"The organization that executes the plan seems to be called the "Science Association", Misaka Misaka added.

Ah, should I call myself Misaka No. 20001 at this time?Misaka Misaka tilted her head suspiciously. "

At this moment, Last Work, who was sitting on the bed in Xia Qing's house with his knees in his arms, tilted his head.

"What are you discussing?"

Xia Qing, who was drinking a cup of coffee in his hand, asked.

The last work only replied "Designer of the tree diagram", Xia Qing stopped talking, took a sip of coffee, and then stood up.

"It's time to go out and do some activities."

As soon as he came to the entrance and opened the door, Xia Qing saw a Misaka sister standing at the door, her attire hardly changed from before.

But Xia Qing recognized it at a glance.

He smiled and greeted Misaka sister in front of him.

"Long time no see, sister number 10032."

"You too, long time no see. Misaka said with a blank face."

Sister Misaka's mind flashed through the scenes when she met Xia Qing back then, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.

It was a typical disagreement, Xia Qing didn't bother to care about these details, and chatted with the girl as they walked towards the stairs.

"Strange, why do you say "you"?"

"Because you saved my sisters, you are our savior, and you gave my sisters the belief that they want to live."

Miss Misaka replied with a serious face.

Xia Qing said in a small voice that was not suitable for him.

"It's a little embarrassing to say that I am so noble..."

But he did count as saving the Misaka sisters, although the original motive was not all for saving.

But it's not his style to do this kind of thing completely purely.

If you can kill two birds with one stone, it would be a good thing.

"By the way, how is your recovery from the injury?"

Xia Qing asked.

"Well, although you can't participate in battle yet, you can move around freely. Please don't worry about Misaka."

The girl raised her head, looked into Xia Qing's eyes, and replied.


When Xia Qing followed Misaka sister to the street outside a building, a battle was taking place in the tall building.

"Is this the place you said?"

Xia Qing glanced at Sister Misaka, and saw that the girl was looking at him with eager anticipation.

Countless shards of glass flew and fell among the buildings, and a petite figure was seen among the scattered stones.


Shirai Kuroko, covered in blood, fell to the ground, trying to move his fingers.

The fingers move slightly, but this is already the limit.

I can't move my wrists, my feet, I can't stand up, I can't leave this place with my feet, I can't even crawl.

The mind is hazy, unable to perform spatial movement.

Chapter 150 Rescue (1/4)

Shirai thought to himself, he could only hold back and wait for death.

Junbiao Danxi has left here.

However, she shouldn't have gone too far.

When escaping by moving coordinates, straight-line distance and time are not important.

Because the coordinate movement can ignore the obstacles of the road and the wall, so the focus is on how to hide your whereabouts.

Moreover, Jiebiao has a great fear of moving his body.

In order to reduce the number of moves, she must carefully calculate each move location.Therefore, she must be hiding nearby and thinking hard, trying to plan the safest escape route.

Before leaving, she announced.

She will definitely kill Shirai Kuroko.

She will definitely use her maximum strength to move an object of 520 kilograms and completely crush the dying Shirai to death.

Shirai didn't know when she would strike,

It could be five seconds later, it could be five minutes later.But it's unlikely to be five hours later or five days later.

In short, if he didn't escape quickly, Shirai would definitely die.

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