The group leader, 'Male Killer', Phryne Jamil, is a first-level adventurer at Lv.5.

"Ah, by the way, Lord Xia Qing, Aisha Belka is very famous. Although she is a Lv.3 combat whore, she is rumored to be close to Lv.4. There is no doubt that she is among the Lv.3 adventurers. A top pick."

She was given the nickname "Lijie" by the gods.

"That Phryne Jamil, even the 'Sword Princess', Wallenstein almost lost to her."

Lily said.

"Ah, but, that was a few years ago, huh? At that time, Jamil's Lv. was higher... If it is now Lv.6, Wallenstein's is definitely stronger."

"I see, I don't know anything about what happened a few years ago..."

Xia Qing murmured, while writing down all the words displayed on the book. Now he can basically memorize all the contents of the book in his mind with just a glance.

The speed of flipping through the book is also unusually fast.


Aisi reached Lv.6 last night, and the next morning, the [Loki Familia] headquarters were all talking about her [upgrade].

The great achievements of the lonely girl who is the cadre of the faction have made many members express fear and admiration, and their cheeks are stained red with excitement.

As for himself, he was burdened with a heavy atmosphere, even if he talked to her, he didn't respond well, and he staggered after a while——left the big dining room in the morning.

The lower-level members, who are mainly female members, were still excited and excited after she left.

The male team members also used fiery tones, and they praised Aisi enthusiastically.

The existence of the powerful and beautiful [Sword Princess] has gradually become the object of worship and pride of the [Loki Familia] than before.

However, in the circle close to Aisi, there are also many people who seem very unwilling.

The boss of the werewolf youth was biting his flesh unhappily, and kicked Raul, a male member who was excitedly talking to him, flying away.

The younger sister of the Amazon sisters yelled "I was preempted——!", and the whole person exuded an atmosphere of reluctance.

As the older sister, Tione said annoyedly, "It's so noisy!".

Beside them, the young elf girl had a pair of blue eyes flickering, with mixed feelings in her heart.

Xia Qing, who was also eating with Lily, had a nonchalant expression, holding the book borrowed from the library before, carefully flipping through it.

"Oh, this kind of thing actually happened... It's really a long experience."

And Finn, who was already LV.6, and the others ignored the team members who had been arguing non-stop early in the morning.

After breakfast, the faction leaders assembled in the leader's office.

"Ais has finally been promoted to Lv.6."

"Because of her stimulation, Tiona and the others should be there soon... I just hope they don't mess around like Ais."

"Haha, high morale is a good thing."

The dwarf Grace, the elf Riveria and the little human Finn talk in sequence.

Finn's office is located in the tower just north of the headquarters formed by several spiers.

In the room with the large bookcase and the fireplace, Finn sat behind his desk, Riveria stood by the wall, and Grace sat on the wooden stool.

"Finn, you guys can't be careless anymore, can you? Be careful not to lose face as a veteran~"

In addition to them, there is another person.

The goddess, who was teasing maliciously, looked around at the three of them with vermilion eyes.

For the main god sitting on Finn's ebony desk, some of the dependents closed their eyes, some smiled wryly, and each reacted differently.

Loki had the same goofy smile as the clown flag hanging on the wall behind him.

"Then, it's time to start talking about the colorful magic stones. We've been busy recently, so let's exchange detailed information."

Loki sat down on the table unruly and told everyone.

As she said, Finn and the others gathered here to share information about the many recent incidents, the commotion led by the piranha monster.

Recently, the turmoil in [Oulali] has gradually surfaced, and we can no longer take it lightly and just sit back and watch.

Rocky and the others got serious and began to discuss a series of incidents that endangered their own people face to face.

"The colorful magic stones... are the new monsters on the floor, and the piranhas that appeared at the festival."

"What is the connection between these two monsters? Let's put it aside for now... How is the situation in the underground waterway, Loki? Have you investigated with Bert?"

Finn followed Grace.

Loki turned his head and glanced casually at Finn's face, answering his question.

"Although there were monsters, I didn't find any clues. I also met a suspicious male god who gave me a hot potato..."

The old underground waterway that left some traces of use, the large water storage tank where piranhas appeared, and the male god Dionysus encountered after the investigation, and the information he provided.

Loki talked about what he and Burt saw in the underground waterway ten days ago, and finally told the situation when the invasion guild came into contact with Uranus.

"Can the guild be regarded as innocent?"

What Riveria wanted to ask Loki was, no matter what method was used to transport the piranha monsters to the surface, including the monster sacrifice, whether such monsters have anything to do with the guild when they came to the surface.

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