They bravely faced adversity, responded to Bert's voice, and began to develop a wonderful joint action.

The adventurers set out to capture the giant flower.

"Everyone listen to me, the magic stone is still on the head! Attack the part of the flower!"

I don't know when it moved. Lu Luni checked the head of the giant flower that Aisi chopped off and told everyone the information.

Hearing that the thief quickly grasped the location of the magic stone from the corpse of the monster, everyone did as she said.

"Having said that... the current situation still does not allow magic to be fired, and the firepower is not enough."

Seeing a large number of protruding vines attacking the mage first, Ya Sifei couldn't help sighing.

The monster was still twisting and slithering with its long, giant body, hindering the mage from chanting.

Without enough firepower, it is impossible to penetrate the thick flesh of the enemy and attack the magic stone.

Seeing the mages chanting the mantra several times and being knocked away, Filweis made a resolute expression.

"I come!"

"Miss Fairways!?"

Refia gasped.

But Fairways threw away Refia's voice and ran forward at high speed.

Holding a scepter in her left hand, she approached the center of the giant flower where the fierce battle was launched.

"Werewolf, open a hole!"

"... Tsk, who dared you to order me!"

The elf and the werewolf met each other's eyes and accelerated to run.

Even though the two sides maintained a sinister atmosphere, they were still aware of each other's purpose, and prepared to launch just such a joint operation.

Bert, who took the lead, kicked away the tentacles that were in the way, and then Fairways rushed into the path he opened.

In the blink of an eye, the two rushed all the way up the skin, heading towards the top of the giant flower's head.

Bert jumped when he reached the flower head that Luluni instructed.


He threw an ax kick from the air, tearing the monster's hide.

Aiming at the widening deep wound, Mayfair and Weiss jumped over without hesitation.

"Sacred Scepter of Breaking Evil, wipe out my enemies!"

She finished chanting in an instant, and inserted the short staff into the wound below her eyes.

"Supreme God, Dionysus Staff!!"

The lightning from the scepter was shot into the giant flower's body.

The monster convulsed unnaturally, a faint light glowed under the skin, and electricity leaked from the wounds that the adventurers slashed or stabbed.

Putting a lot of mental power into the thunderstorm that raised its power to the maximum, it flew around inside the huge body of the monster, looking for the core.

It didn't take long for the giant flower to stop moving.

The magic stone in his body was completely burned by the electric shock, and he couldn't even cry out in death screams, and his long and huge body turned into a large amount of dust.

Seeing that the giant flower monster collapsed to the ground, the [Hermes Familia] cheered straight into the sky.

Just when Bert and others were about to defeat Juhua.

Ais also wiped out all the piranhas sent to her.

She lifted the restrictions she had set, activated [Wind Spirit Rush] and made full use of it, turning the monsters into mountains of dust.

"how come……!?"

Seeing Aisi's strength, Olivas couldn't stop himself from trembling.

The ever-beautiful lonely swordsman, accompanied by the wind, defeats monsters with overwhelming power, just like a character from a hero story.



ps: I can't buy a mask, and now many fake products bought online are expensive, absolutely.

Only code words can comfort myself.

Chapter 2 I'm Invincible, I Can't Die (4/[-])

No amount of power the man received could hurt her in the slightest.

When the yellow-green eyes trembled and opened wide, thunder and lightning roared from another direction, and the second giant flower was smashed.

Olivas, who lost all the hole cards in his hand in a blink of an eye, could no longer maintain his mental balance.

"Impossible! How could I lose, how could I be frustrated, this is impossible!?"

The man kicked his feet on the ground and rushed towards Aisi.

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