Only the sound of cold footsteps floated along with the moonlight, like a fluttering butterfly lazily flapping its wings.

Everyone turned their heads nervously and curiously.

In the shadow of the forest, I saw a slender, long leg wearing black stockings and red high-heeled shoes sticking out...

The boss of these monsters is actually a charming and alluring woman!

She was wearing a blue long dress, her long black hair was draped over her shoulders, her waist was slender, her figure was graceful, her exposed skin was white and crystal clear, but she was wearing red lipstick. It gives people an indescribable coquettish beauty.

As she walked gracefully step by step, the air seemed to be enveloped by an invisible aura. Everyone held their breath, not even daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing the woman in front of them.

Hua Ye couldn't help but frowned.

He just felt that the woman in front of him seemed a little weird, but he couldn't tell what was wrong...

"I am coming."

As a result, as soon as this coquettish woman opened her mouth, Hua Ye stood there stunned as if struck by lightning.

I just feel that the three views are so broken that I can't even pick them up.

The expressions of the rest of the people were also surprisingly consistent.

A mouthful of old blood spurted three feet away!


What kind of trouble is this rough and powerful deep voice!

It's even scarier than the magic sound filling the ears! Hundan!

Hua Ye's face turned black.

No wonder I felt something was wrong just now, so you actually have an Adam's apple!

You fucking meow are a man at all!

Everyone's eyes were filled with reverence and awe, and no one dared to speak for a moment.

The "woman" didn't care, she just turned her eyes to Hua Ye, and smiled with interest: "That boy, what's your name? The voice you spoke just now seems to be nice, how about singing me a song?" "

"By the way, you can call me Wuqie."

When this fellow spoke, there was a soul-stirring power implied in his voice. If ordinary people listened to this enchanting voice, they would be confused and could only listen to others.

But is Hua Ye an ordinary person?

Naturally not.


"Are you a man in women's clothes?" Hua Ye said coldly with a dark face.

"That's right." Instead of feeling ashamed, Wuchee nodded with a smile, "Because I discovered that only by wearing women's clothing can one become a real boss..."

Kirito is a monster.

I used to practice in the mountains with my master, but I couldn't stand the coldness of the mountains, and by chance, I came into contact with the human world. Since then, I can no longer hold back and insist on going down the mountain.

Wuqie's master refused to agree at first, but after all he couldn't bear his soft-heartedness, and finally made a request

"If you can make the sheep produce milk, I will allow you to leave and go down the mountain."

Well, it is necessary to popularize science here. The so-called ram actually means ram.

When Su Wu was herding sheep in Beihai, Shan Yu's request was to let the sheep produce milk. It seems that Wuqie's master who lives in seclusion in the mountains has a lot of research on ancient culture.

However, just as roosters cannot lay eggs, rams naturally cannot produce milk.

Therefore, the four characters "sheep produce milk" are often used to describe impossible things.

Obviously, the purpose of the teacher's father's putting forward this condition is to make Wuqie retreat in spite of the difficulties, and give up the idea of ​​going down the mountain and entering the world.

However, he never expected that a week later, Wuqie would successfully bring a bowl of "goat's milk" to the teacher and father...


You say rams don't produce milk?

That's right, it won't.

But some things are like business lines, there will always be crowds, but the quantity is relatively small...

Looking at the "goat's milk" in front of him, and looking at those goats that screamed all night and lost two laps of weight, the teacher was very moved, and praised Wuqie for his practical ability, then waved him to get out downhill.

But after the fog cut down the mountain, it was discovered that life in the human world was not as beautiful as imagined.

He did come to the human world and saw the bustling city scene, but this bustling is the bustling of human beings, and has nothing to do with him as a monster.

And because he doesn't understand the rules in the "circle", even some monsters bully him.

Just when Wuqie was living miserably and almost had nowhere to go, he suddenly heard a wise saying that would benefit him for the rest of his life.

"What? You said mechs are a man's romance?"

"That's outdated! Obviously women's clothing is a man's romance!"

"Only by wearing women's clothing can one become a real boss!"

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