But even so, she was still not satisfied.

If you want to ask why, it is because the towering white-walled tower stands in the center of the city as if mocking itself.

She stared fiercely at the top of the tower.

It's still there now, hating the silver-haired goddess who is also "beautiful", she thought.

"Why are you there? Why not me, but you become king?"

Not convinced, can't swallow this breath.

The woman has been standing on the highest place looking down at herself.

As one of many things, from the highest point of this land.

She despised herself by taking all the praise of this city, no, "the most beautiful in the whole world" in her pocket.

No kidding, it's impossible.

Whether it is the eyes of the lower realms or the eyes of gods, are we all blind?

It is absolutely impossible to even put me aside and say she is beautiful.

She is full of curses, and the beauty of the goddess Ishtar is distorted.

"Don't go too far, Freya..."

Moonlight poured into the room through the wide-opened window, illuminating Ishtar's profile.

What annoyed her was not only the opponent's reputation as a goddess, but Freya's strength as a faction was also above Ista.

The gap in the latter is so large that Ishtar can't even match it.

With her beauty and status as the strongest faction in the city, the goddess reigns at the apex of Orari.

Ishtar, who had been staring at the skyscraper facilities just now, suddenly laughed.

That is the smile of the beautiful god that can "charm" those who see it, but it is also full of dark feelings, the smile of a woman.

It won't be long.

"It won't take long to drag you out of there."

Ishtar gave a creepy smile.

"Wait and see."

She got up from her chair after saying that at the end.

She picked up the pipe next to the fruit plate and walked out of the uppermost room.

The beautiful young servant waiting at the door followed behind her with smooth movements, walking down the palace with her.

While shaking her black hair, which was so thick to purple, Ishta breathed out a cigarette from her mouth with a pipe in her mouth, and walked up the long stairs to the upper part of the hall.

Towards the large number of members on the lower floor—the whores, she shouted from her position on the handrail.

"You guys go pick up the guests! Just enjoy yourself tonight!!"

From cute girls to mature women, the members of the Amazon family burst into cheers.

Ishtar smiled as she looked down at the prostitutes who were both coquettish and lustful.

At the order of the goddess, the prostitutes went out in full force.

It uses its color and fragrance as a weapon to attract men, seduce men, and search for a favorite male to its heart's content.

The men didn't notice that they had become prey, and they were so intoxicated in happiness, and after paying a lot of money, a lot of information, a lot of price, and even love, they were sucked up by them.

Everywhere there is a feast of pleasure.

"Aisha, hurry up? All good men are about to be robbed."

"Well, go right away."

The women of the Amazon tribe answered simply after hearing the voice of their tribe.

They quickened their pace and turned to look somewhere once they were on the road.

It was an extremely rare flower street full of exotic customs in Olaline.

Chapter 75 Happy Street (4/4)

The brothels with red pillars and red walls imitating island countries are all decorated gorgeously, and people passing by will always stop involuntarily.

The Amazonian woman stared at a brightly lit luxurious building for a while, then narrowed her eyes as if killing compassion, and turned around with her long black hair.

There was a latticed window zashiki in the Joy Street that she was staring at as she walked towards her companion.

The large room with lattice windows faces the street, and many prostitutes gather in it, some greet passersby, and some wave to them with coquettish smiles.


Among the prostitutes who were scratching their heads, there was a young girl sitting solemnly in the corner of the room.

Unlike the women around her, she sat on her knees and kept silent, but her lovely appearance and atmosphere attracted the attention of many guests.

Kimono, the national costume of the island country, as it is usually called, and the bright red kimono matched her very well.

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