When the nun and the little girl saw Xia Qing sitting in the corner, expressions of joy appeared on their faces.

"Ah, Xia Qing! It seems that this is indeed your school!"

"Hmph~ I won't make a mistake, Misaka Misaka said proudly."

The pretty-looking nun waved to Xia Qing, looking very happy.

At this moment, the rest of the students all turned their gazes to Xia Qing, their surprised or jealous eyes shot straight at Xia Qing.

But at this moment, Teacher Xiaomeng also noticed something was wrong, and quickly pushed Index out of the door.

"Ahhh... where did the two of you sneak in? You're not the transfer student, get out, get out—!"

"Ah, but I'm looking for Xia Qing, I want lunch..."

Index seemed to want to say something more, but Teacher Xiaomeng took out a [-]-yen bill and blocked her mouth.


"Rich woman!!!"

After Teacher Xiaomeng pulled Index and The Last Work out of the classroom, a girl with long black hair walked in instead.

"The real transfer student is me, Hime Kami Akisa."

Seeing this familiar face, Xia Qing smiled lightly as expected.

Then, after Teacher Xiaomeng returned to the classroom, the atmosphere began to return to its original state.

"Then Jishen, please take the empty seat behind Xia Qing, there is no one there."


After the dark, straight, deserted and beautiful girl passed by Xia Qing and waved her hand quietly, Xia Qing seemed to be able to feel that the eyes around her became hostile.

Obviously he didn't do anything.

"Okay, let's start class now!"

Afterwards, normal classes began.

There were seven students who secretly played games during class, among them, four were playing Monster Hunter, two were Swordsman, one was Shield Axe, and one was bastard.

The remaining three were playing a boring krypton gold card game.

Whenever a beautiful girl is drawn, these people always make strange laughter.


Index, who was kicked out of the classroom, walked in the corridor with her mouth pouted.

She held two thousand yen in her hand, and it was Teacher Xiaomeng who was saying, "Why did you come here? Go back quickly! Don't go with strangers! Come on, use the money to take a taxi back home." Go!" stuffed into Index's hand.


Index felt depressed and walked towards the cafeteria.

The sound of cooking and the smell of cooking wafted from the cafeteria, causing the three-color cat in Index's arms to start meowing.

Index stopped and walked into the empty cafeteria.

Author's message:


ps: Thank you for the monthly ticket*1 for the stranger, and the monthly ticket*2 for Qi Yue!

Chapter 2 Wind Slashing Binghua (4/[-])

The cafeteria is large, but the decoration is very simple, a round table with four iron chairs, there are about a hundred sets of such tables and chairs.

There was a dining counter in one corner of the wall, and what seemed to be the kitchen behind it.

The sound of cooking comes from the kitchen, and there are three meal ticket vending machines in the corner on the other side.

"I remember just putting money in there and it would come out with vouchers for food."

Index compared what was going on in front of her eyes with what was biased in her mind, and came to this conclusion.

On the bookshelf in Index's head, apart from famous magic books such as "Book of Creation" and "Book of Laws", there are now some juvenile manga.

If Stiyl and the others knew about this, they would probably pass out.

But for Index, who can properly store her memories, this doesn't seem to be a big problem.

Index stood in front of the meal ticket vending machine.

Flatten the crumpled two-dollar bill in his hand and put it into the vending machine.

"Hmph, I can do it too. Xia Qing said that I'm an electrical idiot, no matter how I think about it, it's impossible! I'm so smart, how can I be stumped by this kind of thing, and then just press the button!"

Index felt a little proud, and when she stretched out her finger to press the button on the machine, her movement suddenly stopped.

Because there is no button on the meal ticket vending machine.

"Huh? Huh? This is... what's going on? Where should I press?"

There is something like a joystick on the vending machine, the front end is connected to two LCD screens, and the price of the product is marked on the screen.

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