I don't know how Yakumofeng disappeared and reappeared, but in their eyes, he is at most a superpower.A mere superpower is so arrogant, he simply doesn't take their Rockets seriously.

Kosaburo subconsciously jumped behind him, and Armado did the same.The two took out other Pokémon balls from their waists in an instant and threw them out, while taking out a calling machine with their left hands to ask for help.

Looking at the big wolfhound released by Kosaburo, Yakumofeng shook his head helplessly.After a little bit of demonic energy was released, the originally arrogant wolf dog suddenly changed from a ferocious wolf dog to a cute puppy, trembling all over.

It seems that because of the big wolf dog, he gave himself a little more confidence. Kosaburo first asked Armado to see the situation of Boscodola and them. After all, those two Pokmon are also very powerful Pokmon in the Rockets. And the fairy is not theirs yet, but Sakagi gave it to them temporarily.Unless this task is given well, it is possible to give these two Pokémon to them.

The Great Wolf Dog is a Pokémon of the evil type, and it is a Pokmon that specifically restrains the super power type.Not only Pokmon with super powers, but even people with super powers are also restrained by evil.

"Boy, so what if you are a superpower, we have so many Pokémon here, just stacking them can kill you."

"Really, but it seems that your Pokmon doesn't think so."

"Nani." After hearing Yakumofeng's words, Saburo immediately looked at the big wolf dog.

At this time, the big wolf dog no longer had the arrogance that came out at the beginning. The big wolf dog was shaking violently, without the vicious aura that a canine Pokémon should have.If Yakumofeng is really just a superpower possessed in this world, maybe there is no way to deal with the big wolf dog, but it is a pity that Yakumofeng is not a superpower user.

Compared with humans, Pokémon's senses are obviously much more sensitive.As for the canine Pokémon, the big wolf dog felt a kind of intense fear from Yakumofeng.It can be said that the big wolf dog has also encountered many Pokémon that he can't beat, but none of them can give him the feeling of terror he felt from Yakumofeng.While roaring, the big wolf dog slowly backed away.It seems that only by being farther away from Yakumo Maple can I feel safe.

Although canine Pokémon are loyal to their masters, they are even willing to give their lives for their masters.But this big wolfhound was also snatched by the Rockets from its owner, who was not his owner at all.

If we talk about fighting, the great wolfhound may fight to avoid the pain of flesh and blood.But if you want to say desperately, it is impossible.

And Yakumofeng also said disdainfully: "Hmph, this is the Pokmon you snatched. It is a sacred thing to take in your favorite Pokmon and then cultivate it. But you have used all means to do it for your own selfish desires. Capturing Pokémon, how can it be possible to win the hearts of Pokémon. You must know that the big wolf dog is as loyal as the wind speed dog, and will not abandon its master no matter what danger it encounters. The wolf dog obviously doesn't regard you as his master at all, or in other words, it always wants to return to its master."

"Damn,,, big wolfhound, what are you doing, hurry up and attack him, bite him."

But no matter what he yelled, the big wolf dog didn't step forward to attack, but still retreated slowly.While Xiao Saburo was complaining about the big wolf dog, he also secretly scolded those idiots for what they were doing. He had been asking for help for so long and still hadn't come.

"Captain Kojiro, what's wrong?"

However, Xiaosaburo's reinforcements finally arrived.Eight or nine people wearing the same Rockets uniforms all appeared in front of everyone carrying a sack, and they knew what was inside the sack without even thinking about it.

"It's Kosaburo, I'm not that idiot Kojiro." Kosaburo looked at his idiot subordinate angrily, he really wanted to slap him right now.

"What are you idiots still standing there for? Why don't you hurry up and teach that guy a lesson. You must know that the Pokmon in their hands are the big ones, and they are much better than the ones on your back."

After hearing Xiao Saburo's words, the Rockets' eyes lit up.Their captain Xiao Saburo is still very reliable, and the harvest this time can be said to be very good, with more than 200 Pokémon balls.But now their captain said that the Pokmon on Yakumofeng and others are more precious than their more than 200 combined. It is conceivable how precious Pokmon Yakumofeng and others are holding.

Obviously, Kosaburo thought that only Kaede Yakumo was the troublesome one, so as long as Kaede Yakumo was taken down, all the Pokmon balls on them would be free.

Glancing at the Rockets in disgust, Yakumofeng really doubted whether the IQ of the villains in this world should be so low.If I hadn't attacked their Pokmon just now, but them, they would have died long ago.If we put them in other worlds, Yakumofeng is sure that they will definitely not survive three episodes.

But when he saw the Rockets who came to support take out the Pokémon ball, Yakumofeng disappeared again.

"Damn, nasty superpowers,,,"

Seeing Yakumofeng disappear again, Kosaburo looked around angrily.But when he saw Yakumofeng's figure, there was no anger, only fear.

Xiao Saburo trembled in fear, his legs went limp and he sat on the ground limply.In the eyes of Xiao Saburo, none of the teammates who came to help him prepare to take out his Pokmon to fight has stood up, and all of them are lying in a pool of blood.

And Yakumofeng stood not far away, shaking the blood on his hands, with an expression of not being bored.

"Really, I just said don't let me do it, dirty my hands again."

When Yakumofeng moved his mind, the blood on his hand disappeared immediately, as if it had never appeared before.But although there is no blood on Yakumofeng's hands now, he can't forget Xiaosaburo looking at the 'corpses' all over the ground.

Not only Xiaosaburo, but even Amado who just came over was scared and hid, not daring to come out.

Yakumofeng turned his head and squinted his eyes and looked at Kosaburo with indifference and said: "Give me a message to Sakagi, I don't want people from the Rockets to harass me in the future, otherwise, I don't mind letting the Rockets come from Kanto Removal. Don't doubt my words, as long as I think, I have a thousand ways to get the Rockets removed."

"Hi~~~" It seems that because of being too scared, Xiao Saburo seems to be a little incontinent, and he only subconsciously responded to Yakumofeng's words.

Now that Kosaburo had been warned, Yakumo Kaede waved his hand and led Mebis and others towards the top of the ship.And when passing the lobby, I saw passengers sleeping like dead pigs.

It can be said that fortunately the Rockets are robbery, if they are robbery, they must have no resistance at all.

"It feels good to pretend to be B."

Yakumo Kaede came to the leisure place on the top floor, and lay leisurely on a deck chair.

Tokisaki Kurumi, who was sitting on the stool, looked at Yakumofeng with a smile on his face and said with a smile: "It's really rare, Xiaofeng, you didn't kill them."

On the side, Sakura, who was a little scared because of Yakumofeng's murder, suddenly changed her expression after hearing Tokisaki Kuumou's words, and looked at Yakumofeng suspiciously and asked, "Aren't they dead?"

Although Sakura and the others have become monsters, their hearts have not changed much, they are still kind.So after seeing Yakumo Kaede destroying those members of the Rockets, although it was taken for granted, he still couldn't bear it.

But now it seems that Yakumofeng is completely a kind monster.

Yakumofeng, who was lying on the recliner, shook his head, and said indifferently: "No, although I am a monster, I am not the kind of monster who kills like hemp. I just unloaded one of their It's just a hand as a punishment, so that they can use this as a warning to quit the Rockets."

"Feng is really kind as a monster."

Hearing Sakura's words, Yakumofeng suddenly felt ashamed.But Tokisaki Kurumi smiled slightly after hearing Sakura's words, and said, "Yes, if Xiaofeng hadn't done it just now, I would have killed them."

Although it was said to be killing, Tokisaki Kurumi smiled, showing no murderous intent.

However, although Tokisaki Kurumi did not show any murderous intent, Yakumofeng still sensed the thoughts in Tokisaki Kurumi's heart.So in order for Tokisaki Kurumi not to kill people, he can only get rid of them first by himself.Instantly save their lives.

But the three Sakura sisters thought that Tokisaki Kurumi was joking, and they just laughed along.After all, Tokisaki Kurumi looks so beautiful and gentle, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for him to be the kind of person who wants to kill casually.

But they also don't like this person who snatches other people's Pokmon. If they can really improve because of this, maybe it's a good thing.

On the other side, Kosaburo, who managed to recover a little bit, did not continue to snatch the Pokémon. After learning that his men had only broken one hand and did not die, he returned the Pokmon that he had snatched before. .

And in order to worry about Yakumo Kaede doing something, he also allowed the stopped ship to continue driving.I don't know if he wanted to stay away from Yakumo Kaede earlier, but he also asked the members of Team Rocket who were driving the ship to increase their speed and drive faster.

"Boss Sakagi, what happened this time is messed up."

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