While Tiona was wielding the big double blades, Ais was also wielding the rapier beside her to fight off the monsters.

Compared with the large weapon that Diona used that was much taller than herself, the silver rapier in Aisi's hand looked much inferior.

But in fact, the sword technique used by Aisi and the biggest advantage is the speed that is as fast as the limit, making the enemy unable to resist the speed.

Relying on an aura comparable to Tiona's, she continued to slaughter the group of "Black Rhinoceros" monsters.

"I don't know which one is faster compared to Thunder's Breath..."

"Huh? Xia Qing, what did you just say?"

Refia couldn't help but ask aloud when she heard the faint murmur.

"Ah, nothing."

Chapter 8 The magic read in this world is too long (1/4)

In the fierce battle, although the silver rapier in Ai Si's hand was slashing and slashing continuously, it was stained with bright red blood, but the blade was not dull at all.

"Miss Ace's [Sword of Despair] has the "Indestructible attribute (Durandal)", and the cost is very expensive!"

Seeing Ai Si's heroic posture in the battle ahead, the girl walking beside Xia Qing suddenly looked excited and her eyes were full of longing.


Xia Qing murmured, and then said as if suddenly enlightened.

"Ah, that's right! If you don't earn some "magic stones" now, you won't even be able to build equipment when you get back to the ground!"

After hearing these words, Refiya turned her head and looked at Xia Qing.

"If you join a large-scale [familia], the most basic equipment will be provided by the family, but it's not as good as our current first-class special equipment."

"Basic equipment..."

The corner of Xia Qing's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"just forget it."

"Then Xia Qing, what are you going to do?"

Refia asked with some doubts.

"Heh... let's do it!"

While speaking, a blue streamer suddenly appeared in his hand, and violent thunder and lightning gathered in his palm.


Refiya was startled, and hastily stepped back several steps.

At the same time, Fenn and the others in the second group couldn't help being a little surprised after seeing the magic that Xia Qing cast without even needing to chant a spell.

Riveria spoke in a flat tone.

"If it's low-level magic, it can be cast without chanting spells, and some high-level magic can also be used after one's own level is higher—"

Suddenly, the flickering light in the cave ahead made the elf woman unable to speak.

Because the thunder light emitted from the palm has burst out!

The blue electric current of the light attribute erodes the huge bodies of the monsters, causing them to howl incessantly!

After hitting one of the black rhinos, the current not only eroded the monster's body, but also spread to the surrounding monsters at an extremely fast speed.

Those deformed spiders and black rhinoceros that were approaching were eroded by the current, and they screamed shrilly. Four consecutive current conductions made their bodies turn into charcoal, and finally fell to the ground gradually.

The "magic stone" in the monster's body has not been damaged or taken away, and the body will not disappear.

"Wow! Not bad!"

Tiona patted Xia Qing on the shoulder with an approving expression.

Xia Qing said modestly.

"It's just low-level magic. After doing this, I feel that the magic power has been reduced a lot."

This is a lie!

The magic that was used just now is actually incomplete, Xia Qing just wanted to create an illusion, before adding [Benefit], it is better to use it with caution.

Families who receive "favor" from the gods will have [sacred characters (hieroglyph)] engraved on their backs—the characters used by the gods, just like inscriptions.

The combination of these words is the "favor" bestowed by the gods to the children.

"God's Grace (Pharna)" - also known as [ability value]

It is a kind of grace, based on the [experience points] that the family has obtained from various facts and phenomena, the gods will enhance their abilities and make them discover new powers.

For people in the lower world, "God's grace" is only a growth accelerator after all.

They must accumulate [experience points] through fighting monsters and so on, so as to change the structure of [ability points] and use their actions to strengthen their own abilities.

In other words, the "favor" bestowed by the gods can be said to be the seed that triggers the potential hidden in the people of the lower world.

"Strength", "Durability", "Skills", "Agility", and "Magic Power", these five basic ability value items are basic abilities, plus "Magic" and "Skills", which are special or inherent Ability, as well as the level of measurement, that is, LV., [Ability Value] is mainly composed of the above elements.

Among them, LV., which is called the "evolution" of body and mind, ascends——[upgrade], which can make the various abilities of the upgraded object obtain a leapfrog growth above the bonus, and take a step closer to the high-level existence of the gods. This should be the most appropriate statement.

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