Electromagnetic wave is the ultimate move of the electric system, it has no damage ability, but it can make the opponent 100% paralyzed.

However, at this moment, some electric arcs appeared on Pikachu's body at the same time, indicating that Pikachu also fell into a state of paralysis.

And this made Misaka Mikoto stunned for a while, not knowing what was going on.

Chapter 630 Five Kirulian PK Pikachu

Kirulian has two characteristics, one is duplication.That is, when facing an opponent, what is the opponent's characteristics, and she will copy the characteristics of that enemy.Whether this feature is good or bad, it changes with the changes of the enemy.

And another characteristic of Kirulian is the synchronization rate. When the enemy puts himself in a negative state such as poisoning, paralysis, frostbite, sleep, etc., it will also be directly synchronized to the opponent, so that he has the same negative state as himself.

The reason why Pikachu will fall into paralysis is because of the characteristics of the synchronization rate. When Kirulian fell into a state of paralysis, Pikachu also fell into a state of paralysis at the same time.

Sakura, who was a little worried when she saw Kirulian fell into a paralyzed state, was relieved when she saw Pikachu also fell into a paralyzed state.

It is also useful for paralysis, and then it depends on whose luck is bad.

Apparently, though, Sakura forgot about Pikachu's lightning-rod properties.Although Pikachu seems to be in a state of paralysis, Pikachu has the characteristics of a lightning rod, and the paralysis caused by electromagnetic waves is useless to Pikachu.

The reason why this effect appeared on Pikachu just now is only because of the synchronization rate.

And this was just a flash in the pan. Under the characteristics of Pikachu's lightning rod, the paralysis caused by the electromagnetic waves quickly lost its effect.

If the cherry blossoms hadn't sounded this point sooner, then maybe they would suffer from it.


For a while, Sakura didn't know what tricks to use to attack.She is a Pokémon of the water type, not a Pokémon of the super power type, and Yakumo Kaede has almost never fought with Kirulian. She doesn't know what tricks Kirulian has.

"Kirulian, attack yourself."

In the end, Sakura directly asked Kirulian to attack by herself. She was afraid that if she was directing so blindly, she might lose all the games that she could have won.

Yakumo Kaede who was in the auditorium also heard Sakura's order and nodded involuntarily.When you don't know Pokémon, it's the best way to let Pokémon fight by yourself.

In this way, while the Pokémon uses the skills they know, the trainer will also remember the skills that the Pokémon knows, so that they can be commanded later.

Although his body was somewhat inconvenient due to paralysis, Kirulian still directly used his skills at Pikachu in the distance.

Countless leaves appeared out of thin air, spinning like a storm and flying towards Pikachu.

"Ye Baofeng, I didn't expect that girl Kirulian would have already learned this trick." Seeing Ye Baofeng used by Kirulian, Yakumofeng's eyes lit up immediately.

The magic leaf accurately hit Pikachu who was still in a daze, and the powerful power immediately caused a lot of damage to Pikachu.

Pikachu, who was a little at a loss as to how he would get paralyzed by using electromagnetic waves on Kirulian just now, was stunned.

And it was this dazed effort that caused Pikachu to be hit by Kirulian taking the opportunity.


After getting up from the ground, Pikachu panted slightly and shook his little head.

"Pikachu, use Lightning Flint to get close to that Pokémon, then use Steel Tail."


The speed, which was not slow at first, suddenly increased to the extreme, running left and right at a speed that was hard for the eyes to catch.

Although Pikachu's speed was so fast that Kirulian couldn't see clearly, but she was not completely helpless.

This time, Kirulian dispersed his mental power, covering every corner of the venue.And under the influence of mental power, all the details on Brother Zeng's field were clearly observed by Kirulian.

Although Pikachu's speed cannot be caught by his own eyes, he can see clearly under Kirulian's powerful mental power.

A white light emerged from Kirulian's body and flew towards the sky.However, this white light did not attack Pikachu, but disappeared directly.

But at the same time Pikachu has also come in front of Kirulian, Kirulian directly teleported away from Pikachu, making Pikachu who was about to use the steel tail pause first, and then charged towards Kirulian again with lightning past.

But this time, Kirulian seemed to have caught Pikachu's movement trajectory, and two weeds suddenly appeared somewhere on the ground, and then they were directly intertwined and tied into a knot.

It would be fine if these two grasses appeared in other places, but Pikachu, who was only focusing on Kirulian, didn't notice it. When Pikachu was running, his front foot directly tripped over the grass Knot the noodles.

Pikachu's speed was too fast, and after being tripped, under the action of inertia, he slashed towards the ground fiercely.

Grass-knotted rope is a special trick of grass.Its power depends on the speed of the rushing enemy and the weight of the enemy.The faster the rushing speed and the heavier the weight, the greater the damage.

After all, Misaka Mikoto was a novice, and after seeing Pikachu being hurt again, her expression changed again.

However, at this time, an electric arc suddenly appeared on Kirulian's body, obviously paralyzed.

Seeing Kirulian whose paralysis had taken effect, Misaka Mikoto's eyes widened, and she gave an order to Pikachu in an instant.

"Pikachu, the maximum power is 100 million volts? Brontosaurus."


Powerful thunder and lightning erupted from Pikachu's body, and the two electric bags on both sides of his cheeks crazily released the lightning stored in them, causing the half meter around Pikachu to flicker with thunder and lightning crazily.


After a few seconds of charging, Pikachu finally launched an attack.The terrifying thunderbolt turned into a thunder dragon, roared towards the sky, and then flew towards Kirulian with a terrifying aura.

"Kirulian, use protection."

Sakura can see that after using this trick, Pikachu's physical strength is still there, but its power must be exhausted.So as long as this trick can be claimed, then Kirulian will win.

But although the protection claims to be able to resist the attack [-]%, but looking at the extremely terrifying thunder dragon, can the protection really resist it?

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