"Well, it's been two months, and there's still no knife delivered..."

Nakahara Cheng said.

"Ahhh, I broke the knife this time... It's over, it's over, it's over..."

Tanjiro covered his head in concern.

Kiyoshi Terauchi tilted his head at this time and said.

"It's common for swords to break paths... But, Mr. Steelzuka is a weird person..."

"Would you like to go to the village? Would it be better if we meet and talk directly..."

Tanjiro was taken aback.

"The village?"

"Yes, the village of the swordsmiths!"

Hearing Nakahara Cheng's answer, Tanjiro said in surprise.

"Hey! Can I go?"


Tanjiro had just asked the question when he heard the sound of the door leading to the corridor being opened.

"Yo! Hachiro Gon!"

"Ahh, Tanjirou, it's great that you're still alive, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Inosuke, who was shirtless and wearing a wild boar cover, and Zenitsu, who had short blond hair and a yellow triangular haori on his back, both came into the room at this moment.

"Zenyi, Inosuke!"

During the week when Tanjiro recovered from his injuries, Zenitsu, who was barely injured, went out to perform several missions helplessly because of the sparrow's notice.

Because when he saw his partner, Tanjiro injured, but he knew it from beginning to end, Zenitsu felt the powerless discomfort, and finally gritted his teeth and endured the fear to perform three ghost-killing missions.

For the first time, I was a little scared, a little nervous, and finally fainted from fright.

The second time, although he still couldn't restrain his fear, he was no longer so nervous that he fainted. In the end, he was slightly injured, but he managed to kill the ghost.

The third time, Shan Yi saw the ogre who was about to eat people, broke through himself at the critical moment, successfully saved the villagers who were almost eaten, and even received warm hospitality.

"As the senior brother said, it is not acceptable to remain stagnant."

Shan Yi said with a smile.

"We should not be afraid of danger, but face it bravely!"

"...I never said that."

Xia Qing, who was the last to enter the room, waved his hand, interrupting Shanyi's nonsense, and then said to Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Let's go, I just want to go to the village of the knife forger, and there is news of a ghost appearing there."

According to common sense, it is impossible for such rumors to appear in the important place "The Village of Swordsmiths", which is guarded by many swordsmen of the Demon Slayer Squad.

But just a few days ago, the crow that flew over from the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad sent such a message.

A swordsman from the Ghost Killing Team was eaten by "ghosts".

Naturally, it won't work if this continues, and the other [Pillar Level] just happened to go to other areas to perform tasks, so Xia Qing is free now.

"Actually, some measures were required to go to the village of the knife forger. After all, it is the lifeblood of the ghost killing team, but if I take you there, there is no need."

Chapter 110 A Piece Of Whiteness (3/4)

"Oh, oh, what an amazing look!"

Inosuke shouted.

"Are you the king of the mountain there?!"

"Definitely not! You stupid pig! Brother, he is Lei Zhu!"

Zenitsu immediately turned his head and said to Inosuke.

"What? What did you call me?!"


From the nose of the boar hood came a cloud of mist, the breath of the beast.




It didn't take many days to come to the village of the knife forger, and I stopped and stopped along the way, and met some [hidden] logistics members during the period.

Some people sleep in the woods. There are not many people in each team, but at least one swordsman from the Ghost Killing Team is protecting them.

It can be said that the closer you are to the swordsmith's village, the more swordsmen there will be during the period.

What's more, many swordsmen need to go to the village to replenish supplies, and it is impossible to stay in the forest all year round to guard against foreign ogres.

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