His baby name was Setanta, and the name Cu Chulainn means "Curan's Bulldog".

The reason is that after Setant accidentally killed the watchdog of the wealthy businessman Kuran when he was young, he swore: "If this dog has offspring, I will be responsible for raising it and turning it into an equally powerful and loyal watchdog. I was the one who protected you before."

In mythology, Cu Chulainn's violent nature and temper became his fatal wound, and after rudely ignoring the courtship of Morrigan, the god of death, the goddess later became his deadliest enemy.

After the end of "The Tale of the Cow", Cu Chulainn, who was attacked by Karadine and others, was helpless. Before he died, he tied himself to a stone pillar. Morrigan was very happy and turned into a crow standing on the ground. on the shoulders of heroes.

In actual Celtic mythology, Cu Chulainn's mother, Deichtire, is said to be the daughter of the druid Cathbad, who is also known as the god of love, Aengus, and the nymph, Caal. (Caer), and Angus is the adoptive father of Diarmuid Ua Duibhne.

Chapter 5 contract

In terms of the time when the legends happened, the era of Ulster warriors such as Cu Chulainn (1st to 2nd centuries AD) was slightly earlier than the era of Fiona heroes such as Finn McCool and Diarmuid (AD 3rd century).

Judging from the description of the legendary story, the mighty warrior Cu Chulainn looked down upon in single-challenge battles, and Diarmuid, who killed nearly [-] warriors in one battle alone, was also quite good in battle.

The knight named Cu Chulainn walked up to Xia Qing, put the two long spears tightly in his hands on the ground, and knelt down directly to Xia Qingqing with a respectful expression on his face.

Looking at the kneeling Cu Chulainn, Xia Qing nodded in satisfaction.

[The "Spirit Call" achievement has been achieved! ——Reward 2000 points! ]

'Achievement……?What is this... new feature? '

Although I don't know, at least having points is a good thing.

Doubt flashed in his heart, Xia Qing raised his right hand slightly.

"Get up, Lancer."

"Yes, Master."

Hearing Xia Qing's words, Cu Chulin stood up.

"Phew, the summoning is finally over. I didn't expect the cycle of magic power to be such a pain."

Xia Qing walked in the direction of the sofa with some headaches.

Cu Chulainn hurriedly followed behind Xia Qing.

In response to this, Xia Qing, who was already sitting on the sofa on the other side, picked up the cup on the coffee table and made himself a cup of coffee.

Then, the scarlet spear in his hand knocked on the ground at the next moment, making a clanging sound, swearing in a firm and forceful voice.

"My Master, in order to answer your call, I, Cu Chulainn, will definitely win the Holy Grail for you."

At this, Xia Qing shook his head.

"No, Lancer, my goal is not the Holy Grail, I just need to be the last victor."

For Xia Qing who knows what the Holy Grail is, it may be a little difficult for the heroic spirits to understand.

Xia Qing continued.

Even though he was somewhat puzzled by Xia Qing's thoughts, Cu Chulainn, who was a knight, still just smiled and bowed to Xia Qing.

"I, Cu Chulainn, will definitely bring you the ultimate victory."

Xia Qing smiled and nodded.

"Very well, Lancer, get up, don't be so reserved, if you don't mind, how about a cup of coffee."

Taking back the treasure, Cu Chulin sat on the sofa opposite, then sat down carelessly, and picked up the coffee cup that Xia Qing handed in front of him.

Xia Qing inspected Cu Chulainn's attributes.

Cu Chulainn

Muscle strength: B

Durability: A

Agility: A

Magic: C

lucky: E

Noble Phantasm: B

Finally frowned.

Even with a different master. (referring to five wars)

Fortunately, it is still E...

Xia Qing helplessly covered his forehead, looking like he had a headache. Could this be a curse?

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Xia Qing's sudden movement, Cu Chulainn asked,

After all, Xia Qing is his monarch now, and the safety of the monarch naturally comes first.

"Ah no, I'm fine, I'm just looking forward to the battle with other masters."

If you think about it carefully, the servants define the values ​​​​based on the magic power of the master, but the values ​​​​such as luck are still the same no matter how strong the magic power is.

"Well, I'm also looking forward to the battle with them. I don't know what kind of characters will appear in this Holy Grail War."

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