The ripples with the effect of sunlight, and the poison of vine flowers that are fatal to ghosts are frantically destroying the ghost's body.

The face seemed to have turned into dry and cracked soil, with irregular cracks appearing.

"Don't take it lightly just because I can't cut off your head~ because there are swordsmen like me who use ripples and poison~"

Butterfly Ninja slowly put the Sun Wheel Knife in its sheath.

"Although I'm the only swordsman who can't cut off the head of a ghost, I'm also a person who makes poison to kill ghosts, ah, sorry, I'm so rude, you're dead, long ago Can't hear me anymore."

After scratching her hair for a while, the girl returned to her usual serious expression.

"Sister, hasn't she done it yet..."

I have solved everything on my own side, while my sister is facing the [Five of the Last String] in the middle of the twelve ghosts. They recognized each other's eyes at first.

My sister is dealing with Xiaxian, while I am dealing with Xiaxian's "family", but this family seems to have no affection, and they don't know that they have been abandoned until they die.

Die Die reluctantly looked in the direction her sister was going, and then followed her all the way.

Suddenly, she saw three figures who suddenly came to the mountain, a boy with short blond hair and wearing a yellow triangular haori, and another strong figure with a pig's head on his head.

And behind them was a boy wearing a haori pattern of Ichimatsu, who was talking to them like an old lady and trying to pull them back down the mountain, and was also carrying a box that contained something.

"That is……!"

Butterfly Ninja suddenly noticed something, narrowed his eyes slightly, and rushed towards them.


The destination is not far from here. With the speed of [Thunder Breath], Xia Qing can go to [Asakusa] at the fastest speed even with a ghost on his shoulders, which is the city where Zhu Shi is located.

After handing over his entrustment to her, Xia Qing had already run towards [Nada Spider Mountain].

The night had not yet begun to change. Although the moon had already reached the horizon, when Xia Qing came to the forest, it was still as quiet as when he came here before.

"I don't know if those ghosts have escaped..."

Xia Qing murmured, pressing his chin.

I was a little rushed because two things overlapped before.

At this moment, the pigeon that had been following Xia Qing in the sky finally flew onto his shoulder. Just now, because Xia Qing's speed was so fast, the pigeon couldn't keep up even if it flapped its wings desperately.

At first, he thought he had lost his master, but now Xia Qing came back, so he flapped his wings halfway and flew back exhaustedly.

"Goo...coo...cocoo! Because I am worried that there will be twelve ghost months, the master has sent [Flower Column] to come to support!"

Xia Qing was taken aback when he heard this.

"No way... I can't even drink the soup if they come here..."

In the short time they have been together, the two of them probably have already solved all the ghosts in the mountains.

Xia Qing thought helplessly.

Then, he walked towards the mountain.

Jump over rushing rivers and move up hills along sloping roads.

At this moment, he heard a sound from the dense forest in front of him. It was the rustling of leaves. He didn't know if it was blown by the night wind or something else.

The direction is...

"The homes of these ghosts..."

Xia Qing lowered his body a little, then jumped up, crossing a height of tens of meters in an instant, and came to the end of the tree trunk.

After reaching the top, Xia Qing could clearly see the surrounding scene, and when his body fell, he could also feel the silk thread spread in the woods.

Since those silk threads exist, there is no doubt that, as the source of the ghosts in this mountain, the tiredness of [Under Strings] should not have died yet.

"It seems there is still a chance."

The corners of Xia Qing's mouth turned upward, and he took a deep breath. His figure disappeared into the air in an instant, sprinting through the forest like a thunderbolt.

Wrapping around his body was the golden electric current that appeared due to the characteristics of [Thunder Breath]. When Xia Qing was running fast, those lightning bolts left a shadow on his figure.

From the sky above, one could see that Xia Qing's figure was walking forward in the forest like a golden thread.

After a short while, they came to the open space in front of the house.

When Xia Qing came here, there were already two figures confronting each other in the open space.

One is Li, who is short in stature, and the other is Butterfly Kanae, who seems to have a better figure than before.

"Ah! Xia Qing! You are here too~"

Wearing a butterfly haori, Kanae, who was only two years older than Butterfly Ninja, said in surprise after seeing Xia Qing's arrival.

As for the confrontation, when he saw Butterfly Chana Hui suddenly turn away his face, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

The opportunity is coming!

He activated the vampire technique almost without hesitation.

"Blood Ghost Art Reticle Rotation!!"

It is a move that uses the highest hardness silk thread to attack the enemy while weaving a swirling cocoon around itself.

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