The bullet with ripples passed through Nightmare's head, making it close its mouth.

However, Nightmare, who had already "fused" with this train, naturally couldn't just die like this.

"I got a pistol from the guard in advance, but the style is very old."

Xia Qing skillfully reloaded the pistol gun.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hey, wake up!"

Tanjiro woke up under the urging of Nezuko, after discovering that the compartment began to pour in, trying to devour the passengers' meat, he did not hesitate to try to wake up the sleeping Purgatory Kyojuro, Zenitsu and others.

"Mr. Purgatory! Wake up, a ghost has appeared!!"


Purgatory Kyojuro who opened his eyes immediately stood up as soon as he regained consciousness, and pulled out the [Nichirin Saber] from his waist.

The sun wheel knife has a red body with flame blade patterns on it.The scabbard and hilt are white, and the collar is flame-shaped.

"It turned out to be such a situation while dozing off!! Unexpected...unexpected, I am ashamed of the name of Zhu!! I really want to find a crack in the ground and sneak in!!"

Zenitsu was not woken up, and when Tanjiro was about to wake him up, Zenitsu had already drawn his sword and started fighting automatically.


Although he couldn't understand Zenitsu's actions, Tanjiro didn't chase after him when he saw him running to the next carriage, but went to wake up Inosuke instead.

"Inosuke! Wake up quickly! Don't sleep anymore!"

Inosuke, who was awakened, shook his head in a daze.

"Who am I...where am I..."

At this moment, there was a violent noise in the carriage where Tanjirou was.

"Wh-what's going on! An attack from a demon!?"


From the charge in the back section, a figure dressed in black and red feathers rushed out.

"Ah, Mr. Xia Qing!"

Xia Qing didn't talk nonsense, and directly informed them of the current situation.

"There is no safe place for this train. We must protect the sleeping passengers. The ghost has "fused" with this train. The whole train is now a ghost."

"So that's why there are so many pieces of meat!"

Purgatory Xingshourou nodded.

"This train has eight carriages, so now I will guard the five carriages at the back!!"

"give it to you."

Xia Qing nodded, and gave a high-five to Purgatory Xingshoulang.

Afterwards, Xia Qing turned his attention to Tanjiro and Inosuke.

"Listen to me, Tanjiro, the three carriages in front of this are temporarily handed over to you. I'm going to cut off Nightmare's head now."

Hearing this, Tanjiro asked with some concern.

"Leader!? But now this ghost..."

"No matter what kind of ghost it turns into, it will have weaknesses. It's enough for each of you to protect a car. I will get it done as soon as possible."

Hearing Xia Qing's answer, Tanjiro nodded heavily.

"I understand!"

After Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Sleeping Zenitsu rushed into the carriage respectively, Xia Qing also used the "observation" ability of Sharingan to look at the bottom of the carriage under his feet.

Below it is not the original equipment of the train, but the bone marrow and spine, extending all the way to the front of the train.

"Is there..."

Xia Qing exploded with full speed, and traveled the distance of three carriages in an instant like a golden lightning bolt, and arrived at the cab.

The train uses coal to heat water, turning the water into steam, which pushes the pistons and makes the train run.

When Xia Qing came to the cab, the flight attendant's face suddenly turned pale, and he had already been manipulated consciously.

"Who are you!! Get out, get out!!"

At the same time, fat arms began to pour out from the ground, swarming towards Xia Qing.

"Thunder's Breath II Type Rice Soul!!"

The dense slashing strikes like rice grains cut off all the swarming arms, and the sun wheel knife with ripple power made those arms start to dissipate just by touching them.

Then, Xia Qing's gaze turned to his feet.

"Directly below!"

Just when Xia Qing asked [Platinum Star] to blast away the iron plate, and was about to cut off Nightmare's cervical vertebrae, pieces of meat began to pour out from all directions, and those pieces of meat with bursting veins gave birth to countless The eyes completely enveloped Xia Qing's figure.

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