"The Philosopher's Stone seems to have been created by accident. No matter how much you try to refine it, you can't do it. After the Sage, no one who can exhaust the ability of "mystery" to such a limit has appeared again. The God's Stone has gradually become a legendary prop."

"Not exhaustive...? Does the development ability have the same proficiency as the basic ability?"

"Yeah, there is no proficiency, it's just like the basic ability, there is a division of ability from S to I. If you want to advance to the next stage, it is extremely difficult, even to a level that the basic ability cannot match. .”

Aiina led Xia Qing up the stairs.

"Go up, after all, the free space provided by the Tower of Babel starts from the fourth floor."

It can be said that the first floor of the Tower of Babel is just a place like a porch, and the main public facilities start from the second floor.

After arriving on the third floor, Xia Qing leaned his upper body and looked at the corner of the outer wall of the gold exchange office mentioned just now, trying to find the stairs that were suddenly interrupted, but Miss Aiina grabbed Xia Qing's right arm, without Walk towards the central area of ​​this floor without hesitation.

There were several round pedestals there, and the two rode on one of them.

Leaning against the wall, which feels different from the transparency of glass, is almost like glass, and has such an obvious feeling.

Immediately afterwards, without performing any operations, the pedestal left the ground and floated up.

Just like this, it slowly floated vertically upwards, no, it was upwards.

"It's just like an elevator, the human imagination is really powerful."

Xia Qing sighed.

Aegina who heard these words immediately answered.

"Ah, I felt the same way at first."

It didn't take long to reach the fourth floor of the [Tower of Babel].

"Although the store I'm interested in is still on the upper floor, it's rare to come to see other things, right? Xia Qing actually wants to see it too, right?"

"Uh, I don't—"

"So that's the case, you think right!"

Author's message:


ps: Thank you for the salted fish raid (588)!

Chapter 37 Gifts (2/4)

It didn't take long to reach the fourth floor of the [Tower of Babel].

Just a quick glance, there are shops selling weapons and armor everywhere.

"Ah, from the fourth floor to the eighth floor, all are rented by [Hephaistos]..."

After looking around, Aegina made such a sound.

It's not that it can't be done, but just looking outside at the price tags of weapons displayed in those stores can easily cost millions of mana, and even better weapons cost tens of millions of mana.

Not to mention that the weapons of first-level adventurers are basically hundreds of millions of mana.

God, I'm such a poor ghost when I think about it like this.

Xia Qing felt that it was necessary for him to take the time to go to the lower level. No matter what, set a small goal and earn him [-] million first.


"Next, let's go to the upper floor?"

Afterwards, under the leadership of Aegina, the two moved towards the eighth floor.

This time, I also took the model elevator and slowly ascended to the upper floor.

"Okay, here we are."

"I didn't expect it to come..."

I opened the manual door of the elevator that had stopped, and when I looked around, it was the same scene as the fourth floor.

Swords, spears, axes, mallets, knives, bows and arrows, shields, armor, and all kinds of armor...

Specialized stores selling all kinds of weapons are spread out on this wide floor.

Also, for some reason, the number of guests here, or the number of adventurers is more than that on the fourth floor.

Thinking that all the people here are LV.2, and sometimes there will be LV.3 adventurers, Xia Qing doesn't really want to go in, because to be honest, the people here are really weak.

Of course, the quality of the weapons and armor is not so bad that people can't stand it, but wearing this kind of armor not only affects the movement, but also the defense is not as strong as Xia Qing's body.

Miss Aiina led me into a store with the most customers.

This is a shop that sells guns.

As she kept walking towards the inside of the store, Miss Aina stopped in front of the gun shed that was set against the wall.

The majestic battle guns were lined up side by side with their pointed points facing the ceiling.

It looks very gorgeous, as if it is not that bad, and the materials used are not bad. Although it is not as good as Oli Hagang in the lower part of the dungeon, it can already be regarded as a very practical weapon.

Look at the price again.

Twelve thousand fares, unexpectedly cheap.

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