Do you think that is fried dough sticks!Don't look down on monsters!

"It turns out that you really have some skills, no wonder you dare to challenge me..."

Wukiri's face became even more gloomy, he took a deep breath, his skirt fluttered, and he took a step towards Hua Ye.

He heard a muffled "boom" under his feet, the soil where he landed cracked and exploded, and the smoke billowed.

It was obvious that he was really angry this time. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and grabbed a green longbow.

This bow looks quite strange, it seems to be a branch broken from a tree, with green leaves growing on it, and the bow string is made of a strange spider silk, which glows pale under the moonlight Terrible frightening light.

Without needing an arrow, Wukiri directly raised his bow and aimed at Hua Ye.

The bow is drawn.

The string pulls the full moon.

Then I saw countless mist gathering from all directions, turning into a torrent of mist, and finally condensing into an arrow of mist that seemed to have substance!

In the next moment, with the sound of "collapse" and the sound of the bowstring being let go, the sharp arrow condensed by the mist turned into a streak of light and shot out through the air!

After the arrow was shot, a white flame could be seen burning in front of the arrow, piercing the sky in an instant, and the speed didn't seem fast, because even ordinary people could easily catch it with their eyesight, but this arrow But the arrow dragged out circles of air spirals at the tail!The strong contrast between movement and stillness made people feel uncomfortable and almost vomited blood!

This series of actions may seem complicated, but in fact they are as smooth as clouds and flowing water, and they are completed in an unbelievably short period of time.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he shot within three meters of Hua Ye!

"The victory and defeat are already divided."

There was a smile on the corner of Wuqie's mouth that he was sure of winning and had a plan in his chest. This was his ultimate move, and there was absolutely no reason for it to fail.

Takeda Hanako exclaimed, and hurriedly reached out her hand to cover Takeda Ai's eyes, and turned her head away, not daring to watch the tragic scene that followed.

Even Miss Miko frowned, with a look of worry on her face.

However, at this moment, Hua Ye moved.

His expression remained calm as usual, he just raised his right hand and waved it in front of him.

This wave seemed unremarkable, and even carried a touch of laziness like leisure in the afternoon, but a shocking scene happened.

The arrow that was still turbulent one moment ago, as if it was about to pierce the sky and tear the earth apart, suddenly collapsed and dispersed in the next moment, without even splashing a single wave.

Such an abrupt contrast, such a sharp turning point, makes one's heart almost stop!

The air was suddenly quiet.

Only the evening wind whimpered and rolled over, and a few fallen leaves fluttered with the wind.

" is this possible!" Wuqie's eyes were round, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

His body is a mist demon, and the mist kill just now is his favorite move. It is not a simple mist, but the innate power mixed with monster aura. It can pierce even iron and stone, and its shape is indeterminate. Gathering and dispersing are impermanent, and ordinary defense methods are difficult to work at all, but at this moment, it was smashed to pieces with a slap?

When did ordinary humans have such abilities?

Or, in other words, is he actually a monster who hides his identity?

It's just that the other party doesn't have the slightest bit of monster aura. You must know that no matter how well the monster disguises itself, there will be more or less aura leaking out...

Thinking of this, Wuqie was about to open his mouth to ask, but he suddenly trembled, only felt a mysterious and mysterious aura enveloped his whole body, and all the surrounding sounds were far away from him.

"what happened……"

He subconsciously felt that something was wrong, and when he looked down, he realized that the hairs on his arms had stood on end at some point.

With a sudden tremor in his heart, he hurriedly raised his head, only to see a pair of eyes looking at him calmly, which made him subconsciously take a few steps back.

At that moment, he felt as if he was being stared at by a ferocious tiger, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, his scalp was tingling and tingling!

The next moment, under everyone's gaze, Hua Ye took a step forward calmly, and disappeared instantly.

Yes, disappear.

It was as if it had merged into the air suddenly, without even leaving an afterimage. When it reappeared, it had crossed a distance of tens of meters and appeared in front of Wuqie.

Then he raised his right fist and punched out.


Wuqie screamed, and the fog around him surged, half of his body turned into white mist, and his whole body became faintly visible, ready to avoid Hua Ye's attack.

The mist between reality and illusion can be immune to most physical attacks.

It's a pity that it is of no use.

Obviously, it was just a very ordinary straight punch, without any imposing aura or burning fighting spirit, it just fell quietly.



The mist in the sky suddenly disintegrated and exploded.

Amidst the gust of wind, a figure flew upside down. The person in mid-air spurted out a mouthful of blood and rolled seventeen or eight times before finally stopping.

Hua Ye was about to step forward to catch up, but at this moment, Misty suddenly reached out to block him: "Wait a minute!"

"Huh?" Hua Ye wasn't in a hurry. When he called just now, this guy didn't do anything, so it doesn't matter if he waits now.

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