
Freya stopped in the middle of the large room.

There are several large and small cages with monsters lined up around them.

The captured monster was probably in a state of excitement, yelling at Freya from all directions.

However, when she took off the hood she was wearing, the deafening roar stopped suddenly.


The peerless beauty is exposed to all eyes.

The soft muscles as white as snow stimulated the vision of all monsters, and the overflowing and terrifying fragrance restricted their movements.

The shining silver pupils and silver hair made these beasts unable to take their eyes off them.

Even ferocious monsters are equal before her beauty.

"...I choose you."

Silver eyes glanced at each monster's face playfully, and then stopped at one point.

The monster was covered with pure white body hair.

The shoulders and arms are particularly muscular in the thick body, and the same silver hair as Freya grows to the back, extending like a tail.

The wild ape monster [Silverback Ape] opened its eyes to the limit, breathing rapidly to bear the gaze of the goddess.

"Come out."

She unlocked the cage with the key she had obtained.

The Silverback Ape stepped out of the opened iron cage as if following Freya.

There was a clang of the chain still attached.

Setting monsters free comes with dangerous behavior.

The free-spirited goddess acts capriciously regardless of the troubles of others.

There is only one purpose.

"That kid is here too..."

As soon as she recalled the first time she saw the other party, the inexplicable dazzling light seemed to reappear in front of her eyes, which made Freya a little bit unable to stop.

The urge for the object of love at first sight, the burning hunger in the depths of her chest drove Freya into action.

She wanted to see the child's expression when he was knocked down, wanted to see his scared face, and most wanted to see his "strength".

When Freya lovingly stroked the silverback's cheek, she suddenly remembered something.

Put the monster outside, if something goes wrong and the kid dies.

This was a possibility that had never been thought of until now, but Freya quickly smiled.

If it is dead, it will chase after the soul that left the lower world and ascended to the heavenly world.

"Then take him for yourself."

Then lure the captured soul into the breast of my goddess of love.

In the depths of the silver pupils full of kindness and gentleness, there was a definite cruelty hidden, Freya narrowed her eyes and revealed a pleasant smile.

In the end, she kept smiling, and moved her face closer to the silverback ape with her hands wrapped around her cheeks.

The monster's body trembled pitifully.


The next moment, under Freya's control, the monster's roar resounded loudly.

"You have to wait for me~"


"Strange, why haven't Freya and the others come here yet?"

Xia Qing leaned against the wall next to the entrance of the Monster Festival, looked at the crowd passing by, and murmured to himself in doubt.

"Maybe he's still shopping."

Ciel who leaned against the wall in the same posture beside him said.

Starting with the performance of the festival, people seem to have already started to enter the arena. The figures on the avenue are completely different from when they came here. Except for the street vendors, no other pedestrians can be seen at all.

"Why don't you go in first, Hill?"

Xia Qing asked.


Hill suddenly lowered his head a little at a loss.

"Wouldn't it be boring to stay here alone? I'll wait here with you."

"You don't watch the monster festival anymore?"

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