,在他长大成人之后,神州更是只属于燕国,而且跟着楚枫离开神州之后,在宇宙之中,楚枫又有着狠人大帝和斗战圣皇,从来没有遇到太大的危机,所有的事情都是被碾压,所以使得楚晨有些小瞧天下人的念头。 现在楚枫指点他,让他心中一惊,知道自己的心态出现了一点问题。 楚枫微微一笑,“其实心态这种东西都是随之变化的,你不能小瞧天下人,但也不用在重视天下人,有些强者我们可以给予尊重,但一些蝼蚁,也不需要尊重而已。” “比如这齐国,曾经的辉煌只是曾经,现在他就要结束他们的使命了。” 随着楚枫的话音落下,狠人大帝不在藏拙,直接祭出手中之剑,一剑向着齐国皇宫的方向斩去。 璀璨的剑光,照亮了整个齐国圣城,身在皇宫大殿中的齐国主,眼中已经浮现了那道璀璨剑光的影子。 看到那道璀璨的剑光,齐国主的心中已经升起一丝恐惧。 这道璀璨的剑光虽然还没有落下,但已经给他带来了无比的压力,可是身在大殿中的鹰的护法和那名少年,却神色不变。 少年嘴角一弯,“果然我的猜测不错,那些人来了。” 话音落下,鹰护法就已经站起身,一股强大的气势在其身体内涌出,直接使得整个齐国皇宫都笼罩在无边的威压之中。 轰!!!! 鹰护法只是一拳打出,身后就有着一头神俊的雄鹰虚影浮现,随后打出的拳意化作一声鹰啼,向着狠人大帝那道璀璨剑光撞去。 天空上出现璀璨的亮光,无边罡风肆虐,使得天地昏暗无光。 狠人大帝没想到齐国之内竟然还有着阴阳镜的强者坐镇,不由神色凝重了下来,身边吞天魔罐浮现,一步一步踏上虚空。 楚枫也有些诧异,他早就坐过打听,齐国之内,只有两名第二境的至尊,并没有阴阳镜的至尊,但从刚才那人出手阻挡狠人大帝攻击来看,齐国之内,确实有着一名阴阳镜的强者。 “难道是唐业在骗我?” 不过随即就被楚枫推翻了这个想法,唐业绝对没有那个胆量敢欺骗他,因为就算隐瞒齐国内有阴阳镜的事实,齐国也无法奈何他,到时还会给永盛皇朝带来麻烦。 那唯一的解释就是齐国可能知道自己危险,请来了强者相助。 其实楚枫根本就不知道,只是巧合,正好赶上修罗宗派人前来收复齐国,若是在早来几天,或许齐国已经被灭了,也不会赶上修罗宗的人在这里。 不过现在不用多想,狠人大帝已经爆发了恐怖的气势,对着齐国皇宫就用出了吞天魔罐。 整个天际都被吞天魔罐遮掩,世间陷入了黑暗之中,巨大的罐口对向齐国皇宫,一股恐怖的吸力爆发。 鹰护法神色凝重,他本以为来人只是一名普通的阴阳镜强者,但没想到这名阴阳镜强者还有如此神物。 在吞天魔罐的身上,鹰护法感受到了危险的气息,在吞天魔罐吸力爆发时,他身后的雄鹰法相都出现了扭曲,好似欲要被吸入罐中。 给我破!!! 怒吼一声,鹰护法仰天大啸,伴随着鹰啼之声,巨大的音波差点使得虚空都出现崩塌。 而在大殿内的齐国一众大臣,纷纷耳膜失聪,七孔有着鲜血流淌。 不过对于鹰护法和那名少年来说,齐国众人对他们根本就不算什么,现在大敌当前,就算牺牲整个齐国,他们也不会在意。 恐怖的吸力,并没能把鹰护法吸入其中,但已经牵制了鹰护法大部分的实力,随后狠人大帝身在吞天魔罐的身后浮现而出,对着鹰护法就是一剑斩落。 轰!!! 强大无匹的剑光落下,瞬间把鹰护法淹没在其中。 看到这一幕,齐国主不由神色难看,难道强大的修罗宗强者也不敌那永盛皇朝请来的强者。 不过在看到那名少年并没有什么神色变化,齐国主心中升起一丝希望。 果然,在恐怖的剑光落下之后,一道身影傲然立于天地间,虽然身形有点狼狈,但并没有什么太重的伤势。 “你很强,不过我更强。” 鹰护法大吼一声,一拳打出,天空上出现一支巨大的雄鹰虚影,随后俯冲而下,羽翼挥舞,无边的罡风吹起,瞬间撞飞吞天魔罐,向着狠人大帝冲去。 狠人大帝眉头一皱,脸上的鬼脸面具闪烁冰冷的光泽,轻轻一剑挥舞而出,瞬间把那支雄鹰斩为两断。 轰!!! 狠人大帝在混乱的气流中穿梭而下,直击那名鹰护法,而在其身旁还有着吞天魔罐跟随。 手指一指,吞天魔罐当先向着鹰护法撞击而去,紧随其后的狠人大帝也一剑斩来。 两人的战斗非常强大,甚至可以用爆炸来形容,激烈的交手,使得众人看的目不暇接。 不过就在这时,楚枫冷声的道:“圣皇,去灭了齐国。” 既然这人是齐国请来的强者,那就灭了齐国,看看这名神秘强者能够如何? 斗战圣皇早就已经热血沸腾,他并不惧怕战斗,而是非常热衷于战斗。 在收到楚枫的命令一瞬间,斗战圣皇就已经出手了,擎天一棍被他打出,狠狠向着齐国皇宫砸去。 “什么?” 看到遮天蔽日的棍影,本来因为鹰护法挡下狠人大帝后,心中升起的希望再次浮现绝望。 轰!!! 诺大的皇宫被一棍打为粉碎,而在与狠人大帝交手的鹰护法不由目眦欲裂。 他不是关心齐国皇宫被灭,而是担心那名少年的事。 那名少年的身份可不简单,乃是修罗宗副宗主的公子,若是死在这里,恐怕他根本就无法向宗内交代。 不过还不待鹰护法的担心落下,就看到浓烟滚滚的皇宫内,那名少年身上被一道强光笼罩,从中走出。 不过随后那名少年腰间的玉佩应声而碎,这是他父亲给他的护身之物,甚至能够承受一次阴阳镜强者的攻击。 但斗战圣皇虽然没有达到阴阳镜,攻击却也委实不弱。 直接就把少年父亲给他的护身玉佩打碎。 看到那名少年,楚枫若有所思,“杀了他。” 或许他的心中又猜到了什么,所以才会让斗战圣皇杀了那名少年。 斗战圣皇没有丝毫犹豫,第二次攻击直接向着那名少年攻去。 看到第二道棍影落下,而且还是向着那名少年而去,鹰护法无法淡定,强行接下狠人大帝的一次攻击,向着那名少年冲去。 看到这一幕,楚枫的脸上出现了笑容。 “果然吗?” 轰!!! 无边的棍影落下,直接使得鹰护法连带着那名少年被砸入废墟之中。 狠人大帝根本就不可能放过这次机会,直接在此祭出吞天魔罐,恐怖的吸力爆发,连带着废墟内的所有事物,全都被吞入了魔罐之中。 被吸入魔罐之内,鹰护法在里面不断攻击,但可惜都是徒劳的,吞天魔罐乃是帝兵,也是狠人大帝用她的帝尸所炼至的,强大无比,同级之人被吞入魔罐之内,根本就没有出来的可能。 灭掉齐国之后,楚枫等人没有在停留,直接向着远处飞去。 这里已经没有必要在停留下来,该完成的任务他已经完成。 东都域东部。 其实整个东都域都由三大势力把持,其中一个势力就是修罗宗,而另外两个势力分别是太玄门和武氏古族。手机端 一秒記住『』為您提供精彩小說閱讀 太玄门据说创建之人被称为太玄剑仙,乃是名震整个浩天神域的星级强者。999小说首发 不过太玄剑仙已经离开浩天神域,不知道去往了何方,不过太玄剑仙虽然离开,但却留下了他的传承,而且太玄门也并没有让太玄剑山失望,继承了太玄剑仙的衣钵,宗门之内强者辈出,光是阴阳镜的强者就有着十余人,而且据说还有一人已经快要突破到星级至尊。 这种恐怖的实力,在整个浩天神域之内,都有着巨大的威名。 至于武氏家族,也不并不弱,虽然没有出现过星级至尊,但宗内的阴阳镜强者要比太玄门还多,而且武氏家族还有一套组合的阵法,由十二名阴阳镜强者联手组成,一旦发挥出来,就算是星级强者在短时间之内都无法破解。 若不是有着那个阵法,恐怕武氏家族也不可能在有着星级强者坐镇的东都域传承悠久。 总之,在整个浩天神域,凡是能够成为顶尖大势力,都有着自己的手段,绝对不能小觑。 现在楚枫等人就在武氏家族所掌控的区域之内。 这武氏家族所掌控的疆域,与许多地方并不一样,境内并没有国家林立,只有家族和宗门等势力形式存在。 或许武氏家族并不喜欢国家制度,所以不想让国家出现在境内。 而且散修武者也并不少,多数都是行走江湖的孤傲武者。 青阳楼!!! 青阳城的第一酒楼,楚枫等人静静坐在其中,聆听着酒楼中那些食客的讨论。 “听说了吗?修罗宗连损两名阴阳镜强者,而且还有着副宗主的儿子,看来这次修罗宗要愤怒了。” 一名食客幸灾乐祸的说道。 “听说了,而且因为此,永盛皇朝还受到了牵连,永盛皇朝老祖唐业都被修罗宗抓起来了,想要知道杀他们修罗宗阴阳镜强者的凶手。” “这修罗宗行驶霸道,做事手段狠辣,遇到强者也是早晚的事,只不过修罗宗乃是东都域三大势力之一,一直很少有人找他们麻烦而已,现在有人出手了,我们也能乐得看会热闹。” 在武氏家族之内,谈论修罗宗之事根本就没有丝毫担心。 武氏家族与修罗宗的关系最为恶劣,而且武氏家族对于修罗宗的做事风格也非常不喜,所以修罗宗的人根本就不敢出现在武氏家族之内,当然,武氏家族的人也从来不出现在修罗宗境内。 一旦出现在双方境内,很有可能会被人暗下黑手。 不过双方都是顶尖大势力,虽然仇怨甚深,却也没有出现过大规模的战斗,毕竟还有着一个太玄门在侧,谁也不想让人捡了便宜。 顶尖大势力之间,轻易都不会出现死战,因为一旦顶尖大势力开战,就是影响一个域的大战,到时生灵涂炭,还会引来各方注意,其中的变数有很多。 或许浩天神域最大的战斗就是当年是神之一族来到浩天神域所引起的那场大战,据说就连星级强者都插手其中,不过最后还是神之一族留在浩天神域收场。 神之一族若是在浩天神域提起来,会引来许多人的忌惮,毕竟神之一族太强了,简直就是一个完美的种族,若不是族内的人员稀少,恐怕浩天神域都会成为神之一族的。 来到浩天神域之后,楚枫对于神之一族的了解也越来越多,甚至有时都为红灵儿感叹。 能够拥有神之一族血脉,这该是老天多大的眷顾。 不过红灵儿的身份也不简单,他本身就是神之一族留在神州上的血脉演化而来,乃是纯正的神族之人。
Chapter 493
Just as Chu Feng and the others were sitting quietly in the restaurant, a voice suddenly came from the sky.
Hearing that voice, everyone in the restaurant was stunned for a moment, and then many people's expressions changed.
"Here it comes again, it's this song, it has appeared three times in the last month."
Listening quietly, Chu Feng couldn't help but move slightly.
The Ruthless Emperor put down the wine glass in his hand, and said involuntarily, "This song is interesting."
Chu Feng frowned and said: "This song is indeed very interesting. It is nothing special when you listen to it at first, but when you listen carefully, there is a hint of sadness in it, and after listening to it for a long time, it can also bring people's emotions into it. "
The Ruthless Emperor nodded slightly: "That's true, but the person who played this piece of music is not nearby, it should have been heard from far away."
"The person who can play this piece should be a person with deep affection."
"Feng Qiuhuang."
Chu Feng said slowly.
"Feng Qiuhuang?"
Hearing Chu Feng's words, the Ruthless Emperor and the others were stunned, "It's indeed a good name."
Feng Qiuhuang is a courtship song, but this song Feng Qiuhuang is different from ordinary Feng Qiuhuang. Instead, it is mixed with many other emotions. It seems to be memories of the past, and it seems to be thinking about the past. A person who misses day and night.
"It turns out that this song is called Feng Qiuhuang."
Suddenly a voice came from a corner of the restaurant.
Chu Feng looked sideways, and saw a young man with red lips and white teeth, holding a glass of wine and gesturing towards Chu Feng.
Chu Feng nodded slightly, picked up the wine glass to pay back.
After drinking the wine in the cup, the young man stood up, stepped on the rhythm of the song "Feng Qiuhuang", and said to Chu Feng: "Brother, I don't know how you know that this song is "Feng Qiuhuang". of?"
Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Actually, I am fairly familiar with this piece of music, so when I first heard it, I thought of the name of this piece of music."
"Then I wonder if Xiongtai knows the meaning of this song?"
The young man said politely.
Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't know, I also heard this piece of music by accident today."
"Actually, this song came from the Phoenix Mountain."
"And it was played by a senior mourning his former lover."
The young man said with a downcast expression.
Chu Feng nodded: "No wonder, it was originally a song of courtship, but it turned into a song of sadness."
"It turned out that it was mixed with my own emotions."
"By the way, brother, do you want to watch a show?"
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