Yue Yong Xiaomeng put her hands on her hips, raised her head and asked Xia Qing.


Xia Qing turned his gaze to Index who was following behind him.

After feeling Xia Qing's gaze, the girl seemed to think of something strange, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

"No, no, we just met, no matter how hungry I am, I won't make such a deal of selling my body!"

"Hey, how did you get to this point..."

Xia Qing patted her hat, and made a little gesture of height. The girl who was only 140 centimeters was less than Xia Qing's shoulders, but because she was wearing a hat on her head, she was a centimeter or two taller.

Her height can also be compared with Yueyong Xiaomeng, one is 130 cm but is already three years old, and the other is 140 cm but is only fourteen or five years old, no matter how you look at it, Index has the advantage.

But Teacher Xiaomeng, who has gone through vicissitudes but still maintains the form of a young girl, is more eye-catching.

The body is small and light, and it is easy to hold, because it is an adult, and there is no need to worry about running around.

"Don't touch my hat!"

The girl's open mouth showed canine teeth, which glistened under the orange light in the room.

"I should be able to find an apartment to rent while I have time. Come, Index, let's go."

Xia Qing took out a baguette from behind and waved it in front of the girl.

"Wow! I want to eat!"

A pair of green pupils were shining at this moment, and he opened his mouth and bit towards the bread.



The speechless Yueyong Xiaomeng just watched the silver-haired girl being taken away by Xia Qing with a baguette.

"Is it abduction? It's simply abduction."

All in all, after Xia Qing spent all the remaining money, he finally rented a room in an old apartment not far away.

"Speaking of which, it's better to live at Teacher Xiaomeng's house..."

Insert the key into the keyhole, and then open the door, Xia Qing muttered as he walked in.

The silver-haired girl who was biting and tearing the bread behind her was also about to come in, but Xia Qing blocked the door.

"Wait a minute, the room is full of dust, I'll clean it up."

"Then I'll help you too...?"

The girl suggested with a smile.

It would be nice to be able to sleep in the open without food, and it seemed that this person didn't have any dirty thoughts about her. If he did, there was no need to go through so much trouble.

In the past, there were also some unscrupulous boys who wanted to have bad thoughts on girls, but before they had time to do it, they disappeared inexplicably from the world.

The girl naturally didn't know that someone was following and protecting her, and she still thought it was the one hundred and thirty thousand magic books coveting her memory and came to hunt her down.

"No, you wait outside for a while."

After closing the door, Xia Qing used wind magic to roll all the dust and cobwebs in the small room into the trash can, and then used the water element to clean the ground.

"Okay, come in."

After the girl entered the room, she immediately felt her eyes light up, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's so clean..."

It took less than a minute to clean the room spotlessly, it was like using magic.

However, when the girl was so skeptical, the next moment Xia Qing took out a tablecloth and made all kinds of steaming food out of thin air, she was [-]% sure.

"This... what kind of magic is this? I've never seen it before! It's amazing!"

"This is technology, not magic. If I really want to say it, I don't know if it's science."

After all, this is a product of the 22nd century in another world.

If Xia Qing knew how these things were made, then he wouldn't be limited to eating here.

What appeared in front of Xia Qing was a high-protein, medium-rare steak, together with a knife and fork. What the girl ate seemed to be a special food in the country she lived in before, in short, sweets.


The dinner ended not long after, and the girl's belly was swollen like a pregnant woman who was pregnant with a child. Her cheeks were slightly red, and she stroked her belly with happiness, saying.

"Ah~ it's full, I can't eat anymore."

Afterwards, the girl who remembered something immediately sat up and said to Xia Qing.

"First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Index."

"Well, my name is Xia Qing."

Standing up, the girl patted her flat chest towards Xia Qing who was sitting by the bed, and continued.

"As you can see, I'm a priest. Ah, here's the point~ It's not the Vatican system, but the Puritan system."

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